How to find out if I have a guardian angel and who is my guardian angel by date of birth?

How to find out if I have a guardian angel and who is my guardian angel by date of birth?

We establish a connection with the guardian angel: how to get to know how to communicate, how to find out the name, age and character of the angel.

Want to get help and support? They wondered-who is my guardian angel? The guardian angel is a defender sent by heaven, patron and assistant in difficult life situations. We will tell you how to find out who patronizes you, as well as how to find out more about him and establish contact.

Who is my guardian angel and how to find by date of birth?

  • Everyone has dreams of a patronist. Of course, who does not want to have a defender, patron and reliable companion who is ready to push all his affairs to support a person in troubles and problems. And you know, our world is perfect! And the creator, before creating Adam, created an entire army of angels who serve us people.
  • But many confuse the guardian angel with the saint, in whose honor they named the child under the sacrament of baptism (the name recorded in the holy). Both are our patrons and defenders in heaven. But the saints are the people who lived, like we on earth, and with their actions achieved the special favor of the Creator and the Orthodox Church.
  • Guardian angels are the army of God, created in heaven and serving for the good of the humanity of the sinful. This is a different type of creatures that does not have bodily embodiment, but hundreds of times wiser, cleaner and stronger than us.
  • Interested in the question-who is my guardian angel? Look at your date of birth (do not confuse with baptism). At the same time, we will need the second number of birthday directly (a month and year does not play in this case a role).
  • Example. Vasily was born on January 15, respectively the necessary number 5, and Christina, born on the 29th, will look at the number 9.

So, we will consider in detail about the relationship of the numbers and character of our guardian angel.

Last day of birthday What character does the guardian angel have under this number Last day of birthday What character does the guardian angel have under this number
1 Born under this figure most often have a weak energy field and are emotionally unstable, not confident in themselves. That is why the creator sent them to the aid of the best of the best-guardian angels permeated with holiness. They help even when a person by stupidity loses faith and hope. 6 Born under sign 6 - creative persons. And their patron seems to be shining with all the colors that can be in the universe. The rainbow angel is a true friend and assistant, supports love and creation, suggests how to establish friendship and create a strong marriage. Enlay contact with your angel, and you will never find out anything about depression again.
2 In the old days, they believed that the second -day born are a kissed by an angel and a happy life awaits them. Indeed, born in days 2, 12 and 22 more often falls into freckles and unique moles/home spots. A light angel - its wings are the largest and shine as bright as stars. It is he who comes in the images of mirrors, it is he who dreams and speaks at night. If you come to contact with the angel, adhere to his advice, but be vigilant, because the minister of Hell may appear under his guise. Simply distinguish-as it were, the light angel did not help, he will never advise others to harm. His path is kindness, love, mercy. 7 A kind of energetic guardian angel is a real volcano of support and inspiration. But to establish contact with him is the hardest thing, and you can lose in an instant. He does not tolerate lies, betrayals and is sure that worthy of gratitude and respect. Such a patron will be near only among a worthy, honest man who appreciates his guardian angel.
3 Born 3, 13, 26 - very independent and can stand up for themselves. Therefore, frivolous and air guardian angels got their fate. Such an angel is in no hurry to help until he hears a call. And often he is absorbed, for a while, leaving his man, but it is worth hacking him with a prayer, as he instantly is ready for help. It is the bright one who loves to play curtains, move objects and, using air flows, show his presence. 8

For those born under the number 8, patrons are considered the youngest and at the same time have blood kinship with people. The patrons are other relatives who had departed into the world, who preferred to the paradise peace for their relatives who remained on Earth.

It is not surprising that it is as simple to establish with an angel the keeper as possible, the main thing is to remember about him and honor his memory. At the same time, the Angel-Divine will always come to the rescue even if the ward has forgotten about him, and the situation is very dangerous.

4 To the mathematical mind - a wise patron. It is these days that confident and decisive people are born, and their guardian angel tells and helps to quickly climb the career ladder. It is worth noting that even if you deviated to the humanities or creativity - a wise angel will help to achieve a good life, but it is very fundamental. As soon as he sees negative aspects in a person, he will immediately lead the most difficult way that in torment and tears a person he will return to the true faith. 9

Born under the number 9 always seem to optimists and funny people. And that’s all, because this angel of the Keeper knows how to inspire thoughts, and inspires how you guessed extremely positive and kind. Such a patron will never clear the way, but will always tell you how and where to go in order to live in harmony, love and prosperity.

