The first day of the newborn house: what to do? The life of a newborn child at home after discharge from the hospital: feeding, bathing, care

The first day of the newborn house: what to do? The life of a newborn child at home after discharge from the hospital: feeding, bathing, care

The article will help young parents competently organize child care in the first days after discharge from the hospital.

The birth of the baby is the most striking event of each parent. However, with the advent of a new man, new chores arise. Young parents can be confused among new duties, so it is necessary to prepare for the appearance of the baby in advance.

What do you need at home after discharge from the hospital?

The main requirement for home is, of course, cleanliness. But this does not mean that the expectant mother should run with a rag a few days before giving birth and wash every corner. On the contrary, it is strictly forbidden to do this. In such a case, it is necessary to ask her husband, and best of all from the future grandmother or even two. The order must be put when the woman in labor will be in the hospital, a couple of days before discharge. The second necessary action is the preparation of a children's room or, if there is no such possibility, a special place in the room. The room should be bright, spacious, ventilated well. In addition, it is still necessary:

  • Buy a nightlight in advance, because At night, you have to get up more than once to feed the child.
  • Children's clothing should be separate from adult, so the chest of drawers for children's things will have to be very helpful.
  • Get a crib. The choice of cribs is very large: a variety of design, colors and shapes are simply amazing. Which bed is better for your child - you decide. The main thing is that the crib is a convenient place for sleeping and pasting the child. Together with the bed, you need to choose a mattress. It is not worth saving on the purchase of a mattress, since the health of your little one will depend on the quality of the mattress.

If the house has dry air (due to the heating season or for other reasons), it is best to purchase a special air humidifier. Dry air negatively affects the baby, he begins to dry out the mucous membrane of the nose and a runny nose begins, which can easily develop into chronic. Therefore, you cannot forget to follow the humidity in the room. You can, of course, try to do without a special air humidifier. This is necessary:

  • wet cleaning every day
  • improve the room more often
  • you can put a large container with water near the battery or hang wet things in the room and on the battery

However, as practice shows, such methods are ineffective and short -term.

What does the newborn need after discharge from the hospital?

The list of necessary things for newborns can be very large and endless, but you can do with a very modest list, which will only include the most necessary things.
One way or another, the baby cannot do without the following things:

  • A first -aid kit, which must include green, hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate, sterile cotton wool, a remedy for colic (for example, Espumisan, Bobotik, Plantex, etc.). The first -aid kit can also be supplemented with a children's thermometer, an antipyretic for newborns, a pipette.
  • Kid skin care products. The modern industry offers a large selection of various creams, shampoos, adds, etc. The choice of funds depends on the preference of parents, as well as the skin of the baby. Be sure to get cream or adding under the diaper and a bathing tool. However, it must be remembered that using a bathing tool is necessary no more than 2 times a week. The rest of the time you need to bathe the baby in simple water, in which the infusion of chamomile or calendula is added.
  • Cotton wheels, cotton sticks, wet wipes.
  • Distributes (disposable or reusable, depending on the choice of parents).
  • Diapers. Even if you are not going to swaddle the baby, the diapers will always come in handy. There must be either warm diapers and ordinary diapers. Always relevant the question of the number of diapers. The minimum set is 4 warm and 5-7 ordinary. You just need to remember one rule: the smaller the diapers, the more often you need to wash them
  • The blanket in the crib and one more in the stroller.
  • At least 2 sets of children's bedding. Now you can also buy sides in a crib and a canopy. However, in the first month of life, the side of the side of the side in the crib is not particularly needed, on the contrary, they can only interfere, closing the baby from the mother.
  • Badakhin is also a controversial object, he plays a more decorative role, while collecting dust on himself. Therefore, if the child suffers from allergies, it is better to refuse a canopy.
  • Bath for bathing. Recently, you can find the opinion that you can bathe in an ordinary bathroom, but in the first months there will be a more comfortable and safer for the child a special bath.
  • A towel, manicure scissors for the baby.
  • Stroller, children's car seat.
  • If the child is on artificial feeding, you still need to purchase 2 bottles for feeding.
  • Clothing for the baby. It is best to buy clothes that are unfastened. Such clothing allows you to change the child most comfortably.

These are the main things that will be needed in the early days of the baby's life. Of course, the list can be expanded. It all depends on the desire and wallet of the parents.

