My daughter is breastfeeding or 10 important commandments for my grandmother: important tips, what needs to be remembered?

My daughter is breastfeeding or 10 important commandments for my grandmother: important tips, what needs to be remembered?

In this article, you will learn about 10 commandments to the grandmother if her daughter is breastfeeding. What she should do, and what should be abandoned.

You have become a grandmother, and now your daughter is not just your child, she has become the mother of a wonderful little peanut. Yes, she is still your child, and you, as before, want to help her, protect her from mistakes. Mothers do this always and this is a wonderful desire. However, do not forget that now she herself has become a mother.

The kid, whom she holds in her arms, is her child, not yours. Therefore, every grandmother should remember where you can tell something to the daughter with the grandson, and where it is better to keep silent. In this article you will learn about 10 commandments for grandmother if her daughter feeds her grandson or granddaughter. Read further.

Commandment to grandmother # 1 - Let me believe in yourself: Tips

Grandparents with her grandson
Grandparents with her grandson

She, along with the baby, went a long path of bearing, exciting the moment of childbirth and now only she must answer for what will happen to the tiny in the future. Here commandment No. 1 for grandmother - let her believe in herself:

  • Rely on the maternal instinct, on what you taught her, on her mind.
  • Give her the opportunity to believe in your strength.
  • This is important, because she only entered this complex, confusing path of motherhood.

If she herself cannot come to this, then she will not be able to do without your help in the future. Remember that she is adult and independent and now she - MOTHER. Give me an opportunity to believe in yourself, and when necessary, she will definitely turn to her grandmother for help.

Commandment No. 2 - support from grandmother: important tips

Commandment No. 2 - support from grandmother
Commandment No. 2 - support from grandmother

Surely that you yourself have been breastfeeding successfully and for a long time. In this case, you can support your daughter in this difficult matter. But it is important to understand all the difficulties that the daughter has to overcome. The most important advice in this case is support from the grandmother:

Domested it optimism.

  • It is not necessary to repeat that everyone has cracks in the nipples, mastitis, stagnation and other “charms” of breastfeeding.
  • Such statements will not be able to encourage and support the young mother.

Share your experience.

  • You, too, probably, it was difficult, painful, inconvenient, but over time, feeding becomes only in joy for at least physiological reasons.
  • The hormone responsible for the withdrawal of milk from the mother’s body - oxytocin, is a kind of “hormone of happiness”, almost like endorphins.
  • Remember how, after childbirth, you wanted to kiss all the doctors, hug the whole world? This is it. A sharp, strong release of a large amount of oxytocin into the blood.

Tell me that she can handle everything.

  • That all cracks, stagnation of milk are coming and leaving. Small children are small troubles.

In that case, if you did not breastfeed, or not fed little and not very successful, then try not to forget that your daughter may (and most likely) has your personal opinion about breastfeeding. Let her make a decision on the nutrition of the baby. Believe me, so you can avoid many disputes, resentments, conflicts.

Commandment No. 3 - grandmothers, follow the progress: what's new?

Commandment No. 3 - grandmothers, follow the progress
Commandment No. 3 - grandmothers, follow the progress

In recent years, so many coups, innovations (and new myths) have occurred in the world about breastfeeding that you can read endlessly. Appeared:

  • Consultants
  • New linings, lining
  • Pillows
  • Breast gaskets and much more

Often you go into the store and your eyes scatter. it commandment No. 3 - Follow ProgressFind out what is new in the field of breastfeeding.

On the shelves in supermarkets, magazines in kiosks, the Internet, there is enough information to be in the future “in the subject” and even help the young mother. For example, choose tea to improve lactation. The daughter will definitely appreciate this.

Commandment No. 4 for grandmother - difficulties - it does not matter: we call a specialist

Commandment No. 4 for grandmother - difficulties - it does not matter
Commandment No. 4 for grandmother - difficulties - it does not matter

Now there are specialists in all areas. In case of serious problems, of course, it is worth the first thing to go to a mammologist, an endocrinologist, or to a gynecologist or a pediatrician. However, frequent problems that should be avoided even in the hospital at breastfeeding consultations can help solve a diplomated breastfeeding consultant. That's why commandment No. 4, when difficulties appeared - this is not a misfortune, we call a specialist.

Problems with applying, with a pose of feeding, with expressing and other things, consultants solve quickly and efficiently. Yes, this is an expensive pleasure, but be sure that this will bring the baby much more benefit than a new rattle or sophisticated electric swings.

Commandment No. 5 - Learning to express: grandmother's advice

Young mother with a newborn child
Young mother with a newborn child

Perhaps the only thing that young mothers used to do is simply masterfully - it was expressed by their hands. The least traumatic (some electrical dairy bias resemble the “torture” apparatus), as fast as possible (if you can, of course) a way to help mom “stock up” with breast milk. Here commandment No. 4 and tips - teach to express. A few tips:

  • Do not advise daughter to express milk for no fail for no special reason, without the recommendations of her doctor, etc. This is her business when and why.
  • Now, not as before - they feed not by the clock, but on demand. This is more effective, and you do not need to express. After all, the child eats on average every 2 hours.
  • Frequent application to the chest, and not expressing, is a prevention of stagnation of milk. Excessive expressing causes hyperlaktation, which often ends with lactostasis and mastitis.

However, if you teach your daughter to express your hands with your hands, then if necessary, she will not have to run and try in action all the dairyosys that she can only find. It will be enough for her to take a disposable container or bag and apply the knowledge paintedly transmitted by her grandmother.

