Easter table: TOP 15 holiday dishes. Serving Easter table and decoration of Easter dishes

Easter table: TOP 15 holiday dishes. Serving Easter table and decoration of Easter dishes

For many, the Easter table is associated with painted eggs, cakes and cottage cheese Easter. But, why limit yourself only by them. In this article you will find a selection of recipes for dishes of traditional bright holidays for this.

Easter dishes with photo

Each housewife in the bright Christ is trying to decorate her table with a variety of dishes that will look organically on this holiday. Below are Easter dishes with photos that everyone can cook. After all, there is nothing complicated in them.

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Cottage cheese dishes for Easter

According to one version, cottage cheese is a sacred meal. Its consumption was associated with fertility and awakening of nature after winter sleep. That is why there is always a lot of cottage cheese dishes on the Easter table and the most important, of course, is Easter. It is made in the form of a four -sided pyramid symbolizing Calvary. Christians prepare this dessert only once a year.

Also on this holiday you can prepare various casseroles, cheesecakes, cottage cheese muffins and cheesecakes.

Tsarist Easter: Recipe for cottage cheese Easter

CurdTo prepare the basis of this dish, you need to take 1 kg of cottage cheese (fat content 9%-18%) and pass it through a small sieve.

  1. Rinse 200 g of raisins. We take the butter (200 g) from the refrigerator and let it warm to room temperature. Grind it
  2. Cream (250 g) with fat content of at least 33% you need to boil
  3. In a separate pan, you need to place 300 g of sugar, 5 yolks and 1 teaspoon of vanilla sugar. Beat the ingredients until the white mass is obtained
  4. We continue to whip and pour into the mass boiled cream. Then chopped butter
  5. Beat the mass to such an extent until it becomes homogeneous. Add dick cottage cheese and half raisins
  6. The resulting curd mass should be evenly placed in the form for Easter. Let the excess fluid drain
  7. Put in the refrigerator for 7 hours. After Easter is formed, it must be removed from the form and decorated with raisins or other ingredients
  8. The remaining raisins can be poured into a dish around Easter

Easter with fruits and nuts

Such a variety of Easter is prepared in a similar way. The only difference is crushed nuts and fruits that are used instead of raisins. You can use both fresh fruits and centers.

Tasty Easter cake

Tasty cakeIt is impossible to imagine the holiday of the bright resurrection of the Resurrection without such a traditional dish as Easter cake. This is amazing, but the recipe for the “Bread Symbol of Easter” appeared long before this holiday and was used in pagan rites. The modern cake resembles in its form the church and is an unchanged attribute of Easter.

Traditional Easter cake is prepared using wheat flour, raisins and raw yeast. The original coating of the upper cake of the cake of the glaze distinguishes it from the rest of them.

  1. Rinse and sort out raisins, pour it with water and leave it to swell
  2. We make yeast. To do this, pour 50 ml of warm milk into the cup, add 2 tbsp. The tablespoons of sugar are mixed and the yeast is diluted (20 g). Cover the container with a napkin and let it be discarded
  3. We go to flour. Sift 500 - 700 g of flour. To enrich it with oxygen, this process can be repeated again. This will help make the dough air
  4. Pour 200 ml of warm milk into a deep container. Add 3 - 4 eggs and mix. Add 150 g of sugar and salt to the resulting mixture (to taste). Pour the yeast into the container and mix
  5. We melt 150 g of butter and add to the container. Add vanillin (to taste). Mix
  6. Add half of the sifted flour. We begin to knead and gradually fall asleep raisins. In order for it to intervene well into the dough, raisins can be pre -rolling in wheat flour. Kneam the dough and add the rest of the flour. The dough will reach the condition when it does not stick to the hands
  7. We roll the dough in them, sprinkle with flour and cover with a napkin. We place it in a container, wrap it with a towel and leave to reach. This usually takes two hours. During this time, it will be necessary to cross the dough several times.
  8. Lubricate the cake forms with butter and place the dough in them. In the process of baking, the cakes increase in size. Therefore, the level of the test should not exceed 2/3 of the form
  9. Cover the shapes with the dough and leave it for 20 minutes. Then we place them in an oven preheated to 200 degrees. On average, one cake is baked for 30-40 minutes

Glaze for the cake

Recipe for sugar glaze. The upper part of the cake is traditionally decorated with glaze. Although today there are other types of decorations of Easter bread, the icing among them is the most popular. To prepare it, you need to take 200 g of sugar, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of lemon juice and 50 ml of water. All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed and the resulting mass is applied to the cake with the help of silicone brush.

Recipe for protein glaze. In order to prepare protein glaze, you need to take 2 proteins, 250 g of powdered sugar and 2 tbsp. tablespoons of lemon juice. First whipping proteins. Then sugar powder is filled in them and mixed thoroughly. Add lemon juice and beat the glaze again. You can add 2 teaspoons of cognac or rum to the mixture.