At the same time, this angel is sure that bringing positive thoughts to life is the main duty of their wards. Want to achieve its location - take positive!

5 Born 5, 15 and 25 - most often strong personalities, but even if you do not feel like that, try to gain the strength of mind and make contact with the metal angel of the guardian. Its essence is a warrior, a defender. And he especially complains the same strong, strong in body and spirit of people. Stand up with him and turn the mountains over in your lifetime. 0 A fire blazes inside him, it was from his image that the prototype was written off endlessly by the reviving phoenix. It is wayward, but if it patronizes, it helps to circumvent all difficulties and troubles. A fiery guardian angel can forgive and return dozens of times, but only if a person is sincerely corrected.

Who is my guardian angel and how to find his patron in the saints?

Many confuse the patron saint of man and the guardian angel. In the Orthodox saints, the days of reading the saints are recorded, as well as in complete versions, one can find the biographies of saints who have reached special peaks of holiness during life or died a martyrdom for the faith of Christ.

In churches, temples and cathedrals you meet many icons that depict holy or biblical events. Considering thousands of icons, one can understand that guardian angels are present on the icons, but only on secondary plans, and are not the main defendants in the images. Also in history there was not a single icon dedicated to the angel.

It is worth remembering that the Angels Guardians are incorporeal and, therefore, according to the plan of God, the human appearance should not take. All angels are portrayed with snow -white wings, which are drawn in detail, while there is no emphasis on the faces of the angels, and they are drawn in a free style depending on the representations of the icon painters.

The best way to establish a connection with the keeper is to learn a prayer to the Guardian Angel
The best way to establish a connection with the keeper is to learn a prayer to the Guardian Angel

It is recommended to turn to the Angel Keeper alone with the help of prayer and not try to find out how he looks, because it is not particularly important. It is not possible to acquire or find an icon with your angel, as well as find the answer to the question-“who is my guardian angel” is not possible in the holy, since they also imply human images, as a heritage from life as an example.

Who is my guardian angel and how to find out age, half a benefactor?

The age of the guardian angel is symbolic, and differs from our age, because the age of the keeper does not change for centuries. Also, we can find out the floor of the angel, while it should be remembered that the Almighty sends him by his decision, and the attitude, wisdom or the presence of one or another help does not change from these indicators.

But if it is important for you to understand who your guardian angel is in the smallest details, using the information received during this calculation, you can find out more, and also understand what visual appearance it may appear to you. At the same time, it is worth remembering that the guardian angel which, for example, 19 years, can be at this age for both several years and several centuries.

It is worth noting that if the final amount (one sign) is multiple of the two, then this angel of the male keeper, if the number is odd - an angel of the guardian of the female.

We give an indicative calculation with an explanation:

  • The person was born on March 15 (03 month). So, 1 + 5 + 0 + 3 \u003d 9
  • From this calculation, we can find out that a guardian angel is intended for this person at the age of 9 years, female.
  • Now we’ll complicate a little. The date of birth December 29 (12 month). So, 2 + 9 + 1 + 2 \u003d 14
  • In this case, we can understand that the guardian angel is 14 years old, and he looks almost an adult. At the same time, the number 14 consists of two signs A, therefore, it is necessary to fold them in order to understand the floor of the angel. 1 + 4 \u003d 5. This is a female guardian angel.

Now if you see such a shadow, or the image on the sidelines of the mirror, or the guardian angel will come to you in a dream-you will probably understand that it is it! And in prayers, it will be easier for you to understand who you are addressing and whom you pray for help.

Who is my guardian angel and how to see the image of his patron?

According to Scripture, the face of the angels remains invisible to man, because this essence, close to the creator and for an unprepared person, can become a psychological obstacle, after which he will not come to his senses.

