Mokritsy. How to get rid of mokrits in the bathroom, in the apartment, in the house? Destruction of the mokrits

Mokritsy. How to get rid of mokrits in the bathroom, in the apartment, in the house? Destruction of the mokrits

If they are annoyed by mokrits living in the bathroom, you can get rid of them with the help of ready -made insecticides or folk remedies, whose recipes are in the article.

Bathroom - a room in a house or apartment with special conditions. It is very difficult to maintain cleanliness in it, even experienced housewives do not always know how to do cleaning in the bathroom so that moisture and dampness do not make themselves felt by an unpleasant odor, flying on the surface, mold. In such an environment, they also like to live and breed workers' parasites - mokrits.

Why are mokritsy starting?

The repair and furnishings of the bathroom today devote time no less than a bedroom or living room. For this, the premises choose expensive and high-quality, which meet all sanitary and hygienic requirements, expensive modern plumbing and electronics, buy various strong accessories. But both the functionality and beauty are leveled if the wetlands are launched in the bathroom.


Mokritsy is the subordinate of crustacean insects, which has a huge number of species. In the bathroom, other raw rooms of the apartment or houses, mokritsy - armadillos, rough wetlands, as well as representatives of the type of trachelipus rathkei are most often starting.

According to the hostesses, these parasites look simply disgusting: up to 2 cm in length, gray or black-gray, with Pantzier-Cheshuyki, mustache and 6 pairs of legs. For habitat, they choose a room where the rays of the sun rarely penetrate, where moisture accumulates, mold and fungus grow.

Dampness, mold and flexible are the main reasons for the appearance of mokrits in the bathroom.
Dampness, mold and flexible are the main reasons for the appearance of mokrits in the bathroom.

There are several reasons why Mokritsy can settle in the bathroom:

  1. Non -compliance with hygiene rules in the bathroom. In order to get wet, just wipe the walls, floor and ceiling in the room after water procedures, do not dry the rug and curtain, keep the door to the bathroom closed
  2. Hidden violations of the integrity of water and sewer pipes. The source of dampness can be a crack or fistula in the pipe. Especially if the place of dislocation of the breakdown is inaccessible, for example, under the bathroom or on a riser at the junction with the stove
  3. Unceptible neighbors. Mokritsy and other parasites can crawl from neighbors, for example, through ventilation

Important: in addition to the bathroom, mokritsa often live in a toilet, a pantry, a niche, flower pots with charming, dilapidated wood furniture

Wet on the tile in the bathroom.
Wet on the tile in the bathroom.

What other insects can live in the bathroom

Important: any “infection” that started in the bathroom, housewives are often called mokritsy. But in addition to these crustaceans in a raw and warm environment, scalys and millipedes feel great

  • The scales have elongated bodies and a huge number of legs, their appearance is very disgusting. Nevertheless, for a person they are absolutely harmless - they do not bite, do not tolerate infections. Feed parasites with a fungus. People exterminate them solely in order to preserve the aesthetics of the room
  1. Mukholovka and nod multiple also often cohabit with a person. These gray, black or brown insects reach impressive sizes - up to 6 cm in length. They have as many as 15 pairs of legs! When the hostess includes the light in the bathroom and sees on the smooth surface of the plumbing or the wall of these insects, horror can cover it. But, like scales, multi -leafs of harm to a person, his health, furniture, as well as food supplies do not bring food
Multiple - flyfoon.
Multiple - flyfoon

Video: Mokritsy

Damage to mokrits

Unlike multi -leafs and scalys, mokritsa are harmful. The harm from the mokrits is as follows:

  1. If the arthropods are started in the bathroom, they become a source of infection. Mokritsy in scales and paws tolerate bacteria and fungi
  2. In flower pots, insects are a danger to plants. Tropical exotes are especially suffering from them: mokrits destroy their root system
  3. If the parasites from the bathroom move to the kitchen or to the pantry, they can spoil the stocks of products
Mokrits in the bathroom on a ventilation grill.
Mokrits in the bathroom on a ventilation grill.

How to get rid of mokrits in the bathroom, in the apartment, in the house?

As often happens, it is easier to prevent the appearance of mokrits in the house than to get rid of them later. Preventive measures are simple, but, unfortunately, not everyone manages to take them.