From above, the icing can be decorated with confectionery puffing, coconut, centers or drawing with a confectionery syringe.

Italian Easter Panetton Recipe

EasterPanetton, although it is considered Italian Easter, belongs to the Easter cakes. With this baking, the inhabitants of the Apennine Peninsula decorate their tables for Christmas. But, this cake will look organically on the festive table and during Orthodox Easter.

  1. Even before the preparation of the paneton, you need to get all the ingredients and let them warm to room temperature
  2. Separate the yolks from proteins (5 pcs.). The yolks must be rubbed with sugar until completely dissolved. We dilute the yeast in warm milk, pour the yolks and mix. We sift wheat flour (400 g) through a small sieve, saturating it with oxygen. Add yolks with yeast and knead until a homogeneous mass
  3. The finished dough should be suitable for another two hours. To do this, they put it in a bowl, covered and sent to a warm place. If everything was done correctly, then the dough should double in volume. It needs to be sprouted and placed on a table sprinkled with flour
  4. Add salt and melted oil (100 g). We place the dough in a bowl and cover with plastic film. The recharge process should take about 1.5 hours. Then you need to cover the bowl with a film and a towel. Between the upper exact dough and the film there should be a place for lifting
  5. After the dough, it needs to be left in the refrigerator for a day. Then we extract the dough, let it rise a little. We multiply and cover with a film and leave for 2-3 hours in a warm place
  6. Cooking raisins. We sort it out, wash it and let it swell. Then from the raisins you need to drain the water and dry it with a towel. We rub on a fine grater of the skin of one orange and one lemon. Almonds (3-4 pcs.) Cut into the plates. Tsukats (70 g) cut into small cubes
  7. We turn on the oven and put 250 degrees on it. Put the dough on the table woven by flour. Evenly knead the centers, vanilla, raisins and grated zest into it. Lubricate the baking molds with oil, put baking paper at the bottom and lay the dough. Its volume should be a third of the volume of form. We decorate the cake of the panetton with almonds
  8. Before sending to the oven, the dough should reach. For this, the form is put on the stove for half an hour. Когда форма увеличиться вдвое отправляем куличи в духовку
  9. We reduce the temperature from 250 to 210 degrees. It is baked by a paneton for 10 minutes. Then we remove another 10 degrees and bake 7-9 minutes
  10. Open the oven. Put the paper moistened in the water on the top of the kulich and bake for another 20 minutes

What pies are baked on Easter? Recipes

Easter pies are very popular in countries such as Greece, Spain and Poland. But, a special taste is distinguished by an Italian Easter cake. It is easy to prepare, but this does not become less tasty.

Easter pie with Rigotta

  1. The dough is kneaded from 300 g of flour, 1.5 teaspoons of baking powder, 120 g of brown sugar, salt and pieces of butter (80 g). We knead the ingredients and add 3 yolks to them and 2 tbsp. tablespoons of water. Cool the finished dough for an hour
  2. Cooking custard. To do this, rub 7 yolks with vanilla sugar (3 tablespoons) and flour (130 g). We boil 250 ml of milk and pour into the future cream. Mix, cool and mix with ricotta (600 g). Italian cheese can be replaced with cottage cheese
  3. The zest is erased from two oranges on the grater, the insides are cut out and added along with the centers in ricotta
  4. Two-thirds of the dough are rolled into a circle with a diameter of 34-37 cm. The dough is laid out in the form 24-27 cm. The form must first be coated with oil. A mass of ricotta is laid out on top. The edges of the dough are wrapped in the filling
  5. From the remaining dough, it is necessary to make strips 1.5 cm wide. They need to be placed on the upper part of the pie. Lubricate with oil and bake at a temperature of 180 degrees for 35-40 minutes. Then cover with foil and bake for another 15-20 minutes
  6. While the pie is cooled, you need to beat the cold cream (300 ml) into the foam gradually filling the sugar powder (1 tbsp. Spoon). Such a pie is supplied to the table at room temperature. Cold cream is laid out on top

Kalitsunya Greek pies to Easter

KalitsuniaGreek pies of potassium are traditionally used during Easter celebrations.

