Is it possible to eat garlic to pregnant women who feed mom during breastfeeding a newborn? Is it possible for pregnant women to have or sniff garlic with a cold?

Is it possible to eat garlic to pregnant women who feed mom during breastfeeding a newborn? Is it possible for pregnant women to have or sniff garlic with a cold?

The benefits and harm of garlic during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The baby’s waiting time is the most amazing and interesting for both the future mother and the future dad. Although the second happens and gets from the gastronomic fantasies of the pregnant wife.

Living in society, we are in one way or another are affected by authorities in medicine and healthy nutrition, their opinions and statements in the media.

However, what to do when their words contradict each other? The answer is to take responsibility for your pregnancy and make informed decisions in all areas.

Let's talk more about the features of the nutrition of a pregnant woman, in particular about the benefits and dangers of garlic.

Is the garlic harmful or useful for pregnant women?

The girl holds a handful of garlic in her hands
the girl holds a handful of garlic in her hands

There is no unambiguous scientifically and practically proven answer to this question.

Nutritionists and obstetricians voiced diametrically opposite opinions.

Speaking about the dangers of garlic for women awaiting a child, the following reasons are noted:

  • acute spices
  • a provocateur of frequent uterine contractions
  • strong allergen
  • a tool capable of causing pain in the stomach, heartburn
  • his rejection is the baby
  • changing the taste of breast milk
  • an irritant of the mucous membranes
  • a product that lures the blood, which is dangerous with frequent nasal bleeding

As for the benefits of garlic, the opinions are:

  • vitamin product of natural origin
  • board with viruses during epidemics of acute respiratory infections, SARS
  • contributes to the normalization of blood circulation, reduces the risks of the formation of stagnation, blood clots
  • affects the harmonious development of the fetus
  • stabilizes hormonal background
  • prevents the absorption of increased doses of sugar, the development of diabetes
  • cleans blood, prevents the accumulation of unnecessary cholesterol
  • natural antioxidant
  • retains digestive organs from the formation and development of cancer cells

Is it possible for pregnant women garlic in the first, second and third trimester?

Pregnant girl bites a piece of garlic tent
pregnant girl bites a piece of garlic tent

Since doctors do not have a definite opinion, see your well -being and taste preferences.

On the other hand, read a list of harmful effects of this product and try on yourself. For example, if you have low hemoglobin or frequent bouts of heartburn, then definitely completely abandon the consumption of garlic during the expectation of the baby.

Speaking globally, then garlic:

  • eat calmly in the first trimester. He will help you receive vitamins, and will protect you from colds, and hormones to toll,
  • significantly reduce consumption in the second trimester to a couple of times a week, several cloves,
  • refuse this spice in the third trimester, since it provokes uterine contractions, which means it increases the risk of premature birth,
  • eat moderately if you are very moving out of the deadline. The property of garlic to influence the muscles of the uterus will now play it into your hands.

Is it possible for pregnant women when breastfeeding dishes with garlic?

A thoughtful baby in her mother’s arms deciding to eat her garlic or not
a thoughtful baby in her mother’s arms deciding to eat her garlic or not

The answer to the question depends on:

  • pregnancy - in the previous section, we examined this item,
  • the age of the crumbs - at least in the first month of his life, it is better to give up dishes with garlic,
  • the presence of a mother of garlic or diseases of the digestive organs has indicators against the use of acute spices
  • the individual sensitivity of the crumbs, which can manifest itself in the form of his anxiety in the womb

There is an opinion that garlic affects the taste of breast milk:

  • adds bitterness
  • provokes reactions in the baby in the form of a rash, itching, seizures of colic
  • causes the early refusal of the baby from the chest

However, keep in mind that breast milk in a woman’s body is produced from blood plasma and depends on::

  • mom's mood
  • her balance in the diet
  • emotional and physical exertion

If a small dose of acute spices eaten by you did not provoke discomfort at the crumbs, feel free to eat garlic in moderate quantities.

Is it possible for pregnant women to have or sniff garlic with a cold?

Pregnant girl fell ill with a cold
pregnant girl fell ill with a cold

Given the harm from pharmaceutical drugs, it is better to eat garlic toe unambiguously pregnant woman or breathe it with evaporates to activate her immunity.

The main thing is to observe moderation.

The average indicator of the permissible daily dose of garlic for the pregnant woman:

  • fresh-2-4 teeth
  • oil, insist on garlic - 0.6 - 1.2 g
  • essential oil-0.09-0.36 ml

To determine for yourself an individual rate of garlic consumption, consult your doctor.

Is it possible to eat garlic or dishes with a garlic of a nursing mother during breastfeeding a newborn?

A couple of heads and a few teeth of garlic on the table next to a mortar
a couple of heads and a few teeth of garlic on the table next to a mortar

If you do not have a rejection of this product, allergies to it, as well as your baby retains normal behavior, and his skin - health, then a definite answer - yes, you can.

Remember that any new product should be introduced in microdoses and observe the reaction of the child for 2-3 days. Especially if you love the sharp, restrictions on nutrition are able to seriously affect your mood. And this is undesirable.

Take note that a number of young mothers note an increase in the appetite of their babies as a response to the use of the first garlic or dishes with it.

So, we examined the benefits and harm of garlic during periods of pregnancy and breastfeeding. Analyzed the opinions that have developed in these moments.

Be conscious and responsible not only for your health, but also crumbs!

Correct your nutrition in the process, observing the reactions of your and growing organisms.

Video: Garlic benefits and harm, garlic during pregnancy

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