The norm of the PSA in the blood in men over 50 years old, by age: meaning

The norm of the PSA in the blood in men over 50 years old, by age: meaning

Conducting tests and indicators of the PSA norm in men after 50 years.

Dog- this is Analysis that is carried out in men at different ages. It can be assigned in case of suspicions of problems with the prostate gland, and as a preventive study after 40 years. In this article we will talk about the norms of this indicator in men. 

When is it necessary to determine the norm of a dog in men 50 years old?

In general, the following cases are indications for the use and conduct of analysis: 

  • Age after 40 years 
  • Suspicion of prostate cancer on palpation and visual examination of the doctor 
  • Remission after cancer treatment 
  • Condition after surgical interventions 

Very often in order to control the course of the disease, determine pSA norms in men 50 years old Every three to four months is carried out in patients who underwent surgery to remove the prostate gland. 

How to take an analysis to determine the norm of the dog in men after 50?

There are several rules that should adhere if it is necessary to pass the analysis of the dog’s norm in men after 50. 

What can be done and cannot be done before the tests: 

  • 8 hours before the analysis, it is not recommended to drink coffee, tea, also strong alcoholic drinks. 
  • Before delivery, it is advisable to refrain from sexual relations for 5-7 days. 
  • If a prostate biopsy was performed, then you must wait 1 month. 
  • If a prostate massage was carried out, or an inspection of a urologist, then you need to wait 7-14 days. 

All these manipulations affect the meaning of the dog, they can increase it. Therefore, in order to obtain accurate results, it is necessary to adhere to the instructions. 

The norm of the dog
The norm of the dog

How is the procedure for determining the norm of a PSA analysis in men 50 years old?

To conduct an analysis, it is necessary to come to the clinic, the fence is carried out by taking blood from the vein.

How is the procedure for determining the norm of a PSA analysis in men 50 years old:

  • The analysis is prepared during the day, the next day you can get the result. The norm is from 0 to 4 ng per milliliter.
  • Please note that the bestif In men after 40 years, this value will not exceed 3.5, and after 50 years - 2.5 ng/ml.
  • Why can a dog be increased? Sometimes the results of the analysis can be incorrect, which is most often related to impaired testing and non -compliance with the instructions, as well as the rules of the fence.
  • As indicated above, recent sexual contact, biopsy, examination of the urologist, or prostate massage can influence this result. These manipulations significantly affect the concentration of a dog in the blood in men. 
Taking venous blood
Taking venous blood

Why is the Norm of PSA in men older than 50 increased?

PSA is a specific whiteoK, which is released into the blood under the influence of prostate. That is, it violates a peculiar barrier between blood and prostate, which most often happens with possible violations in the operation of this system. Most often, an increase in the dog does not always indicate a prostate cancer, but it can suggest it.

There are two varieties of analysis - free, as well as general. It is submitted initially during the initial examination or suspicion of prostate cancer, that is, a common dog. If the doctor has any suspicions, he can prescribe an analysis to a free antigen.

Why is the Norm of PSA in men older than 50 increased:

  • Prostatitis and inflammatory processes of the prostate gland. In this case, the level may increase to 100 units. Usually neglected, not treated diseases transmittedsexually Often lead to prostatitis and inflammation of the prostate gland. That is why the protein level rises. 
  • The second reason why the level of this protein increases is prostate cancer. 
  • Intervention in the prostate gland, such as massage, biopsy, non -standard types of sex with penetration into the anus. 
  • Sex on the eve of the test. 

As you can see, this analysis is very accurate, but only subject to all rules and preparation. Even a slight intervention may affect the result. 

Video: Norm of PSA in men 50 years old 

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