When to do a pregnancy test?

When to do a pregnancy test?

The article refers to when to make a pregnancy test after conception, after an injection of hCG, after ovulation.

A woman who dreams of a child, each time with the approach of critical days, pays more and more attention to her well -being and listens to the signals of her body. And when she feels the usual lower back pain, the question arises: is all the attempts made again?

But if suspicions of pregnancy crept in, then the first thought that visits a woman is an opportunity to make sure that a miracle happened.

Determination of pregnancy with a test

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  • You can easily confirm or refute the emergence of a new life inside with a test today. But when a strip of dough that facilitates the life of the ladies should be used

When to do a pregnancy test after conception?

How much should the day after conception should wait until the test strips are able to show the right result? To clarify this, it should be understood what affects the appearance of two strips during testing.

The cardboard strip of dough with a special reagent changes color immediately after urine enters it due to the increased level of chorionic gonadotropin, which is released in the body of the pregnant woman.

Pregnancy test

Chorionic gonadotropin enters the bloodstream as soon as fertilization occurs. The hormone of pregnancy in the female body appears within seven days after conception, but in small quantities.

The exact result of testing is possible provided that its concentration increases a thousand times. To do this, you need to wait at least fourteen days.

The egg is fertilized 1-2 days after sexual intercourse. This is how much time will need spermatozoa to get to the egg

When to do a test +for pregnancy after conception

But the process does not end there. After the fertilization, the female gender begins to move to the uterus, which will last 6-7 days. Having reached the uterus, the egg will begin to be introduced into its walls. And only then does the body begin to develop the hormone of pregnancy.

The limit of the sensitivity of the test strip is reached after 10-14 days after fertilization, coinciding with the beginning of the cycle. Therefore, it is advisable to test at home after one day of delay.

Chorionic gonadotropin can begin to be produced with the development of certain diseases. Medical drugs in which one of the components is a hormone of pregnancy can also provoke the production of hormone pregnancy.

When to make a pregnancy test

Today there are inkjet tests on sale. They are more expensive than usual, and differ from them with high sensitivity. A jet test is able to show the correct result even before the delay. Four to five days before the expected critical days, the test will show two strips

When to make a pregnancy test

The data indicated on the package will help to find out the sensitivity of the test. The numbers and growth plate show at what concentration of HCG a test strip is able to correctly reflect the result. Usually you can find out about pregnancy 14 days after fertilization using the test.

When to do a pregnancy test after a delay?

Manufacturers of test strips recommend using them after delay. The 15th day is considered optimal from the start of ovulation of the female gender.

Studies confirm that pregnancy with a delay of one day can be confirmed only by 16% of the tests offered by pharmacies.
After fertilization, chorionic gonadotropin after fertilization is produced in the maximum amount only by 8-10 weeks of pregnancy. In the future, its amount is reduced.

Another feature associated with the amount of hCG is that it becomes larger with multiple pregnancy. This means that with twins, Troin is the concentration of hCG.

If after fertilization the hormone level of hCG is too low, then you can suspect an ectopic pregnancy or a threat of miscarriage. The test may attest to the lack of pregnancy with a delay. Repeated testing will dispel doubts.

When to do a delay after a delay

Tips for the use of test strips:

  • when purchasing a test, it is recommended to find out its shelf life
  • the test that has remained since the last test should not be used
  • apply the test strictly according to the instructions
  • it is better to test after awakening, since in the morning the level of hormones is the highest

If the second strip is poorly determined, then we can talk about the onset of pregnancy. The next testing is best done after a few days. Two strips repeatedly shown by the test confirm pregnancy

When to make a pregnancy test after conception

When to make a pregnancy test after an unprotected act?

The test strips with high sensitivity indicate pregnancy at the end of seven days after unprotected sex, hypothetically capable of leading to conception. By this time, the necessary level of hCG is achieved.

A highly sensitive jet test will show pregnancy at a hCG level of 10 IU/l, even in the absence of a delay

Medium -sensitive tests determine pregnancy at a hCG level of 20 - 25 IU/l. The indicated level of gonadotropin in the urine, sufficient to obtain a reaction in the form of two strips on most ordinary tests, is achieved only by the third week of pregnancy, or 15-16 days after conception

When to do a pregnancy test after a delay

A test with an average sensitivity (20-25 IU/L) will show the correct result 15-17 days after sexual intercourse. By this time, if the pregnancy is present, a delay in menstruation occurs.

If sex was a couple of days before the date of the next menstruation, but there is a delay, then testing the average sensitivity test should be carried out after 15 days from the date when there was sex. The calculated date of the onset of menstruation is in this case ignored.

Highly sensitive tests in 10 IU/L are used on 7 days after sex. The estimated date of the beginning of the next menstruation is also not taken into account.

When to do a pregnancy test after menstruation?

If the critical days have come, but the woman continues to worry about the pregnancy, or if the bloody discharge only resembles menstruation, then the positive test result is a reason to consult a gynecologist.

Discharges may indicate an ectopic pregnancy, the development of pathologies. Sometimes bloody discharge speaks of the individual characteristics of a woman and is not a cause for concern

Begin a pregnancy test after a delay

A week after the alleged conception, optimal terms for testing come. But it is better to re -conduct a test in a few days. If the delay is 3-4 days, then even a regular test can show pregnancy.

When to do a pregnancy test after ovulation?

After the onset of ovulation, even a highly sensitive test is not able to show a positive result, because the production of hCG in the body has not yet begun. And only 7-10 days after the egg of the ovary, its fertilization and fixing to the walls of the uterus, the process of producing a pregnancy hormone is launched

When to make a pregnancy test

You can determine pregnancy before ovulation by various signs. However, none of them is able to confirm pregnancy

When to do a pregnancy test after IVF?

  • After the IVF procedure, it is recommended to be carried out in the clinic. The optimal period for this occurs in 14 days. Having fixed up to the wall of the uterus, the embryo immediately begins the production of the gonadotropin hormone. But with eco, only the detection of a hormone of pregnancy is not enough
  • You will also need a determination of the number of fixed embryos and a place of attachment. All this is revealed for an ultrasound, which is prescribed on the seventh day after IVF. Repeated ultrasound is prescribed on the seventh day. Its goal is to check the heartbeat and normal development of the embryo
  • Conducting a test ahead of schedule can cause premature joy due to a false positive result. However, re -testing in the clinic will bring disappointment with a negative answer in two weeks

Reasons for the wrong result:

  • the embryo is trying to gain a foothold in the uterus for the first seven days, but this never happened
  • after the ovulation is called, the woman’s huck-hormone in the body remains. He shows a false positive result

In order not to be disappointed, you should wait for the due date after IVF and testing only in the clinic

Pregnancy test after eco

When to do a pregnancy test after hCG?

After the injection of the hCG, ovulation occurs within the day. Doctors appoint the necessary support for the ovaries, and also give recommendations regarding the number of sexual acts.

Testing is carried out depending on the cycle. The optimal period is seventeen days before the next menstruation. For example, if the cycle is regular and is 28 days, then the test can be carried out after the eleventh day.

In case of unstable cycle, the test day is determined by the most short cycle for the previous six months

If during the ultrasound it was revealed that the follicle has reached the desired size (twenty mm), then testing can be carried out daily.

When to do a pregnancy test after duphaston and prenected?

After Duphaston and prenigently, testing should be carried out no earlier than 3-4 days of delay. The doctor should determine the optimal test period. Repeated the test after 3-4 days will relieve doubts about the veracity of the result.

Video: How many weeks after sexual intercourse can a pregnancy test be done?

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