Is it possible to hang a mirror opposite the front door and door to the room on Feng Shui: Signs. Is it possible to hang hours, picture, photos opposite the front door? How to decorate the wall, what to hang on the wall in the hallway opposite the front door?

Is it possible to hang a mirror opposite the front door and door to the room on Feng Shui: Signs. Is it possible to hang hours, picture, photos opposite the front door? How to decorate the wall, what to hang on the wall in the hallway opposite the front door?

In this article you will find out what objects to place opposite the front door in the house to attract favorable energy. The basic rules of Feng Shui for the correct location of the mirrors in the house.

Is it possible to hang a mirror opposite the front door and door to the room on Feng Shui: Signs

The mirror has long been shrouded in a mystical aura. Many superstitions are associated with this integral attribute of the house. Many can recall how the grandmother said: "Do not look in a broken mirror, there will be no happiness." Or, for example, superstitious people were afraid to bring young children to the mirror. It is known that mirrors are used in magic rites, some claim that the mirror is a connection with the parallel world.

Modern people relate to mirrors without fear, it is difficult to imagine a home without this attribute. But when the issue of placing mirrors arises, many are interested in the question of how to properly place this attribute, so as not to attract negativity in your life.

Important: Feng Shui art masters are sure that the mirror can bring the owners of the house a favorable stream of qi energy. But it must be correctly placed. Along with this, there are adverse spaces for mirrors.

On Feng Shui strictly forbidden Set the mirrors in the following places:

  • opposite the front door in the corridor/hallway;
  • near the bed in the bedroom.
  • the working room in the mirror should not reflect the process of work.

According to the Feng Shui mirror, pushes streams of any energy, positive and negative. Many people, in fact, place the mirror parallel to the door in order to get rid of the negativity of guests and flows coming from the outside. But along with negative energy, positive. Favorable flows, not having time to penetrate the house, at the same time leave him. The lack of favorable energy is drawn by bad luck in business, the physical and moral fatigue of the residents of the house, and the family is discord.

Often placed mirrors in the bedrooms. This is an inappropriate place. Sleeping people should not be reflected in the mirror. If you do not comply with this rule, the married couple awaits disagreements, quarrels, difficulties, health problems.

The mirror reflecting the workflow helps to increase the volume of work. As a result, a person feels tired morally and physically.

Feng Shui mirror
Improper location of the mirror on Feng Shui

Can a wardrobe with a mirror stand opposite the front door?

Many have a logical question where to place a mirror if the space of an apartment/house is often very limited. Consider the possible options:

  1. In many halls you can find cabinets with several halves of mirrors. This option is unsuccessful. Seeing himself in two halves, a person is crushing, he sees himself not whole. At a subconscious level, such a vision accumulates and can continue to cause problems with self -esteem, depression and illness. This applies to mirror tiles that “cuts” the image of a person.
  2. If the space allows, turn the cabinet so that the mirror is not directed to the front door. The mirror in the hallway or corridor can be a good option for favorable streams of qi energy, if you do not place it face to the door. Under such conditions, energy is easily distributed to other rooms.
  3. If it is impossible to place the mirror differently, you will have to find an option to penetrate positive energy into the home. For this, the Feng Shui masters are advised to have a mirror at a slight angle. Even a slight angle, almost invisible, will redirect the flows of energy.
  4. It is unacceptable for the mirrors to reflect each other. So there is a mirror corridor, the presence of which can provoke adverse phenomena in the house.
Which cabinet is suitable in the hallway from the point of view of Feng Shui

Where the mirrors must be placed necessarily:

  • In the hallway, not to the front door - ideal.
  • On the door to the toilet. So that the energy getting there does not get into the sewer.
  • In the kitchen. Provided that a beautiful table with an abundance of food will be displayed.
  • Another important condition is that the house should have a full -length mirror.

Important: in the mirror, repair defects should not be reflected, old torn furniture or mess. Everything that is reflected is increasing.

It is wonderful if the mirror is visible in the mirror with a sea view, a waterfall, and the talismans of love. A reflecting beautiful view from the window is positive.

The correct location of the mirror

Video: Mirrors in the house on Feng Shui

Is it possible to hang the clock opposite the front door?