  1. To prepare such baking, you need to mix sugar (0.5 cups) in bowls, baking powder (1 teaspoon) and flour (2.75 cups). Add olive oil (0.5 cups), eggs (2 pcs) and cottage cheese (0.5 cups). Pour brandy and knead the dough within 10 minutes
  2. We prepare the filling from soft cottage cheese (700 g), flour (1 tbsp. Spoon), sugar (2 tbsp. Spoons), ground cinnamon (1 tsp), yolk and grated lemon zest (1 teaspoon). Mix the ingredients until a homogeneous mass
  3. Roll out the dough and cut out circles of 8-10 cm in diameter from it. In the middle of each mug we put the filling (1 teaspoon). We slightly bully it and bend the edges of the pies and draw them
  4. Before baking, the pies are greased with a beaten egg

Painted Easter eggs


  • Even those who do not attribute themselves to believers are painted on Easter. Multi -colored eggs are one of the main characters of this holiday
  • But, you can paint them differently. You can use natural or artificial dyes. Apply the leaves of plants during staining (dill, parsley, etc.)
  • But, if you want to really surprise your guests, then you can use adhesive tape during staining Easter eggs. Different figures can be cut out of it, stick on eggs and lower them into the dye. After staining, adhesive tape can be peeled off. Original Easter eggs are ready

Meat from meat for Easter

Easter table is rich in meat dishes. From a long time, Buzhenina, a ham, stuffed pig, baked veal, a wild duck in sour cream, were served on this bright holiday. Some of these dishes are popular today.

Easter meat: Roulet with an egg

MeatloafBeef (500 g) and pork (500 g) pass through a meat grinder. Add one egg, soaked in water and squeezed rye bread (100 g) to the minced meat.

  1. Finely cut the onion (1-2 pcs) and add to the minced meat. Ground black pepper and salt also need to be added to the minced meat. Mix everything thoroughly
  2. We cover the baking dish with foil, grease with vegetable oil and lay out the part of the resulting minced meat. We put the four boiled and cleaned eggs in the center of the roll and cover them with the rest of the minced meat. Trom
  3. We bake a roll in the oven, heated to 180 degrees, 30 minutes


AspicJellied meat is also a traditional Easter dish. In addition to its original taste, this dish is useful for people with joint problems.

  1. Pork legs (4 pcs.) Need to scald with boiling water and cleaned. Large must be cut. Put them in a pan and fill them with cold water. Cook on low heat for 4 hours, periodically removing the foam
  2. After two hours of cooking pork legs in a pan, we put cleaned from the veins and chopped beef (500 g)
  3. We clean half the chicken and cut into pieces. Chicken stomachs (500 g) are cleaned of films. Cut celery (1/2 of the root) and carrots (3 pcs.) Slices. We cut the onion in half
  4. We put chicken, stomachs and vegetables in a pan with a future cold one and a half hours after the addition of beef. Remove the foam
  5. After 40 minutes, the broth is a pagot. Separate the meat from bones, cut into pieces of optimal shape. We put them in a pan, salt and add garlic, pepper (5-6 peas) and bay leaf. Pour the broth and bring to a boil
  6. Remove from heat, cool a little and pour jague in shape. When the dish has cooled to room temperature, clean the refrigerator


BuzheninaBuzhenina is another dish that will have to be for Easter. To prepare it, you will need a ham, salt, pepper and garlic.

  1. First we salt a ham at the rate of 20 g of salt per kilogram of meat. The ham should remain in salt for about a day. Then you need to cut the skin with a sharp knife, grate the meat with pepper and stuff the ham with garlic. One kilogram of meat should have one clove of garlic
  2. We warm up the oven, put the ham on the baking sheet and pour half a glass of water. Когда зарумяниться верхняя часть окорока его нужно перевернуть и довести до готовности
  3. In order for the upper crust not to dry, you need to constantly pour on it the secreted juice

Chicken for Easter

ChopThe chicken on the Easter table is also a frequent guest. It can be prepared according to such a "monastery" recipe.

  1. We cut it into several parts (1 kg) and beat off slightly
  2. Peeled and fried walnuts (2 glasses), cashew (1 cup) and forest nuts (1 cup) chop
  3. Cooking three types of batter. Pour a tablespoon of flour into one bowl. In the second, mix eggs (4 pcs), flour (1 tbsp. Spoon), salt, pepper and sugar. Drink chopped nuts in the third
  4. The steaks from chicken fillets before frying need to be tanned in each of the three ridges on both sides. For roasting it is better to use olive oil

Fish for Easter

Fish under the sauceFish on the Easter table is not a very frequent guest. But, if you like to pamper yourself with fish dishes, then try the baked mackerel in tomato sauce.

