Where to go without a visa? Countries without a visa for Russians. Rest abroad without a visa. Where to go without a visa to Europe?

Where to go without a visa? Countries without a visa for Russians. Rest abroad without a visa. Where to go without a visa to Europe?

For Russians, wonderful opportunities and options for traveling to various countries without a visa are opened. You have the right to leave for the farthest corners of our planet and for this you will need a minimum set of documents.

Where can I go without a visa to Europe?

A visa is a document allowing a person to travel abroad. In any case, it becomes not easy to get it, since any employee of passport control can draw a ban on your visa at any time. And then the constructed rules for vacation collapse and it becomes impossible to go on a trip.

In such cases, if you do not often go beyond your country, you can go to a country that does not require a visa.

Perhaps the list of countries that allows a Russian tourist to cross their borders will delight you. In fact, it is large enough and includes as many as 74 countries in 2016. It is enough to have a passport for travel. You can get it in accelerated mode for a month, and in the standard - no more than three.

Traveling without a visa, passport for a Russian resident
traveling without a visa, passport for a Russian resident

Europe has always attracted tourists. E happiness, for Russians there are five EU countries that can only go to with a passport:

Turkey -the most popular resort, located on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, washed also by Aegean, Marble and Black Sea. This is a budget and beautiful rest available to everyone. In this country, there are many historical monuments of the formation of civilization, hot sunny weather and very beautiful nature.

Where can I go without a visa to Europe, Turkey
Where can I go without a visa to Europe, Turkey

Bosnia and Herzegovina -the Southeast European state is located on the Balkan Peninsula. This is a mountainous and beautiful country with a temperate climate, which has access to the Adriatic Sea. Beautiful landscapes are everywhere: many rivers and mountain ranges are changing one by one. In summer, it is warm enough, and in winter it is not very cold.

Where can I go without a visa to Europe, Bosnia and Duchess
Where can I go without a visa to Europe, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Macedonia -southeast European country. The entire territory of the state is occupied by medium -consuming mountains with many flat heights. Unfortunately, the country has no access to the sea. The climate here is Mediterranean with hot dry summer and soft winter. The state of Macedonia - has many cultural and historical values.

Where can I go without a visa to Europe, Macedonia
Where can I go without a visa to Europe, Macedonia

Serbia -a country rich in historical values: fortresses, monasteries, caves and monuments. The state is full of many catches of a healing nature. Serbia is a mountain resort, it is especially good in winter. The country has picturesque landscapes, does not have access to the sea.

Where can I go without a visa to Europe, Serbia
Where can I go without a visa to Europe, Serbia

Montenegro -a country with the most beautiful nature and many attractions. Many beaches, azure adriatic sea, an abundance of seasonal fruits and pleasant warm weather are the best advantages of the resort. A moderate-content climate allows you to fully feel the Armed Forces of four seasons in the country.

Where can I go without a visa to Europe, Montenegro
Where can I go without a visa to Europe, Montenegro

Where to go to rest at sea without a visa?

The Caribbean is the desired sea for every tourist. It is located in the western part of the Atlantic Ocean and washes the shores of South and Central America. By the way, there are a number of countries that allow ordinary Russian tourist to visit the Caribbean time to relax.

For example, Barbados -island in the Caribbean. This is one of the most colorful Antilles. On Barbados you will be pleased with the tropical windy climate. The nature of the island is saturated with many wild landscapes: mangrove swamps, reed fields, pastures and azure beaches.

Barbados is a popular resort with a well -developed infrastructure. The island is full of many non -world's hotels. Along the eastern shore is usually a strong excitement of the sea, so snow -white beaches are a great opportunity to actively spend time with surfing.

Where to go to relax at sea without a visa, island of Barbados
Where to go to relax at sea without a visa, island of Barbados

Or Republic of Haitiit is located on the island of the same name, covered with many mountains and beautiful azure beaches. The hot climate and abundance of tropical fruits delight every tourist. The weather on Haiti is dry and warm, the rainy seasons last from April to June and from September to October.

There are many varieties of insects and reptiles in Haiti and it is good that there are no poisonous types of snakes.

