Why do pickled and canned cucumbers in banks droop and explode: what to do, how to fix it? Is it possible to eat pickled cucumbers in a closed brine?

Why do pickled and canned cucumbers in banks droop and explode: what to do, how to fix it? Is it possible to eat pickled cucumbers in a closed brine?

The main reasons for a clouded brine in cucumbers. Possible ways to prevent and eliminate this problem.

Cucumbers are a very common and favorite winter workpiece.
Pickled and salty, assorted and flooded with various original brine - what kind of housewives will not come up with recipes to diversify their table and enjoy crispy cucumbers all year round.

But unfortunately, sometimes the blanks lose their appearance: the brine is clutching, the lids swell, the cucumbers become flabby. And having opened jars, the hostess suddenly discovers instead of crispy and tasty, soft and sour vegetables.
What is the reason? How to avoid such a situation? Can I eat such a product for food?
In this article I would like to answer all the above questions.

Why are pickled and canned cucumbers muttered in banks and explode: reasons

For some reason, cucumbers clouded?

One of the main reasons for obtaining non -quality product is not compliance with the rules of salting technology:

  1. First of all, this is cleanliness. Careful humid processing should not only be subjected to cucumbers themselves, but all components included in the recipe.
    Banks and lids must be washed with baking soda, followed by sterilization. All kitchen utensils participating in the process of salting should also be washed well. Poorly treated dishes and products can provoke the fermentation process.
  2. The second important reason is replacing products indicated in the recipe with other non -suitable ingredients.
    For example, replacing large grinding salts, with iodized salt, often serves as the cause of the clouding of the marinade.
    The use of salad or dessert, instead of pickling varieties of cucumbers, leads to a poor quality of the final marining result.
  3. Absence or lack of acetic acid serves the third In popularity, the cause of bombing cans with pickled cucumbers. The formed lactic acid provokes, in this way, the process of fermentation.

In addition, there are several more important factors affecting the cliff in banks:

  • Too much high storage temperature ready marinades. Ideally, they need to be stored in the refrigerator or cold room, at a temperature of not higher than 5-7 C.
  • Poor rolling density, leads to air and bacteria in the jar. The quality of the covers and sealing rubber bands should be monitored.
  • Ignoring the soaking process In front of the salting. Water replaces the air that can be in cucumbers. This practically reduces to zero the possibility of further clouding and swelling of the cans.
  • Insufficiently sterilized banks All attached efforts are nullified. Banks not only rinse well, but warm in an oven at least 20 minutes at 100 degrees. This also applies to the covers. Their heat treatment is also required.

The pickled cucumbers boiled, clouded, the lid swollen: what to do, how to save, how to redo it?

We save the marinades

Not everyone, even the most avid lover of salty cucumbers, will decide to try vegetables that have been in a clouded solution for a long time. Since the muddy marinade indicates an inappropriate preparation of a product, which in the best version will lead to a change in the taste of the product: cucumbers will become soft and acidic, in the worst - soon the lid will swell or completely tear it off, and cucumbers will become not suitable for consumption.

Therefore, in order not to regret the time spent on the preparation of the appetizer, when the above signs appear, we take urgent measures:

  • We open a bank with cucumbers
  • Pour the brine
  • Rinse the cucumbers with warm boiled water, without removing from the container
  • Pour the vegetables with boiling water
  • We hold for 5 minutes, covering the lid
  • Then we drain the water into the pan, bring to a boil
  • We fall asleep into the jar and spices, according to the selected recipe
  • We roll cucumbers
  • If desired, salt can be poured not in the container, but boil with water

Not everyone likes, such a common method, many craftsmen got used to using their, proven ways:

  1. Do not open a jar with a swollen lid, just pour a large handful of salt on it. After a while, the lid will drop, and the brine will become transparent. Cucumbers will purchase a small sourness, but you do not have to open the bank and transplant vegetables.
  2. Does not change the taste of cucumbers marinade prepared with the addition of 3 tbsp. vodka. But for this, you will have to do the above manipulations with the opening of the bank and the perecol of cucumbers.
  3. Often banks begin to "play", and the lids swell. To calm them down, while maintaining all the taste of the cucumbers, release the air a little with a tin knife. But it is very careful that the covers and sealing gum remain intact. The fermentation is over, the lid will fall into place.
  4. A very simple way, from our grandmothers: pour the fully exploded cucumbers with tomato juice. This method makes vegetables very crispy and tasty. It helps even in the most hopeless options.

Is it possible to eat pickled cucumbers in a closed brine?

Is it worth it to waste time on the overlapping of the exploding marinades?

As for the use of such foods, there are a lot of radically opposite opinions: from various recipes, and ending - throw it away without hesitation.

And yet, most of the hostesses are inclined to this conclusion:

  1. You can not restore cucumbers, whose brine cloudy, with a tight clogging with a lid.
  2. After a bombing - it is strictly forbidden to use a damaged product in food. This can lead to severe poisoning. In this case, you should not even reason why the cucumbers clouded. Just throw them away.
  3. But vegetables cooked in salty, that is, closed nylon lids, can be restored by the above methods.

Tips for the proper preservation of cucumbers

Salt the cucumbers correctly

With general observance of the technological process of the preparation of marinads, cucums with cucumbers do not clutch and do not explode.

Several additional tips will help the housewives protect their blanks from loss of quality and beautiful appearance:

  1. The main enemy of preservatives is dirt. Wash the dishes, vegetables, greens thoroughly. Rinse the banks with soda to "creaking". Pay special attention to the neck. Check for integrity, scald with boiling water. Strail the container for at least 15-20 minutes.
  2. Use white tin lids covered with varnish or stainless steel. They protect the blanks from fermentation.
  3. Soak the cucumbers for 6-12 hours in front of the salting, and the greens are 1.5-2 hours.
  4. Avoiding fermentation will help: citric acid, aspirin or vodka.
  5. Choose small and vigorous fruits for conservation, without yellow plaque.
  6. Refuse crooked and short vegetables. They quickly spoil.
  7. Do not preserve ripe fruits. Their inner emptiness can cause air accumulation, which leads to fermentation.
  8. Add several tomatoes to the jar, they prevent clouding.
  9. Proteinated against damage: acute pepper, horseradish roots.
  10. For pickling, use 70% essence, not table vinegar.

Inattention and frivolous attitude to the little things in the preparation of canned cucumbers can lead all your efforts to a deplorable result.
Follow the basic rules of the workpiece, and then in the cold season the crispy, tasty, healthy and vigorous vegetables will decorate your table.

Video: Why is a brine in salty cucumbers clutching?

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