  1. We gut the mackerel (4 small fish) and rinse thoroughly. We remove the fins and make four deep oblique cuts from each side. In each we put 2-3 small till branches. Put the fish in the refrigerator
  2. Grind the onion (1 pc) and garlic (1 clove). Pour vegetable oil (2 tablespoons) into a small pan and fry the onion with garlic. Canned tomatoes (200 g) need to be kneaded with a fork, shifted in a pan and prepared for 15 minutes
  3. We pour red wine vinegar (2 tbsps of tablespoons) into the other pan, add sugar (1 tbsp. Spoon) and boil over low heat until the volume decreases in half. Pour vinegar into tomatoes. Mix and pass through a sieve. For the full readiness of the sauce, you need to pour vegetable oil into it (100 g - 120 g)
  4. Finely chop dill and green onions. Add them to the sauce. Salt, pepper and mix
  5. The mackerel needs to be lubricated with vegetable oil, salt and pepper. We cover the baking sheet with baking paper and put fish on it. We heat the oven to 190 degrees. We bake mackerel for about 15 minutes. In the process of cooking, the fish will need to be turned once for uniform baking

We serve the fish to the table hot with tomato sauce.

Easter salad

SaladCan you imagine a festive table without salads? On Easter you can cook such an interesting and, most importantly, delicious salad with a boiled tongue.

  1. Cut the cabbage (400 g) with thin strips. We think with our hands. Cut the boiled tongue (1 pc) with stripes. From pickled cucumbers (100 g) we drain the brine and cut them into strips
  2. Mix cabbage, tongue, cucumbers and chopped green onions (10 g). If there is a desire, you can add other greens. We season the salad with olive oil (50 ml). Salt, pepper and mix
  3. On top of the salad we decorate with walnuts with cashews and herbs

Easter cakes photo

Easter cake

Below is a cake recipe and its original design in the form of Easter.
Of the simplest products, you can prepare a cake that will not only please with taste, but also surprise the guests with an extraordinary design.

Video: Easter cake

Homemade wine for Easter

WineHomemade wine was traditionally considered the main drink on the Easter table. Today, stronger alcoholic drinks are in use. But, the use of such drinks is fraught with health. And a couple of glasses of home wine for Easter is not only not condemned, but on the contrary, it can help the body better process food after fasting.

An important factor in success in home winemaking is the collection of grapes at a time when it reached complete maturity. At this time, the berries contain the maximum amount of sugar. Which is determining during the fermentation process.

  1. After collecting grapes, the berries must be separated from the brush and put them in a container. If a lot of grapes are collected, then for this purpose, tanks of 60 liters of stainless steel are suitable. Before placing grapes in the container of the berries, you need to smell with your hands. Tanks with grapes need to be placed in a room with a temperature of 10 -25 degrees
  2. During vine fermentation, it must be periodically mixed
  3. When the precipitate appears, the wine needs to be filtered. For this purpose, you can use gauze or nylon stocking. Sugar must be added to the purified liquid. For one liter of wine, you need one cup of sugar. Mix the wine until sugar dissolves
  4. We are waiting for the wine to transfer and pour it into three -liter banks. We leave it from the throat to the level of wine 2 cm. We roll the jars with lids and make a hole in their middle. Insert the medical hose into the hole. He must be over wine. We coat the hole with a hose with plasticine for tightness. The reverse end of the hose is inserted into a jar of water, making the water seizure
  5. When fermentation in wine, sediment forms. It must be periodically cleaned (pouring wine into other banks, leaving the precipitate) and repeat everything first
  6. The timing of fermentation depends on various factors and may vary greatly. Try wine periodically, add sugar (if required) and as soon as you like the drink, close the jar with a kapron lid and leave for storage

Decoration of Easter dishes

To decorate their table and exquisite dishes for Easter, housewives use their tricks. Below in the video you can spy some of them and take note.

Video: Decoration of Easter dishes

Serving Easter table and decoration of dishes

Easter table

  • You can write about serving and decorating the Easter table for a very long time. Each housewife in her head keeps many ideas on how beautifully to serve dishes prepared for this holiday
  • On the table during the celebration of the bright Christ of the Resurrection, you need to place Easter symbols: Easter cakes, eggs and other dishes
  • As well as what will indicate the awakening of nature from winter sleep: flowers, herbs, decorative bird nests
  • A toy figure of Easter rabbit will also be appropriate during the festive feast
  • The main material of the Easter table is natural wood
  • If your table is made of this material, then on Easter you can do without a tablecloth at all
  • Natural wood, flowers and herbs will make your table unforgettable
  • Put a vase with flowers in the center of the table, and on a plate to each guest on a painted egg. And if you write the name of the guest on the eggs, then they can be used as seedlings
  • Easter cakes traditional for this holiday can be decorated not only with glaze, but also with mastic for cakes
  • You can choose the color of the mastic so that the cake fits organically into the overall design of the table. Can not only cover the cakes with mastic, but also make flowers out of it to decorate this baking
  • You can make various figures from mastic and decorate them with cottage cheese Easter. The main thing here is to have imagination. And sculpting figures from this material is also easy to do from plasticine

Good holiday for you!

Video: DIY decoration for Easter. Thread of threads and glue

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