Kanefron - composition, indications, instructions, side effects, reviews. How to take Kanefron - before meals or after? Is it possible to take Kanefron during pregnancy, children?

Kanefron - composition, indications, instructions, side effects, reviews. How to take Kanefron - before meals or after? Is it possible to take Kanefron during pregnancy, children?

Problems with kidneys are often found and the most effective in the treatment of their inflammation is Kanefron. It allows you to not only relieve unpleasant symptoms, but also treats diseases. Let's look at what kind of drug it is and how to take it correctly.

In the human body, inflammatory processes often occur, some may not even know about some. The urinary system is no exception, and when inflammation occurs in it, discomfort, pain appears, the usual lifestyle is disturbed and complications may even occur. This problem is common, more often in women.

It is possible to solve this problem and special drugs are prescribed for this. Plant drugs affect the body. One of these is Kanefron. We will talk about it in our article, as well as answer the main issues of patients regarding the dosage, administration before or after eating, as well as indications for use and side effects.

Kanefron - composition, pharmacological action: Description

Kanefron - composition
Kanefron - composition

Before starting to take Kanefron, it would be useful to study what it consists of and how it affects the body. Suddenly you have contraindications and it is forbidden to you. So, Kanefron is a plant drug that allows you to relieve inflammation, and it also has a diuretic and ascetic effect. In addition, it additionally relieves pain and restores blood circulation.

The composition of Kanephron contains various plant components, but the main ones are extracts from: grass and flowers of the golden ears, the root of the medicinal lover, rosehip berries, rosemary leaves. There are other substances in it - talc with a obedon, sucrose with dextrose, shellac with titanium dioxide and castor oil.

Kanefron is made in the form of round tablets of orange color, and also in drops with a brown tint or even a sediment. Although the form is different, the properties of the medicine are the same.

Kanefron - When appointed: Indications for use

Kanefron - testimony
Kanefron - testimony

Usually, Kanefron is not used separately for treatment. Together with it, antibiotics and other drugs are prescribed if necessary. Kanefron is designed to treat various diseases of the kidneys - cystitis, pyelonephritis and other non -infectious diseases.

Kanefron can be prescribed as a preventive. For example, it allows you to prevent kidney stones, and also eliminate the risk of their repeated appearance. Kanefron is sometimes prescribed for pregnant women to relieve swelling, as well as maintaining normal kidneys.

With cystitis and pyelonephritis, the medicine is combined with antibiotics. This makes it possible to quickly remove the most unpleasant symptoms, as well as accelerate treatment.

Kanefron - Instructions for use: Dosage for children and adults

How to take Kanefron?
How to take Kanefron?

Kanefron tablets must be washed down with a small amount of water. If you take drops, then first dilute them in water.

As for the dosage, her doctor selects individually. This largely depends on the age, but first of all, on the nature of the disease. Usually no more than 6 dragees per day for schoolchildren and adults are prescribed. They need to be divided by three times.

Drops are assigned to young children due to the fact that it is difficult for them to swallow pills. Although adults can also use them.

The dosage is distributed in this way:

  • For adults, the largest dosage is assigned, which is 50 drops
  • Schoolchildren will be half the dosage and amounts to 25 drops
  • Preschoolers are allowed to take no more than 15 drops
  • To infants are assigned up to 10 drops

All this amount, as a rule, is divided into three doses, that is, you do not need to drink everything at once.

How long to take Kanefron?

The drug is plant, and therefore it is safe for health, so that it can be taken for a long time without harm to the body. Immediately after the patient's condition improves, it is impossible to cancel Kanefron. It must be accepted until a complete cure and even for some time, to consolidate the result.

When taking Kanefron, the dose can be adjusted. The condition, age and other parameters of the patient are taken into account. If required, you can take several courses in one year. This is due to the safety of the medicine.

How to take Kanefron - before or after eating?

When to take Kanefron?
When to take Kanefron?

Reception of Kanefron is allowed at any time, regardless of food, but if you have drops, then dilute them in half a glass of water. For any dosage, just such a amount of water is used.

