What paintings cannot be hung on the walls in your house?

What paintings cannot be hung on the walls in your house?

The picture in the house carries a certain meaning, so it is important to hang the right paintings. Let's find out which pictures in the house cannot be hung.

The walls in the room or office surround us throughout the day, at night we are in the walls of the bedroom. All of them are a component of the general atmosphere, enter into a single interior complex, and therefore must “fit” into it, without violating the integrity of the style. Create a finished image, withstanding it in the same style, will largely help paintings. How to choose the right picture, and which is better to refuse?

What paintings cannot be hung on the walls in your house: General requirements

The main condition is that the image should “coincide” with the tastes and views of its owner. If the picture is purchased only because the topic or genre of filing is considered fashionable, and in the soul the person who bought it does not cause any bright feelings - such a picture should definitely not be hanged. In the best case, you simply will not notice her, at the worst - she will annoy you, which will lead to excessive nervousness in the family.

In addition, the color scheme of the picture should be combined with the general color scheme in which the room is decorated.

A prerequisite that the picture “fits” into the interior is its proportionality to the area of \u200b\u200bthe walls and surfaces of the room. You can not hang one miniature in an extensive space and wait for it that it will not be lost on it. In the same way, you cannot place a huge canvas in a small room in size.


It is unnecessary to say that the picture should be in harmony not only with the interior and color scheme in which the room is decorated, but also with the functional purpose of the room.

  • So, the rushing riders, scenes of battles, or the players who are jubilant over the clogged goal, the players are unlikely to have a peaceful color, as well as the bright red color of their shape. It is better to choose something calm, unhurried, contemplative-a quiet snowy forest, lazy sunny nozzle, etc. By the way, it is in the bedroom that floral still lifes are not recommended - you can expect quarrels and partings.
  • Pictures for the children's room should be accessible and understandable to the child, and most importantly - made in those colors that are closest to the young inhabitant of the nursery. So, bright, energetic colors are suitable for an active child, and muted will create a certain discomfort. To analyze the content of the picture, to evaluate the artist’s skill, determining which school and which direction he belongs, the child will not yet be able, but intuitively feel the positive or negativity coming from the canvas.
  • The living room can be decorated with paintings with the image of flowers or landscapes, but the foods' food will be clearly inappropriate here.
  • And, on the contrary, in the kitchen, a still life will look organically and naturally, placing on eating and exciting appetite.
  • And, of course, in each room you should withstand the compatibility of color shades. If you are a calm, a restrained person, you will be comfortable among the green gamut and, accordingly, is uncomfortable among bright colors.

And, of course, the picture is simply obliged to give positive, to charge with energy and a good mood, and in no case do not bring sad thoughts.

What paintings cannot be hung on the walls in your house: List

Definitely - those paintings that can create a negative atmosphere around the hosts and in their surrounding environment.

Distributed standing water

In general, water is of positive value. This is cleansing, reassuring, adding welfare. And if you depict a swamp overgrown with moss, the tina of the lake standing, in a word, any reservoir in which the water does not change, but stagnates, then every time your gaze will stop on such a canvas, it will take you a wave of the same “stagnation”. In this case, your positive will be left almost to zero.

Still water
Still water

But the water in the process of the current just adds energy, especially on condition that it arrives, and does not flow from the reservoir.

With unknown signs or words

In the picture, not only the image can be present, but also letters or symbols. So, experts say that you can’t hang pictures in the house on which the meaning of these words is not clear to you. For example, the inscription on Latin, or the image of hieroglyphs - these elements can be part of the picture, or they may also be the main figure.


And if you do not know the meaning of what is written, or you are not sure of the correctness of the translation, it is better to refrain from placing such a picture. Perhaps the essence of this inscription is evil, then his negative message will constantly accompany you.

Ruins, fragments and other poverty items

Remember the phrase from the cartoon: “How do you call the boat, so it will float”? The same effect is present in this case. Hanging an image of devastation or poverty in your room, you thereby seem to attract similar to yourself. The ruins of the old fortress, albeit very picturesque, are able to turn your plans and hopes into the same ruins. Therefore, leave the museums the old, cracked and broken - there all this will become a valuable exhibit and will really give joy and cause admiration.


In the house, give preference to bright, bright, life -affirming plots, and these the paintings cannot be hung On the walls.

Suffering, crying people

Refuse portraits on which people cry, get sick, have some kind of physical flaws-they will bring to your house a feeling of hopelessness, powerlessness, and the old people depicted on them will all the time remind you that the aging process is inevitable.

You should also not place images of people or animals in a state of aggression, rage, and violence in the rooms - the flow of negativity from them will be very strong.


Everything related to human vices

Do not say that such plots do not cause joy to the inhabitants of the house, no matter how masterfully the picture was made. A drug addict, a slutty girl, a dropped alcoholic, who was crumbling in agony - do you really want to see this before your eyes daily?


Images of those who passed away

Recall that dead energy should not be constantly in contact and to make the interchange with lively. It is not known which of them will be weaker, and which is stronger, so hide the images of the departed ancestors and relatives in the albums, systematizing them and designing them appropriately, such the paintings cannot be hung On the walls in the house. This applies to both paintings and photos.


For the same considerations, do not choose paintings with torn and wilted flowers, broken branches, dried trees - they all carry a necrotic subtext.

So, summing up the line, we can say that the main rule when choosing a picture for a particular room should be its compliance with your taste and character, appropriateness in this environment and compatibility with the rest of the decor.

Video: Feng Shui Pictures

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