Where to go to relax at sea without a visa, Haiti
Where to go to relax at sea without a visa, Haiti

Cuba -large  island in the northern part of the Caribbean. It is here that any tourist can find incredibly beautiful picturesque beaches in combination with modern concrete buildings, since Cuba is a developed and modern state. Cuba is exactly the place where there is a lot of sun and sea!

Here you will see valleys and hills, mountains covered with thick forests and snow -white beaches.

Where to go to relax at sea without a visa, cube
Where to go to relax at sea without a visa, cube

Where to go without a visa in May?

May is a wonderful month of spring, usually it is saturated not only with warm days, but also by weekends that you can give yourself a tourist vacation. Since the vacation should turn out to be rich and impressionable, it is best to spend it both in the mountains and at sea.

An example of such a trip is Georgia - An amazing state full of color, picturesque landscapes and the nature of untouched beauty.

Where to go without a visa in May, Georgia
Where to go without a visa in May, Georgia

Georgia is a country that does not require a visa and you can calmly be within its limits up to 90 days. Not so long ago, this state was one part with Russia, and probably this is why Russian tourists are very loyal here.

The most popular resort of Georgia is Batumi, located on the Black Sea. The climate of Georgia is not too hot, which allows you to nicely and actively spend time here. The plant and animal world of Georgia is very rich. There is always something to see, for example cultural, as well as architectural monuments or reserves.

Where to go without a visa in June?

June is the beginning of a hot summer. It must be carried out not only with benefit, but "in beautiful." June is not too stuffy and the air temperature allows you to feel easy and relaxed. This is the time to send on vacation to Morocco.

Morocco -The northwestern kingdom of Africa. It is in June that you can enjoy the non -incinerating sun, but at the same time get a beautiful tan. Water in the Pacific Ocean warms up to about 20 degrees, which is quite acceptable and favorable.

Go without a visa in June to Morocco
go without a visa in June to Morocco

A visa for traveling to Morocco is not needed and only if there is a passport you can relax in the state for three whole months.

Morocco is a beautiful and colorful country. In addition to the beautiful climate, a huge number of beautiful clean beaches, hotels, entertainment centers, surfing clubs, excursion programs and even ski resorts for outdoor enthusiasts are hiding here.

On average, the daily temperature will please you with pleasant +25-26 degrees, and at night you will feel comfortable coolness in plus 17-20 degrees.

Where to go without a visa in July?

July - it's time to spend a vacation actively, for example, to surf! This has always been something special for a typical Russian and something incomprehensible. However, there is a point on the map, where the height of warm dry winter falls precisely for July.

Seychellesthey allow you to spend a whole month without a visa on their territory. And it is in July that the warm weather with the noise of the surf will meet you. It will not be very hot here and the air temperature will warm up to a maximum of 29 degrees during the day - a pleasant amount for not a local resident.

Go without a visa in July to the Seychelles Islands
go without a visa in July to the Seychelles Islands

Choose any lesson for yourself in July on the islands:

  • carefully sunbathe on the beach
  • visit numerous excursions
  • do actively surfing

Having prepared in advance for the trip, you can purchase tickets at an affordable price and get a lot of pleasure.

Where to go without a visa in August?

August is pleasing to the “velvet” season, when peak heat subsides and soft cool nights come. It is at this time that you need to please yourself with an unusual trip that will give many impressions of the trip and will become a vivid memory for life.

Such a memory can easily be a trip to Nicaragua -the country in Central America washed by the Caribbean on one side and on the other hand the Pacific Ocean. The primitive nature and beauty of the beaches is impressive by its perfection. Here, forests, snow -white beaches and small mountains connected.

Go without a visa in August to Nicaragua
go without a visa in August to Nicaragua

This is exactly the place where you can safely relax from Urban. Enjoy nature and merge with it together. There are no monuments or modern cultural attractions. The main feature of the state is the untouched nature and ruins of ancient civilizations.

Where to go without a visa in September?

September is not only the first month of autumn, this is the last opportunity to “grab the tail” of the elusive summer and how to relax in an exotic country. One of these is Brazil.At this time, she had just “survived the winter” and the air temperature has not yet gained strong hot revolutions.

