Massage with a dry brush: what is useful, how to do it, tips for choosing a brush, contraindications

Massage with a dry brush: what is useful, how to do it, tips for choosing a brush, contraindications

If you want the skin to be elastic, then do massage with a dry brush. To improve the condition of the skin, the brush should be used regularly. Thanks to it, you can get rid of cellulite, stretch marks, swelling. Then we will find out how to do massage correctly so that the result is effective.

Massage with a dry brush is popular among women. Many beauty bloggers argue that after massage the skin becomes better, blood circulation is enhanced, harmful toxins are excreted, the procedure improves digestion, and reduces the area of \u200b\u200bdamage to cellulite. Moreover, the effect is visible after several sessions. Massage is done on the entire surface of the body, but there are contraindications. Before you try this method of body and face care, find out all the information about the process. Further more.

Skin massage with a dry brush - benefit

The main condition of the procedure is a movement directed from the lower part of the massage zone to the upper. If massage is carried out correctly with a dry brush, then keratinized skin cells will exfoliate and the skin will be toned. Thanks to the process, your skin will gain elasticity, the stimulation of blood circulation, the lymphatic system will occur, and metabolic processes will increase. Regular body and face massage is the best solution. Thanks to him, the skin of the face will rejuvenate, and the body will gain beautiful delicate skin without cellulite, it will become smooth, radiant.

Body massage
Body massage

To achieve the resistance of the effect in losing weight, you will need to do massage in combination with dietary nutrition and physical exertion. Massage of the body with a dry brush (Drybrashing) will improve not only external data, but also improve the state of the emotional background. Thanks to this, you will feel the rise, and the body will thank you with health.

Although there are opponents of this rejuvenation method, which claim that there is little effect from massage, the procedure has positive characteristics:

  1. The old keratinized skin cells exfoliate, thanks to this the epidermis becomes younger. Just do not wait for an instant result, it will appear only after a series of procedures.
  2. If you have follicular ketarosis, that is, goose chips on your hands, in the hips, then massage with brushes eliminates the problem. After all, ketarosis develops after blockage of hair follicles. Brushes destroy blockages.
  3. With dry brushes, you can stimulate the ends of the nerve fibers, it is thanks to this that you will receive a charge of energy, vitality for the day.

IMPORTANT: Massage with a dry brush is effective if it is performed daily and correctly. The manifestation of the effect of massage will be only after a series of procedures.

Massage with a dry brush from cellulite - efficiency

Cellulite occurs after adipocytes (fat cells) deform the skin. They are restrained by fibrous compounds, if the adipocytes are large, then the orange peel is more expressive. This is also facilitated by thin skin in problem areas and weak fibrous joints. Logically, massage with a dry brush is not able to break fat deposits and somehow affect its structure, strengthen the fibers and make the skin more elastic. It is impossible to remove fat cells in this way.

Brushing hips
Brushing hips

However, it is possible to improve the condition and general type of problem with a dry brush with a dry brush, thanks to comprehensive treatment - a balanced diet, physical exertion, improving the quality of life, rejection of smoking and alcoholic beverages. Even after the complex of procedures, a dry brush, the skin gains a new life - it becomes radiant, smooth. Therefore, when light falls on it, cellulite is no longer so noticeable.

How to do body massage with a dry brush?

At home, making massage with a dry brush is not difficult. The procedure can be carried out both in the morning and in the evening. This will take about fifteen minutes. Starting to Drybraining, you should make sure that there are no contraindications to the procedure. In case of doubt, consult a dermatologist and phlebologist, when you have no contraindications, feel free to start the process. According to reviews, the massage brush is best done in the morning.

He will cheer you up better than strong coffee. If you are still engaged in physical exercises, then do massage after these loads. The effect of complex procedures is stronger. Thanks to massage procedures, you will get rid of excitement and experiences and relax muscle fibers after sports loads.

Massage of the entire surface of the body
Massage of the entire surface of the body

How is the body massage with a dry brush?

  1. Make movements with a dry brush on the dry surface of the skin. Wet cover is easier to injure.
  2. In the beginning, the movement with a massage brush is made for three to five minutes a day. When the skin begins to get used to the procedures, you can do massage for fifteen minutes.
  3. Start moving from below. Make the pressure light, massage in the legs in straight and long movements when you reach the buttocks, then make movements in a circle. In these areas, do massage for a long time and intensively.
  4. The stomach, the chest also massage intensively, but not hard, try not to disturb the lymph nodes. You can not make movements in the area of \u200b\u200bthe heart, armpits and knees, do not massage the inside of the hips either, or carry out faint massage, there the skin are tender.
  5. When the massage is finished, take a shower. So you will wash off the old keratinized cells of the epidermis. A contrast shower will be just right. When you wash yourself, soften the skin with milk or body cream. Thanks to this, you will not feel an unpleasant sense of tightness.
  6. If after the massage the skin has acquired a pinkish tint, then you did everything right. And when after the process there are wounds and redness, you may have too hard the brush or you do a very hard massage.

