When to go to the doctor if the child is sick?

When to go to the doctor if the child is sick?

Children often get sick. Sometimes treatment can be carried out independently at home. In other cases, seeking a doctor is mandatory.

How to recognize the danger and not launch the disease?

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Small children can get sick suddenly. They are often infected with infection, because their immunity has just begun to form. In the morning, your child is full of strength, fun and plays, and in the evening or after coming from the kindergarten, he complains of fever or nausea.

There may be many reasons. Sometimes the temperature jumps up to 40 degrees with colds or stress, and a serious infectious disease does not appear in any way. It is important to monitor the child and take measures at the first signs of the disease.

What to do if the child has a high temperature?

Important: if the child has a glazed look, red spots on his face, heat and he strives to lie down all the time, most likely, his temperature increased.

We are talking about high temperatures when the thermometer shows 37.5 or more. Most often, the temperature is caused by a viral infection.
If, despite the fever, the baby plays, does not lose his appetite, do not worry.

How to help a child? If the temperature is higher than 38–38.5?

Give the child an antipyretic containing paracetamol or ibuprofen (in syrup or candles).

Important: it is impossible to give children aspirin or other substances that include acetylsalicylic acid - they are unsafe for children under the age of 12 years.

  • Measure the temperature every 3-4 hours.
  • The baby needs to drink more: water, juices, herbal teas (with raspberries, linden, chamomile).
  • Protect the room regularly.
  • Try to lay cold compresses on the forehead, neck, caviar.
  • If the temperature rises above 39 degrees, prepare a cooling bath. Water should be taken not ice, but only a couple of degrees below the child’s body temperature. Such a bath will help if before that you have already given the baby an antipyretic.

The baby is ill. When to call a doctor?

  • When the temperature is above 39 degrees and does not fall even after the adoption of the antipyretic.
  • When she reappears after 1-2 days or lasts several days.
  • When convulsions appeared, and also
  • sore throat or ear
  • vomit,
  • diarrhea,
  • difficulties with breathing.
  • Go to the doctor if the child cannot tilt his head forward (limited mobility of the neck) and
  • if he does not want to drink for a long time (dehydration may occur).

What to do if a child has a runny nose?

Most often, a runny nose can be caused by a viral cold. Then its appearance may precede itching in the nasal cavity, sneezing. With such a runny nose, nasal discharge is watery. After 2 days, a thicker light mucus appears. Viral runny nose is not dangerous. It can last up to two weeks. And in babies it happens several times in a year and is even accompanied by high temperature, a height in the throat, a decrease in appetite.

How to help a child with a runny nose?

Important: if the mucous membranes of the throat and nose are overdried, bacteria and viruses penetrate the body more easily. It is important to ventilate the room and moisturize the air - purchase a humidifier or place a container with water. Invite your child often to drink to help moisturize the mucous membranes from the inside.

When to go to the doctor?

Bacteria can be the present cause of the common cold. In this case, the discharge from the nose has a slightly greenish color. This is called a purulent runny nose, and here it is already necessary to visit a doctor. With illiterate treatment, such a runny nose is able to lead to bronchitis, pneumonia. When the child has a temperature, and he himself complains of pain in the forehead and cheeks (especially on the one hand), then a runny nose can indicate inflammation of the sinuses.

Go to the pediatrician if the child has breathing difficultiesor because of the runny nose it is difficult for him to talk normally, or the runny nose does not pass after a week of home therapy or is accompanied by an increase in temperature, cough, headache.

What to do if a child has a stomach?

Abdominal pain can signal the infection, tonsillitis, indigestion, constipation, parasites or to be a reaction to stress. As a rule, the baby cannot say exactly in which place it hurts, tries to pull up to the sore spot of the knee. If the pain passes in less than an hour and does not return, the reason is most likely frivolous.

How to help a child?

  • If you think that the matter is indigent, prepare the baby herbal decoction From chamomile, mint, fennel. Attach a warm heating pad to the sore spot (not higher than 42 degrees).
  • The stomach may hurt if the baby had no chair for a long time - perhaps he was ashamed to say this teacher in kindergarten. Give him products that stimulate the work of the gastrointestinal tract, such as bunny compote, pear juice, boiled beets or yogurt with muesli.
  • You should not give a laxative to the child without the recommendation of a doctor.

When to go to the doctor?

  • When abdominal pain appears with vomiting, diarrhea, high temperature.
  • If the tummy is hard to the touch, swollen, sensitive to touch.
  • If the pain lasts several hours.
  • If the pain that begins in the navel and moving to the lower right side of the abdomen may be a sign of inflammation of the appendix.
  • If the back pain begins to be given to the lower abdomen, and the baby has problems with urination, an infection of urinary tract is possible.

What to do if the child has vomiting?

Vomiting can begin suddenly. Sometimes she is preceded by a feeling of nausea. This is often the first sign of developing bacterial or viral infection, often accompanied by diarrhea. After 1-2 days, other signs of infection appear (fever, sore throat). Vomiting can be a reaction to drugs, such as antibiotics, or a manifestation of food poisoning. In this case, the child often first experiences nausea and abdominal pain.

How to help a child?

If the baby is tearing, his body loses a lot of fluids and minerals, primarily potassium. It is often necessary to drink a child to prevent dehydration.

Give him cold drinks in small quantities (several spoons), but often every 15 minutes. A large portion of fluid can cause another bump of vomiting. Give him non -carbonated mineral water, a cold decoction of mint or chamomile or special solutions for rehydration with mineral salts (for example, guest).

If the vomiting has stopped more than 8 hours ago, you can prepare the baby easily digestible food (adhesive rice on water, potato or carrot puree). It is desirable that the child eat in small portions.

When to go to the doctor?

  • When the bouts of vomiting are strong and lasts more than 12 hours
  • If the child has symptoms of dehydration: drowsiness, weakness, dry mouth, lack of tears when crying
  • You need to immediately consult a doctor if the child tears blood or something similar to coffee grounds
  • when he complains of pain in the abdomen, which do not pass for more than 2 hours,
  • or headache.

What to do if a child has warts?

White or gray-brown rough nodules on the skin appearing on the fingers, shoulders, knees are warts. The cause of the occurrence is the human papillomatosis virus. Warts do not cause pain (except for those that appear on the feet), but cause a lot of trouble. The kid can become infected in kindergarten, in the pool.

How to help a child?

For two weeks, make lotions of plants with antiviral effects (lemon zest, garlic clove or basil). Use pharmacy drugs.

When to go to the doctor?

Be sure to contact a specialist if the wart is red, hot, damaged or bleeding or if it appears near the nail. Visit a doctor if warts multiply quickly.

Video: The child is sick - we call a doctor at home

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Comments K. article

  1. Pretty useful tips, thank you very much. I think that in order not to have to see a doctor, it is better to engage in prevention in a timely manner, we regularly give immuno vitamins, tea with rose hips+a mixture of dried fruits and honey, the baby is very rare, I don’t remember the doctor even when they went. So the main thing is prevention, of course.

  2. Self -medication is not the best choice, especially when it is about a child. With any ailments, we try to get to the doctor. Fortunately, now my son’s immunity is good, there is no reason to worry about his health. To protect the immune system, I give EMU Evalarov bears with vitamin D3, I buy it on a phytomarket.ru.

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