How to align the ceiling with puttings with putty, a net, a mouthband, a drywall in an apartment or a private house for painting or whitewashing with your own hands? Advantages of an even stretch ceiling

How to align the ceiling with puttings with putty, a net, a mouthband, a drywall in an apartment or a private house for painting or whitewashing with your own hands? Advantages of an even stretch ceiling

Ways to align the ceiling.

Speaking ceilings have become popular now, because they allow you to achieve a beautiful appearance at minimal costs in a short time. In this article we will tell you how to align the ceiling.

How to align the ceiling in the apartment, house with putty?

If it is necessary to align the ceiling, first you need to decide on a height drop, that is, its curvature. For this, a hydraulic level is used and height is measured in all four corners. The height that will be minimal is the final point at which it will be necessary to align the ceiling. The best option, if the difference is small, that is, small, up to 1 cm. In this case, you will be able to align with the use of starting, as well as finish putty.


  • To begin with, the old coating is removed, whitewashing is completely washed off. All dents, recesses are embedded using plaster. Next, a primer is applied, which, after completely drying, is covered with a thick layer of starting putty.
  • Next, it is necessary to let her dry for 2 days. After that, a new layer of primer and the finish layer are again applied again. Do not try to display the material very carefully, because it is useless. This will be done at the next stages of alignment.
  • After the finished putty dries, it must be covered with the thinnest layer of finely dispersed putty, which is applied with a layer of up to half a million.
  • After that, with special polymer nets with an emery, the ceiling is equalized. Sturpting is carried out, after which the remnants of dust are removed. The surface is primed and you can proceed to further finishing manipulations - painting, whitewashing.
Squeezing with putty
Squeezing with putty

How to align the curve ceiling in an apartment, house with a net?

The task is complicated if the difference between the corners is 2 cm. In this case, you will have to purchase a special grid that is made of nylon fibers.


  • At the initial stage, it is also necessary to remove the old coating, chatter with plaster, apply a primer layer.
  • After that, glue or PVA glue is applied to the net and it is glued over the entire surface of the ceiling, its entire area. Further, a layer of putty is already applied directly to this grid, since in the previous case with the alignment of putty.
  • If the net is not attached and a very thick layer of putty, then after drying it will just fall off. This grid is a kind of fastening material that glues the ceiling with putty.
The alignment of the ceiling
The alignment of the ceiling

How to align the ceiling with a mouthband?

If the level in the angles of the walls differs by 3 cm, then in this case the option with the net is not suitable.


  • It is necessary to use a special reinforcing structure, which is screwed to the ceiling using self -tapping screws. The grid can be metal with small cells, or Kapronova. In the same way, it is attached at the very first stage.
  • After that, the plaster of Rotband is carried out from KNAUF. This is a special gypsum mixture that allows even decent irregularities to eliminate.
  • It is applied with a thick layer of 2 cm, and after that it is aligned using starting and finish putty. Please note that each layer must be treated with a primer for good adhesion and adhesion of one layer with another. How to put a putty, see the first example.

Video: Alignment of the ceiling with a rotational

How to align the ceiling with a drywall with your own hands?

If the difference in the corners of the walls is much more than 5 cm, the only option is the installation of a suspended ceiling. It may not be stretch, often install plasterboard ceilings.


  • For this, the surface is treated, pollution is removed and irregularities are laid out, as well as dents.
  • Cover with a primer, after which the crate is mounted, which consists of metal profiles.
  • Thus, a peculiar frame is made, sheets of drywall are already attached directly to this frame, which is then covered with a thin layer of finish putty and after that further processing can be carried out.
  • This option is suitable if you are not a fan of suspended ceilings, while you want to stick tiles or wallpaper on the ceiling.
  • In this case, drywall will help you align the ceiling, while not buying a huge amount of putty, do not weight the structure, as well as save time and money.
  • In addition, the design made of drywall allows you to make multi -level ceilings using interesting, unusual decor.
  • Very often installed backlight, you can make stretch surfaces with photo printing.
  • Now the combination of drywall and suspended ceilings is very popular.
Chatter for drywall
Chatter for drywall

Even stretch ceiling: advantages

Please note that there was a huge selection of both glossy and matte films. You can choose on the Internet a drawing that interests you, and bring it to life on the ceiling. This is a great opportunity for parents of young children who want to make a children's quite interesting, unusual. At the same time, the installation of suspended ceilings takes a minimum of time. This is especially true if there are already special grooves that are installed around the perimeter of the entire room. Masters can do work itself in just a few hours. That is, without dust, without dirt and endless washing of the floors, you will receive an absolutely even ceiling.

With the use of stretch films, you can create the illusion of a perfectly even, white ceiling for whitewashing. In this case, using a white matte film. The advantages of such a ceiling are that they do not spoil when water flowing on them, it will be enough to drain the water through the hole for the chandelier, and re -pull the film using a gas burner. In this case, the surface is completely restored and does not deteriorate. In fact, stretch ceilings are not as expensive as it seems at first glance. If you compare with the amount of putty spent on the leveling of a crooked ceiling, then the use of suspended ceilings can be significantly saved.

Stretch ceiling
Stretch ceiling

As you can see, it makes sense to align the ceiling on the event if the curvature is small, up to one centimeter. You can spend a small amount of putty and level the ceiling on your own. Otherwise, with significant changes in height, we advise you to contact specialists and get a stretch or suspended ceiling.

Video: A smooth ceiling with your own hands

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