IMPORTANT: If you have problems with dry massage, too delicate skin, then stop doing the procedure for a while, replace the brush with softer and do not zeal with pressure. You can do such a massage about three times a week, for sensitive skin, massage is done no more than once every seven days.

Face massage dry brush

Facial care has always taken care of girls and women. Massage with a dry brush is one of the popular means to improve the skin on the face. Thanks to him, you will feel how your skin becomes softer, and more tender, and smoother. In order not to harm the skin, choose a small brush with a soft natural pile.

Bracing face
Bracing face

There are some rules of skin massage on the face, the performance of which guarantees an excellent result:

  1. Before the procedure, cleanse the skin of the face. The skin, the brush should be without moisture.
  2. Massage procedures must be done in a lying position.
  3. Move the brush, starting from the nose to the left and right side. Massage the cheeks on the diagonals to the ears.
  4. Massage the neck at first from the bottom up, then the opposite. Avoid thyroid zone. Do not press much so as not to damage the skin.
  5. Massage for about five to six minutes.
  6. After massaging movements, the skin should be pink, but not inflamed red without wounds and abrasions.
  7. Massage spend about twice a week. After the procedure, clean the brush, wash.

Wash your face after the process, moisten with cream.

Abdomen massage dry brush

Massage with a dry brush is also useful for the skin of the abdomen. Make the procedure with a dry brush and on dry skin. Some do the procedure, combining with scrubs. This should not be done. You can greatly injure the epidermis. Many more advise massaging the skin before taking a shower. First, the process, and then water procedures.

Thanks to this procedure, you will feel vigor, lightness, you are activated by metabolism. Do not press the skin very much on the skin so as not to injure. Massage movements are carried out from the center of the abdomen and to the edges along the oblique up. Still make circular movements, smoothly pressing the stomach. It is enough to perform the process ten times each stroking.

Abdomen massage
Abdomen massage

A dry massage brush - how to choose?

In Europe, massage has been used with a dry brush for a long time. And we still do not have many fans of this type of struggle with old age and cellulite. Those who have already tried the action of the procedure speak differently about it. It did not fit some, but so that the massage is effective, you need to be able to choose the right brush.

How to choose a dry brush?

The main difference in the tool for massing the skin is that there are different pens and different material of bristles. Well, if you can choose the pen on your own, then the bristle must be chosen accordingly, given the sensitivity of the skin.

Article: why massage brushes are popular now. which one to choose. massage technique
Brush with natural bristles

What are the brushes?

  1. Brushes made of natural boar bristles. They can be used for delicate massage of sensitive skin. Suitable for the face, chest, neck, hands.
  2. Brushes with artificial bristles have an average stiffness. Perfect for normal skin and for the whole body.
  3. Mexican cactus brushes They have the largest stiffness. Suitable for people with insensitive and thick skin. Effective for improving the condition of orange skin.

  IMPORTANT: The brushes should be changed in six months or a year, because they have the ability to wear out for such a period of time. Also, after the procedure for massing the skin, wash it well. Thanks to this, the dead cells of the epidermis will not remain there. Still keep in mind that if you have any diseases, then Bracing is better not to do, it will adversely affect health.

Massage with a dry brush - contraindications

Massage with a dry brush is a procedure that is not suitable for everyone. And in the first time they recommend the process at a pleasant pace and without severe pressures. Do everything smoothly, softly. Do not let the skin blush. If you have the following problems, then you can’t do massage at all.

Contraindications to the procedure:

  1. Diseases of the skin, as well as wounds, bruises, any damage to the epidermis.
  2. It is especially not recommended to massage the skin if a person has psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, various inflammations and rashes.
  3. With varicose veins, you can’t do massage either.
  4. In the presence of growths on the skin, it is impossible to carry out the process of massage. If you have papillomas, moles, etc., then refuse the process.
  5. If there is an inflammatory process in the body and the temperature is increased, then the skin cannot be massaged either.
  6. If infectious diseases are affected, do not massage either.

Brashiping is carried out only when a person feels healthy, thanks to this process you will get positive emotions of vigor, get rid of negativity and improve the state of the epidermis.

Video: Rules for performing dry massage brush

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