Who is the author of these lines: "Human wealth is half in his ability to get along with the right people?"

Who is the author of these lines:

Who is the author of these lines: "Human wealth is half in his ability to get along with the right people?"

Theodor Dreiser is a famous American figure and writer who began his activity as a reporter. He became widely known thanks to his works: American tragedy, titanium, sister Kerry and others. In his novels, the writer most often narrated about real stories from people's lives.

It is theodore Dreiser that is the author of this phrase

Human wealth is half in his ability to get along with the right people,

which appeared in the novelFinancier.

Book - financier Comrade Dreiser
Lines from the book are financier. T. Dreiser

IMPORTANT: In the novel “Financier”, the author studied in detail the activities of Yerks, after which he reflected the real story about his life in his work in the person of the protagonist Frank Caulperwood.

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