Who are and how are the ignoramus and ignoramus among themselves? What is the difference between ignorant and ignoramuses: examples of literature and cinema

Who are and how are the ignoramus and ignoramus among themselves? What is the difference between ignorant and ignoramuses: examples of literature and cinema

In this article, we will consider who the ignoramus and ignoramus are, and also learn the difference between these similar words.

Often, the same in sound words cause identical meanings in their heads. And many of us, having heard the phrases of the ignoramus and ignoramus, would have decided that these words equally characterize a person. Therefore, when they use them in everyday life, some confusion occurs. But we suggest you find out the meanings and differences between these two terms, so that they never get confused in them.

Who are the ignoramus and ignorant: how do they differ among themselves?

In the Russian language, there are many words that are the same or similar in writing, but completely different in its meaning. Such words are called paronyms.

Important: Let us recall that consoles are similar in writing or sounding words, but carrying different semantic loads. By the way, this Greek symbol is even translated as “next to the name”, that is, one word is close to another, but is not replaced by it.

  • Indeed, in the nineteenth century, the words of the ignoramus and ignorant had the same meaning and were very popular in everyday life.
  • They began to distinguish them only after the exit from the circulation of Dahl’s dictionary “Explanatory Dictionary of the Great Russian Language”.
  • It is believed that Dahl is the first who noticed the difference between these two words and not only.
  • In general, there are not so many paronyms - about 1000 pairs.
Ignoramus and ignoramus are parony words
Ignoramus and ignoramus are parony words

Who is called ignoramus?

First of all, an ignoramus is an uncultured person who does not have the slightest education. By the way, it is not the ability to behave in society and the absence of at least a drop of respect for others - these are also accompanying the characteristics of the ignoramus. In general, the list of non -bosses can be continued for a long time, but the essence is already clear. Moreover, the ignoramus behaves so with everyone and everywhere.

The verification words for this word are:

  • impolite;
  • rude.

And who is such an ignoramus?

The ignoramus is an uneducated, illiterate person. An ignoramus can be called the person who is considered stupid in a certain branch of knowledge. For example, there are people who can collect a real train in detail, but at the same time they never read and do not even know Coelho or, even worse, Pushkin. That is, you can be in some direction, and not, in general, in life.

Important: The ignoramus comes from the Old Slavonic verb “know”, that is, “Know”.

To check, remember the following sayings:

  • ignorance;
  • ignorance;
  • ignorant.
Do not confuse these words or replace them with each other
Do not confuse these words or replace them with each other

What is the difference between the concepts of ignorant and ignorant: examples

Many people find it difficult to answer what is the difference between the ignoramus and ignoramuses. But it is quite primitive.

  • It is enough to understand that the ignoramus is a person who wipes his hands on the curtain and walks with dirty boots along the carpet.
  • And the ignoramus is one who does not see the difference between Pushkin and Yesenin. But at the same time, it can be well versed in a certain area of \u200b\u200bphysics or biology. That is, a poorly educated person, with a narrow circle of knowledge.

Let's take a look at vivid examples in order to draw a necessary image in your head.


  • A great example of ignorant is the main character from the movie "Ace Ventura". He showed all possible character traits that are inherent in a real ignorant.
    • For example, if we take into account the scene at the downstone. Detective Ace behaved really inappropriately. After all, he interrupted the guests, mocked the servant, in general, his behavior was worse nowhere.
    • It seemed that the movie hero was raised by animals in the jungle, and not living people in the social environment. For everyone it is clear - Ace is a great example of ignorance for each of us.
  • Some standards from literature:
    • “If only they got up, ignorant, at least they would bow out - then teach them to order ... a!” (V.F. Odoevsky, “Living Dead”);
    • “Perhaps there was a paddock for money, a little pedant, I could not stand the shackles and ignorant, but, God forbid, he was respected for this” (Agatha Christie, “Sittaford’s riddle”).
Ace Ventura is a real ideal for ignorance
Ace Ventura is a real ideal for ignorance


  • A wonderful illustration of brilliant ignorant is Sherlock Holmes. It is enough to recall the conversation of Dr. Watson and Sherlock at his house. When the first says that Holmes is an incredibly smart person, but at the same time completely uneducated.
    • Everyone understands that it was about education. Sherlock has no idea who Aristotle or Copernicus is that Watson is horrified.
    • Holmes is not shy about his illiteracy in some aspects, proving to Watson that not knowledge acquired at the university is important, but life experience and a sharp mind.
  • And also return to our writers:
    • “Previously, young people had to learn; They did not want to hear for the ignoramuses, so they involuntarily worked ”(I. S. Turgenev,“ fathers and children ”);
    • “If the ignoramus believes that antediluvian lizards live in the bowels of the globe, this is still wherever it went!” (Jules Verne, "Twenty thousand leagues under water").
Sherlock was an intelligent and very smart representative of ignorant
Sherlock was an intelligent and very smart representative of ignorant

Sometimes there is a dilemma in the head, who is worse, based on this distinctive information. But it is worth noting that each person has the right to choose less from two evils on their own. We can only assume that being an ignoramus is not as scary as to be ignorant. There is nothing worse than a bad man who has no idea how to behave in society. However, this is all relatively. Probably, the answer should sound like this: both cases in our life should be minimized.

Video: The difference between ignoramuses and ignoramus

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