Which pregnancy test is better? The most sensitive and accurate pregnancy test

Which pregnancy test is better? The most sensitive and accurate pregnancy test

A review of the most popular and sensitive pregnancy tests.

Pregnancy is a wonderful time in a woman’s life, but full of unrest and surprises. When planning pregnancy, the representative of the fair sex wants to learn about her situation as early as possible. Modern pregnancy tests help in this.

Jet test for pregnancy

This is a simple mechanism that differs from its predecessors. The main plus of tests is high sensitivity, the lack of the need to collect urine and a quick result.

It is not necessary to conduct a test in the morning, since the product reacts even to a small amount of hCG in the urine. Some women note that the test showed pregnancy even before delayed the alleged menstruation.

The principle of operation of the jet dough:

  • It is a rod with a slight extension. It is this expansion that the analyzed liquid should enter
  • It is necessary to unpack the test and urinate in the receiving hole. Above is a rod filled with fibers and indicator
  • Upon receipt of urine, particles of hCG are raised high and displayed in the form of a second strip
  • The test can be done at any time of the day, but the concentration of hCG is the highest early in the morning, which is important in the early stages of pregnancy
Jet test for pregnancy
Jet test for pregnancy

Reusable pregnancy test

  • This is an electronic device that differs significantly from test strips. The operation of the device is based on a removable cartridge that responds to the level of hCG in the blood
  • Using the device, you can not only determine the pregnancy, but also find out the date of birth. The device can be connected to computer technology and build graphs by which you can judge the course of pregnancy
  • But this device is suitable not only for women who have a delay. It is simply indispensable a device for the couples planning pregnancy
  • With it, you can determine the time of ovulation

Advantages of reusable tests:

  • Possibility of calculating the day of ovulation
  • Accurate result (99%)
  • Possibility of calculating the date of birth
  • Can be used 20 times or more

The kit includes 20 strips that need to be changed after each use. The device reacts to the level of hormones hCG and LH.

In the presence of hCG, we can talk about pregnancy. The level of LG shows the approaching ovulation. 24 hours before it, a surge of this hormone is observed.

Reusable pregnancy test
Reusable pregnancy test

Electronic Clearblue test for pregnancy

This is one of the most popular reusable tests. This help can be determined by pregnancy, the date of conception or the presence of ovulation. Gynecologists consider this test one of the best for couples planning pregnancy.

Instructions for using the test:

  • Insert the cartridge and put the receiver under the stream of urine. Keep under a stream of 3-7 seconds
  • Put on a cap and leave on the table for 3 minutes
  • That is how much time is conducted an analysis. After that, the “+” or “-” icon will appear on the scoreboard, which indicates the presence or absence of pregnancy
  • If there is no pregnancy, you will receive a figure that indicates a favorable day for conception
  • If there is a plus, then near you will see a number indicating the number of weeks from conception
  • The numbers will differ from the date set by the gynecologist for 2 weeks
  • Doctors consider pregnancy from the date of the last menstruation, and the device from the date of conception

The device can be connected to the computer. It has a USB connector, and the device itself looks like a flash drive with a display. The test can be used not under a stream of urine, but as when using test strips.

That is, you can collect a little urine and immerse the test in the container. After that, it must be closed with a cap and waited for about 3 minutes.

This test allows you to find out about pregnancy even before the date of the alleged menstruation. But in this case, the analysis is better to drive early in the morning, since the amount of hCG in the early stages is very small.

Electronic Clearblue test for pregnancy
Electronic Clearblue test for pregnancy

What is the most accurate and sensitive pregnancy

Now there are a lot of pregnancy tests on the market, their price ranges from a wide range of 30 to 1500 rubles. The cheapest are test strips with a sensitivity of 25 mme/ml.

That is, it is suitable if there is a delay in menstruation by 1-3 days or more. Even before menstruation, such tests will not show anything.

The most sensitive tests:

  • Inkjet with sensitivity from 10 mme/ml. The most famous manufacturers of these tests: Frautest, Evitest, Clearblue. Are test-plastic or jet tests
  • Electronic. According to survey among women, these are the most sensitive tests. Now in the market such products are produced by Unipas LTD., Great Britain. The main drawback is the high price. The test reacts to the presence of hCG from the first week of conception, respectively, a week before menstruation, you can find out about pregnancy

To make sure, you can buy the cheapest test, but it will show pregnancy only after several days of delay in menstruation.

The most accurate and sensitive pregnancy
the most accurate and sensitive pregnancy

Pregnancy tests reviews

According to reviews, the most popular are budget test options. These are ordinary strips that need to be immersed in the collected urine.

The most popular tests:

  • Frautest
  • Evitest
  • rest assured
  • Faith

Unfortunately, reviews about domestic tests are not the most positive, this is due to their low price and, accordingly, with low sensitivity.

Accordingly, in the early stages, the strips give a false-negative result. The second strip may not be loomed immediately, but after 10-15 minutes. After 3 minutes, many women throw a strip and think that there is no pregnancy.

Pregnancy tests
Pregnancy tests

As you can see, the modern market offers a lot of pregnancy tests, their sensitivity directly depends on the price.

Video: pregnancy test

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