When is the name of the Anastasia in the Church Orthodox calendar? Anastasia's Day by church calendar: Dates by month

When is the name of the Anastasia in the Church Orthodox calendar? Anastasia's Day by church calendar: Dates by month

Anastasia celebrates name 6 times a year. Information in the article.

The name Anastasia came from the male form Anastasius ("rebel"). It originates from the ancient Greek name Anastasios "Resurrection" or "returned to life." Anastasia is a popular name in Russia, and in terms of ratings it takes second place. Anastasia is considered the patroness of pregnant women - the great martyr Anastasia Lebedev. The day of its veneration is November 11th. In addition to this date, the saints Anastasia are revered 15 times a year.

Namedays Anastasia on the day of veneration of the saint
Namedays Anastasia on the day of veneration of the saint

Nameday Anastasia - January

  • 4. 01 - The day of veneration of the Great Martyr Anastasia Patterns, Illyrian, Roman.

Nameday Anastasia - February

This month, saints were not born with this name and in February the church does not revere the memory of martyrs, great martyrs or reverend with the name Anastasia.

Namedays Anastasia - March

  • 23.03 - Day of memory of Anastasia Patricia, Alexandria, deserts.

Named after Anastasia - April

  • 5.04 - The day of memory of the present martyr Anastasia.
  • 28.04 - The church honors the memory of the martyr Anastasia Roman.

Nameday Anastasia - May

  • 10.05 - The martyr Anastasia is revered.
  • 28.05 - Anastasia Latrian is revered in the church.

Named after Anastasia - June

  • 1.06 - A service is being held in the church in honor of the day of memory of the martyr Anastasia.
  • 9.06 - Another day when the martyr Anastasia is revered.

Named after Anastasia - July

  • 4.07 - The day of veneration of the Monk Anastasia.
  • 17.07 - In the church calendar this day is recorded as the date of veneration of the memory of the Great. Princesses, Martyrs of Anastasia Romanova.

Named after Anastasia - Augustus

  • 10.08 - Present martyr, nun Anastasia Kamaeva.

Nameday Anastasia - September

This month, saints were not born with this name and in September the church does not revere the memory of martyrs, great martyrs or reverend with the name Anastasia.

Named after Anastasia - October

This month, saints were not born with this name and in October the church does not revere the memory of martyrs, great martyrs or reverend with the name Anastasia.

Named after Anastasia - November

  • 11.11 - On this day, the days of the memory of two saints are revered: the martyrs of Anastasia Lebedeva and the Martyr Anastasia Roman, Solunskaya (Thessalonian).

Namedays Anastasia - December

  • 17.12 - The day of memory of the Martyr, the novices of Anastasia Titova.
  • 26.12 - The Church reads the day of memory of the ascetics of Anastasia.
Anastasia - name day on the day of veneration of the saint
Anastasia - name day on the day of veneration of the saint

Anastasia is changeable by nature, but elegant. It has excellent intuition and many women with this name can even predict the future. If you have a girl, and you choose a name for her, it is important to call her the name of that saint whose reverence date is next to the date of birth of the child. In this case, the girl will be happy and everything in life will be easy for her.

Video: The meaning of the name. Anastasia

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