Important: in the art of Feng Shui, a strong tool to accelerate favorable energy flows.

  • It is not recommended to place the clock opposite the front door. Looking at such a clock, a person will feel a lack of time, a rush, which in itself is not a component of a harmonious life.
  • According to Feng Shui, there should not be many hours in the house, among all those present in the house there should be the main hours. They are best placed in the living room, the shape should be round, and the size should be most other hours in the house.
  • There is no place in the bedroom. A person must listen to his biological clock, and not to the tikan of the clock. There must be a clock in the office. They remind a person that time is money, and will bring success and financial well -being.
  • The most powerful tool is a mechanical watch. In second place is the hourglass. The electronic clock does not have the smallest force.
Where to place the clock in the house

Is it possible to hang a picture opposite the front door?

Important: the picture opposite the front door is a good decor.

Qi energy will increase if, in front of the front door, a picture depicting a waterfall, an ocean, a sea distance is hanging. In this case, luck will penetrate the house like an unbridled stream of water. But do not forget that paintings with sinking sailboats, ships have the opposite effect.

What are the paintings undesirable Hang opposite the front door and in other rooms:

  1. Avoid placing paintings with predatory animals and birds in an aggressive position.
  2. The paintings with natural disasters, with other elements of aggression in any of its manifestations are unfavorable.
  3. Portraits of the elderly, destroyed buildings that cause a sense of doom, do not benefit. Gloomy paintings that cause sad feelings.
  4. Abstract paintings. According to Feng Shui, such paintings are not endowed with favorable or negative energy, they are neutral.
  5. But sometimes the hieroglyph incomprehensible to us can designate an encrypted negative message that will violate the balance and will not bring good.

Such paintings can adversely affect the energy sector at home and its inhabitants. It is not yet recommended to post paintings in your house, which are a gift of an unpleasant person to you.

What are the paintings suitable:

  • Pictures with the image of water.
  • With bright colors.
  • Landscapes, still lifes.
  • Pictures with animals (for example, a couple of horses, elephant).

Pictures that cause you positive emotions - a sense of calm, joy, delight, lightness, will help the movement of qi energy.

Picture for the hallway

Is it possible to hang photos opposite the front door?

Important: family photos are best posted where they can be slowly examined, attention to the pictures. The wall opposite the front door and the corridor, the hallway, in general, is not the best place for this. Here the guests do not linger, so they will look at the pictures with a cursory look.

Another reason - a person in the photo should look at something pleasant, beautiful, and not at the door and an empty corridor.

Pictures of dead relatives are forbidden to hang on the walls, no matter how well you treat them.

In the corridor or hallway you can hang photos, let these be pictures of beautiful places.
Family photos with the family members are best placed in the living room. A married photo will be harmonious in the bedroom.

How to decorate the wall, what to hang on the wall in the hallway opposite the front door?

Important: the front door is given great importance in the teaching of Feng Shui. It is gates for the energy of qi penetrating the house.

Favorable when the door opens inside. Thus, you let in energy, and do not push it out, as in the case of the door opening out.

If opposite the front door a deaf wall, it is necessary to hang something there so that the energy of qi can move on. Do not forget that along with the energy of qi, the adverse energy of Shapers penetrates into the house. In order not only to slow down, but also to make Shapers turn into qi, they place suitable decor elements. It can be:

  • Lamps. The more warm lighting, the better.
  • Crystal suspension. Delays the flow of negative energy.
  • Pendants and bells, preferably with rounded edges.
  • Flowers. The main thing here is to choose such plants that are not afraid of shadows. Avoid climbing plants.
  • Beautiful artificial flowers, but not dried.
  • VAZ, figurine.
  • Not far from the door, but not directly at the same time you can place the aquarium.
  • DIY crafts.

The corridor on Feng Shui should not be cluttered, the presence of many pairs of shoes is in sight, excess clothes that are not worn, only harms qi energy. Under the rug at the door, it is recommended to put several coins to attract wealth.

To believe in this theory or not, you decide. If you decide to create a harmonious atmosphere in your house, which favors positive energy, use our recommendations.

Video: Feng Shui front door

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