A rocking-rocking, a nipple, a special slide for bathing, a thermometer for water, etc. will be very useful. About about a month, you can already buy bright toys and rattles.
The main thing is not to panic and do not sweep away from the shelves of children's stores all the necessary and unnecessary. If something has not been bought, this can always be done in the process.

What to do with the child after the hospital?

Immediately after the maternity hospital, the child needs to be fed and allowed to rest. On the first day, you do not need to immediately bathe and walk the baby, it is enough to fulfill the rules of elementary hygiene of newborns. The main thing is to provide him with a cozy and comfortable atmosphere. The number of visitors must also be limited, especially in the first days after discharge. Relatives and friends will still have time to get acquainted with the new man.

When can you walk after the hospital?

Walking is a necessary element of child care.

You can go out for a walk the day after discharge.

You need to start from 10-15 minutes, adding for 5-10 minutes every day.

In summer, walks can last up to three hours, you can walk several times a day.

In winter and in the cold season, the duration of the walk will depend on the air temperature.

It is recommended to walk up to minus 15 degrees.

It is important for mom to dress the baby correctly, in accordance with the weather.

Inexperienced parents, trying to protect their child from colds, can be excessively warm to dress him, which will cause overheating of the child. And the state of overheating is even worse than hypothermia. In order to prevent such an error, you need to remember the rule: you need to wear as many layers of clothing as on an adult plus one layer.

The first bathing after the hospital

The first bathing is a very important ritual for parents and the child. Largely on how the first bathing passes depends on how the child will subsequently relate to this procedure. Therefore, you need to try to make the bathing take a calm atmosphere and the child receives positive emotions. For this:

  • anyone can be selected for bathing, but it is necessary that bathing passes at about the same time every day
  • the kid should be in a good mood
  • the water temperature should be approximately 37 degrees
  • you need to add a weak solution of potassium permanganate to the water, but you do not need to add potassium permanganate every day, it dry the baby's skin. But chamomile or calendula needs to be added daily. Contecking need to use until the umbilical wound is healed
  • the first time is better than the baby to bathe in a diaper
  • you need to bathe the baby with one hand by one hand by the back of the head, neck and back, and the second by the legs and buttocks. You can put the head of the child on your forearm, holding a hand in the shoulder joint, insuring a child from slipping and diving under water
  • i need to be immersed in the water of the child carefully, starting with the legs
  • the duration of the first bathing is several minutes, gradually, if your child likes it, you can add time

Video: Bathing of a newborn

The parish of the pediatrician after the hospital

After discharge from the hospital, a patronage sister and pediatrician should come to the house for 3 days. They can ask them any questions regarding child care. It is best to write down your questions so as not to forget anything.

The doctor will check the heartbeat, dimensions of the fontanel and umbilical wound, feels the tummy, examine the oral cavity. The patronage sister will start a medical card for the child and will come to you regularly. During the first month-1-2 times a week, then-about 1 time per month.

Care for newborn houses after the maternity hospital

After the hospital, painstaking everyday life begins. Caring for a child takes a lot of effort and energy, so do not try to do everything yourself. It is best to entrust the dad with certain duties, such as ironing, walking, cooking, etc. Mom should have time to rest. In the first weeks of her life, the baby sleeps almost all the time, so mother can also sleep during the child’s day.

From the first days, it is necessary to set a certain regime for the child. The morning of the newborn will look like this:

  • after sleep, you need to feed the baby.
  • next, arrange morning hygiene procedures: to undress the child, remove the diaper, thereby arranging an air bath for him. Wipe the eyes with a wet cotton pad (wipe it from the outer corner of the eyes to the inner), then wipe all the face. Cathed with cotton sticks to clean the ears and nose. Wipe all the folds on the baby’s body and grease with children's cream.
  • it is necessary to treat the umbilical wound. To do this, you need to treat the navel with hydrogen peroxide and grease with green.
  • it is advisable to do light massage and light exercises.
  • put on the baby and let him relax.

During the day, you must definitely go out with the child for a walk and bathe it.

You can feed the child either strictly according to the schedule (every 3 hours) or at the request of the child.
The second direction is currently considered more competent, but such feeding does not allow you to clearly adhere to the regime of the day. The choice remains with my mother.

Thus, caring for newborn takes a lot of time and effort, but the most important thing for the baby is the love of parents!

Video: Care for newborn


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