  1. During the repair in the bathroom, it is necessary to use the materials suitable for this room - water -repellent and hygienic
  2. All cracks and cracks on the walls, ceiling and floor, joints between furniture and plumbing should be hermetically sealed so that moisture does not accumulate there
  3. Furniture for the bathroom should also be special, moisture -repellent
  4. At the first appearance of the fungus in the room, it is necessary to get rid of it
  5. After the procedures in the bathroom, you should not be lazy to remove moisture from all surfaces
  6. Cleaning in the room should be regular, also disinfect with the help of modern household chemicals
  7. If the bathroom has a garbage bucket, it must be removed regularly: the contents of the bucket can be a treat for mokrits

It is easier to prevent the appearance of mokrits in the bathroom than to get rid of them later.

Important: if the bathroom is clean and dry, and nasty mokrits still run there, there may be problems with the pipeline, it must be checked for leakage

You can get rid of mokrits in the bathroom in three ways:

  • independently using insecticide
  • independently using a folk remedy
  • using the services of a professional disinfector

Insecticides and folk remedies from mokrits

An independent struggle against mokritsy takes place in several stages:

  1. The priority task is to find out the cause of the appearance of the mokritz and eliminate it
  2. Next, it is necessary to wash, disinfect and remove textiles and accessories from the bath. The bathroom is also freed from cosmetics, personal hygiene products, other
  3. Walls, floor, ceiling, furniture and plumbing are washed and treated with disinfectant and antifungal agents
  4. The ventilation grill is also cleaned, traction is checked
  5. Next, the bathroom must be dried. It is either left open for 12-24 hours, or dried with a hairdryer
  6. At the next stage, an insecticide (according to the instructions) or a folk remedy is used
  7. At the end of the room, thorough cleaning is again done, it is dried again

IMPORTANT: During disinsection, aggressive chemistry is used in the bathroom, whether it is purchased or prepared independently. Therefore, it is better that during the event there are no children, animals and allergy sufferers in the apartment

Universal means-interacticide.
Universal means-interacticide.

The following household insecticides received the largest number of positive reviews:

  • Varan
  • Raptor
  • Tetricks
  • Get
  • RAID
  • Delicia

Among the folk remedies from mokrits, the negative lime, boric acid, also a mixture of tobacco, red pepper and baking soda are most often used.

Use udamed lime It is very difficult, the disinsection event will take a lot of time, but with wetlands it will be over forever.

  1. The bathroom is prepared for disinsection, as described above
  2. I put on a long sleeve, gutters, glasses, a mask and a respirator. It is advisable to cover the hair too
  3. Dry lime is poured into a bucket or basin to half
    They begin to slowly and carefully add water so that there is no spray. The capacity should be filled with diluted lime into two thirds
  4. They leave the bathroom and close the door tightly
  5. Two to three days, while lime is in the bathroom, it is impossible to use it. At this time, it’s better to leave the apartment
Lime from mokrits.
Lime from mokrits.

Boric acid Mokrits is used in the form of aqueous solution.

Boric acid from mokrits.
Boric acid from mokrits.

RECIPE: 10 g of boric acid are taken for 0.5 liters of water, prepared a solution. The surface of the bathroom is treated with a finished solution. If necessary, repeat the procedure.
They also poison the mokritz with a mixture tobacco, red pepper of ground and ordinary baking soda:

  • a dry mixture is prepared from a spoonful of components taken for 1 teaspoon
  • the powder is dissolved in 1 liter of hot water
  • after 1-2 hours, the bathroom is washed with water
  • treat surfaces in the bathroom
  • re -processing surfaces in the bathroom
  • chlorine -containing remedy

    Mokric can be poisoned with tobacco, red pepper and soda.
    Mokric can be poisoned with tobacco, red pepper and soda.

Important: Bourne acid and a mixture of pepper, soda and tobacco can be applied on the surface with a rag or sprayed from the spray gun

Destruction of the mokrits

To get rid of mokrits, you can conduct a professional disinsection at home.
To get rid of mokrits, you can conduct a professional disinsection at home.

Today there are a huge number of companies providing disinsection services. With them you can stipulate a specific time, draw up an agreement.

Using professional tools, they will destroy the mokrits and other parasite insects in the apartment for sure. Another thing is that such services are not cheap, and most resort to them, at least.

VIDEO: How to deal with mokritsy in an apartment?

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