The frequency of intake of kanephron should not exceed 2-3 times a day. This information is better to clarify with your doctor.

Kanefron - are there any contraindications and which, when you can not take the drug?

As we said earlier, Kanefron is a natural drug and patients tolerate it very well. However, certain contraindications are still available.

Reception of kanephron is not recommended for:

  • Exacerbation of stomach ulcers and 12
  • Renal failure
  • Intolerance to the components of the drug

It is also important to consider the fact that children are prohibited from up to a year at all, and tablets can only be taken from the age of six.

There is another very important contraindication for drops of Kanefron - they cannot be drunk with chronic alcoholism, even after treatment from it. During these periods, you cannot take alcohol, and in kanefron the alcohol base is used, which allows you to dissolve the components of the drug.

With particular caution, the drug is used for liver diseases and, in addition, it is not suitable for eliminating swelling caused by heart or renal failure.

Is it possible to take Kanefron to children?

Can Kanephron be for children?
Can Kanephron be for children?

Often parents are concerned about the question - is it possible to drink Kanefron to children? Undoubtedly, there really is anything to doubt, because the composition contains ethanol.

In fact, there are no reasons for concern, because children are prescribed extremely low doses of the drug, and it is bred in liquid. So the alcohol content is very small and it will definitely not have a bad effect on the body. Therefore, pediatricians consider the product safe and prescribe it to the kids from a year.

The only contraindication is intolerance to some components, since allergies can appear on them.

Is it possible to take Kanefron during pregnancy?

Kanefron during pregnancy
Kanefron during pregnancy

Since Kanefron, first of all, is a plant drug, it is also allowed to drink during pregnancy. But do not drink it yourself, but it is better to first consult a doctor so that he helps to decide on a suitable dosage and develops a treatment regimen.

Self -medication can be dangerous in that different consequences may arise that negatively affect pregnancy. The dose is usually prescribed standard, but it can be reduced if it is prescribed for prevention.

Kanefron - Instructions for use: side effects

Some patients may be too sensitive to the components of the drug and this is manifested by skin itching, hyperemia and rashes similar to urticaria. Very rarely, Kanefron causes nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. If unwanted reactions begin to appear in you, then it is better to immediately stop taking and consult a doctor to change treatment.

More complex reactions are also possible when you can’t do without medical care. This is a violation of urination, its delay or the appearance of blood veins in the urine. In such situations, you need to call an ambulance immediately.

Kanefron - Patient Reviews

If you carefully study all the reviews about Kanefron, then there are very few bad ones. It almost always turns out to be effective. Its plant composition allows minimizing adverse reactions and taking a long time.

Hope: The chronic cystitis and the doctor wrote out Kanefron and antibiotics worsened. We have about 500 rubles. For treatment, it took two packages. Although the price is rather big, but the effect is very good. After a couple of days of admission, there were no longer a pain when urinating, and the discomfort disappeared and stopped burning everything below. It can be used as a prevention, but only it is better to drink drops, because they are not consumed so fast, and their price is lower.

Eugene: Kanefron really helps very well. I was assigned drops with cystitis. From the second day it has become better. Additionally, the doctor still prescribed antibiotics and spasm. I did not show any side effects. The only negative is a very bitter taste, but you can dilute it with tea or juice.

Raisa: The daughter was appointed Kanefron, after the cold a complication of the kidneys went. So we were also treated from cystitis. The drug itself is safe, but very bitter, so you still have to try for the children to drink it. We diluted in juice. After a week, there were almost no symptoms. To consolidate the result, they drank another 7 days.

In conclusion, it is worth saying that when taking kanefron, it is worth drinking as much liquid as possible. If the patient has diabetes, then with the use of tablets you need to be extremely neat, because they contain absorbed carbohydrates.

It is also not worth exceeding the dose prescribed by the doctor, because with an overdose a decrease in the reaction can be observed, and therefore it will not be possible to drive transport or complex mechanisms.

Video: Kanephron - Reduces

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