You will be quite satisfied with the heat of +25 +35 degrees with cool nights up to +22 degrees. At this time, the mosquito season is not in full swing, which means that you are happy to travel in the jungle and enjoy various excursions.

Go without a visa in September to Brazil
go without a visa in September to Brazil

Brazil is an obligatory country for visiting. Here, historical flavor is mixed with modern cultures, ancient traditions with new customs and architectural monuments with natural attractions.

Here you can observe such a beautiful wild nature as you cannot meet anywhere else. A huge number of rivers, waterfalls and forests. Be sure that in September you will not find you and will not spoil the vacation season of rains, and travel prices will be quite acceptable.

Where to go without a visa with a child?

Traveling with a child must necessarily be not only interesting, but also useful. Healing and getting aesthetic pleasure will allow Israel.To travel to this country, a visa is not required for a period of ninety days. The only condition is to have medical insurance.

Go without a visa with a child to Israel
go without a visa with a child to Israel

Tel Aviv - The favorite and favorite place of those who are used to traveling families. Also loved and the coast of the Red Sea Haifa.

It is best to plan your vacation for February - at this time it is not very hot, ticket prices are affordable, and there are not very many tourists (as it happens in the summer months: June, July, August). Israel is the country where children are very fond of. Only here there will be no problems with the comfortable placement and nutrition of children.

And there are many cultural and historical monuments, which means that you can plan an active interesting leisure. The country is not so large in its size, which means that you can admit in all parts of the state in a short period of time.

Where to go by car without a visa?

You can go by car to the nearest resort city of Tuapse - the picturesque Black Sea Bay in Russia with many mountains and wildlife. Although the line of the coast is quite narrow, the beauty of wild rocky beaches is impressive. There are many houses and hotels along the coastline.

Tuapse vegetation pleases with many palm trees, blooming magnolia and other exotic.

Where to go by car without a visa, Tuapse
Where to go by car without a visa, Tuapse

Cold air does not enter the resort thanks to the Caucasian ridge. That is why the heat and summer heat is experienced especially easily. Tuapse is buried in bright greenery and azure brise. Moreover, the air here is so clean and useful that it is quite suitable for healing.

The natural area allows you to engage in active water and mountain types of recreation: skiing on hydraulic cycers and climbing. Tuapse is a wonderful family resort available to everyone.

Countries that you can go without a visa

For Russians, there are many “open” visa -free countries that allow traveling only if there are a passport. The fact is that many states are loyal to this nationality and believe that Russians are a source of replenishment of a “tourist piggy bank”.

In addition to those countries that are listed above, there are several states where a visa can be obtained immediately upon arrival.

For example, Vietnam. It does not require early paperwork and offers to receive a visa immediately upon arrival. There is only one important condition here - coordinate with your tour operator all the possibilities of a trouble -free approval by the Ministry of receipt of a visa or do it online.

Countries that you can go without a visa, Vietnam
Countries that you can go without a visa, Vietnam

Going to Dominican Republicalso, you do not need to take care of obtaining a visa in advance. You have the opportunity to purchase it immediately as you arrive at the airport. Dominican Republic is this sea azure, pure snow -white beach and a sea of \u200b\u200bexotic fruits.

Countries to which you can go without a visa, the Dominican Republic
Countries to which you can go without a visa, the Dominican Republic

There is no person who would not hear about Egypt.In order to enjoy the travel and cultural monuments of the state, you will need to purchase a visa at the airport for only twenty US dollars. This is a wonderful option to relax with great pleasure and for available money.

Countries without a visa: tips and reviews

When planning your journey to any of the visa -free countries, you definitely need to check with the climatic calendar and check the validity of your passport. Many countries are happy to meet Russian tourists with families, as they are the main source of income for the budget.

It often happens that the design of a visa takes a lot of time and sometimes does not allow you to purchase a budget “hot ticket”, which means to save personal funds. Especially if you are trying to get a visa in the summer - these are endless lines, vacation for workers and long expectations.

A visa is a fairly expensive document and of course you can always devote time and money to get it. But before doing this, feel the taste of travel to visa -free countries, the list of which is quite large and diverse.

Video: "What countries can you go without a visa?"

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