Commandment No. 6 - no settings for failure: what should the grandmother need to remember?

Commandment No. 6 - no settings for failure
Commandment No. 6 - no settings for failure

Even if you did not have enough milk in your youth, then most likely there was no one to help you. Although about 1% of women really simply cannot feed because of some physiological reasons.

Grandma must remember:

  • It often happens that some kind of error is made at the very beginning of breastfeeding, which subsequently develops into lactose failure.
  • However, this is not an occasion to actively hint that the daughter is “non -dairy”, because in the family all women are such that such a “defect” is a logical outcome, etc.
  • There is no support in such speeches. But "placebo on the contrary" will work.
  • The problem of lack of milk can always be solved. Especially if it arose due to improper attachment, not enough frequent feeding, feeding the mixture during the period when the child had to suck colostrum and much more.

There is a minimum percentage of women who really cannot feed due to anatomical disorders or any hormonal problems, but only the doctor can determine this. And such problems on "not milky", inherited, as a rule, are not transmitted.

That's why commandment No. 6 for grandmother - no settings for failure. Be positive, and this will be easier than your daughter and good for her child.

Commandment No. 7 for grandmother - Be wise in their statements: Tips

Grandma is also a man. You certainly have your opinion and attitude to breastfeeding. Of course, it will be difficult to come to terms with the fact that it used to be simply unthinkable, for example, feeding in public, on the street, in a store. But you are a wise woman, and you understand that life does not stand still, and now it is considered the norm.

Commandment No. 7 for grandmother - be wise in their statements.

Advice: Try to express your opinion in such a form in order not to confuse, not offend the young mother.

Believe me, she wants the best for her baby. Like you, you want the best for your grandson and your daughter.

Commandment No. 8 for grandmother - hurry to the rescue: important tips

Commandment No. 8 for grandmother - hurry to the rescue
Commandment No. 8 for grandmother - hurry to the rescue

Remember how difficult it was for you in the first weeks upon returning from the hospital. Nothing has changed in this regard now, but your daughter is already. Currently, they are not only trying to feed on demand, but practice a joint dream with a child. For a long time, scientists have established to affect the emotional state of both the mother and the child well. Accordingly, what remains to do a young mother? Only feed, take care of the baby and take care of yourself. Here are important tips and commandment No. 8 for grandmother - hurry to the rescue:

  • Take a certain part of household chores.
  • Cleaning and washing floors, washing, ironing, cooking, food is invaluable help.
  • Just remember that the mistress in this house is, not you. Do not rule, but boldly and in detail find out where to put, what to cook, the better to wash and much more.
  • You help her, and do not clean it in your house.
  • Do not try to help mom with the baby if she does not ask for him. Through 2-3 months You can play enough with your granddaughter or granddaughter.
  • You can invite her to shake the baby in her arms, stand with him by the window or even take a walk while she puts herself in order. The child has a mother, and you are a grandmother.

Of course, I really want to play with a newborn baby, to pour it, hug and kiss him. But now you need your child - a daughter more than a baby.

Commandment No. 9 for grandmother - accurate performance: tips

Commandment No. 9 for grandmother - accurate performance
Commandment No. 9 for grandmother - accurate performance

If it so happened that the daughter left the little one on you, try to follow her instructions as accurately as possible. They can be illogical, strange, even sometimes absurd.

Commandment No. 9 for grandmother - accurate execution of requests Daughters. Here are some tips:

  • If in doubt, then the best way out is a direct question.
  • Why doesn't she want you to give 3-month-old baby Apple juice? Do not contradict her instructions never.
  • No need to do anything “behind” the parents of the child. You would not like it either.
  • Keep the trust that a young family provides you as a grandmother. And they will invite more often, and conflicts will be successfully left behind.

Psychologists have found that there are two types of grandmothers: grandmother-mam and true grandmother.

  1. The first type is grandmothers who want to show themselves mom And they do not listen and should not be the requests of adult children - young parents. They claim that they know better and everyone knows how. But this is the wrong position. In addition, a person cannot know everything, and can forget something over the years. Therefore, if something unpleasant happens to the child, it is you who will be to blame, and this is not at all necessary.
  2. True grandmother Much better for a young mother. She does not climb where she is not asked and will strictly follow her daughter’s instructions if she asked to sit with the baby.

If you are a grandmother, try to eradicate this feature in yourself as soon as possible. Otherwise, this can lead to troubles and conflicts in the family.

Commandment No. 10 - Frankness: Important Tips

Grandparents with her grandson
Grandparents with her grandson

The opposite situation - you do not want to be "helped" for your daughter. It happens that there is neither strength nor the desire to mess with diapers, diapers, baths again. You do not want to understand all these jars, creams, powders, baby food brands. No one doubts that you love your daughter and grandson, but your grandmother is also a person. Commandment No. 10 - frankness. Important tips:

  • Try to understand that young parents are very often awaiting help and certain attention from grandmothers.
  • In such a situation, explain to your daughter and spouse as clearly as possible what matters are ready to do with pleasure and what you will do in the most extreme case.
  • Try to find out for yourself what is urgent for your daughter and her family.

You are not a free nanny and a housekeeper. Nevertheless, you are wise and attention to your grandchildren, children will help to build relationships based on harmony and understanding. Therefore, do not overdo it in your love and good luck!

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