According to Orthodox laws, it is believed that the guardian angel is constantly, especially when a person prays him for help and advice. This is an unexpected thought, the wind overwhelmed the page, an apple that has fallen from the tree at the right time, etc. Moreover, if a person needs help, but does not see obvious tips, an angel can appear in the form of a human appearance to give prophetic instructions.

In rare cases, in the presence of holiness and exceptional virtue, according to people, guardian angels can appear in the images, dreams and visions of their wards in their true appearance. But at the same time, such people most often depart from worldly life and are occupied by spirituality and charity.

If you are interested in who is your guardian angel, turn to the Bible, it gives explanations that he is unzimal for man and is in full appearance only once in his life-to accompany a person to the kingdom of God on a difficult last journey.

Orthodox memo with the image of an angel and a brief prayer
Orthodox memo with the image of an angel and a brief prayer

Historical facts are categorical, until the eleventh century the image of the Guardian angel was unemployed and was not displayed on the icons. Subsequently, the details of the Byzantine icons began and the first prototypes of young men with white -winged images, slender bodies, wrapped in white clothes and blurry faces appeared.

In the hands of the angel there is always a cross and a bare sword, which caused a lot of disputes and debate. Even later, the angels began to be portrayed with more distinct faces, but how the Church is justified by this issue - a free image, since no one saw the original and can only assume.

Who is my guardian angel-how to get acquainted with the patron?

At that moment, when a person wonders who is my guardian angel and how to get to know him, one angel smiles somewhere, because he is not only familiar, but also knows absolutely everything about his ward. After all, he appears for the first time in a maternity hospital on the first sigh of the baby, and follows near the child, and then an adult during his life.

But if you have never addressed the guardian angel and plan to do this for the first time, prepare this way: to correct your clothes and your appearance, learn a prayer to the Guardian angel or prepare the text of the prayer, find a solitary place and, reading a prayer, imagine an image your angel. Contact him with respect, do not ask for material wealth and do not have selfish intentions.

Remember that the angel knows how to hear not only words, but also your thoughts. And, therefore, one cannot deceive him, asking for one thing, but wishing another. In this case, the angel can get angry and instead of helping his sword of justice. And then in troubles and suffering, you can only guess what the patron of the heavenly was predictable.

Who is my guardian angel-how many patrons can it be?

For those who are not familiar with Scripture, or it seems superficially that to the question of who is my guardian angel, the answer is simple. After all, it is important to find one angel, he is the patron. But this reflection is not entirely correct. One guardian angel has several wards at once and at the same time they never intersect with each other. At the same time, according to the Scripture, one person may also have several guardian angels, and the more decent and kinder a person, the cleaner his intentions and thoughts, the more he has guardians.

We know, according to eyewitnesses, that several different images came to them at different times, and the voices were either male or female. The holy elders also said that they were not one guardian angel, but several. And at the time of the revelations, the angels reported that a person may have several patrons of angels at once.

So depict a light angel. In his right hand he has a cross, in his left - a sword in a sheath
So depict a light angel. In his right hand he has a cross, in his left - a sword in a sheath

The most striking example was St. Nicholas, who lived a unique life of a successful rich man, with a good open heart and good intentions. He was called the miracle worker long before his death, and the memory of him is transmitted from the mouth to the mouth for centuries. According to his confessions, he had 27 guardian angels who helped him create earthly benefits for needy counterparts.

Who is my guardian angel and what is his name?

Another trembling question, the solution to which many are trying to get. Asked who my guardian angel and what is his name? This issue should be approached reasonably and without unnecessary enthusiasm. You can express the desire to find out the name of the patron, but it is not a mandatory factor in communication with the Guardian.

In prayers, you should turn to the patron of “My Guardian Angel”, “My Guardian”, “My Patron”, “My Defender”. But by name you can contact exclusively if you have established relations with the angel so much that he discovered his name.

If you have been communicating with the guardian angel for some time and feel in touch, ask if you can contact him by name. In prayer, ask the question if the angel wants to open his name. At the same time, it is important to listen as much as possible and delve into the essence of what is happening, because the name can be very different from the names of the hearing familiar to our hearing.

And another important point - the name of the patron of the patron is very intimate and personal part of your communication, to discuss with others, and even more so in the bustle of the worldly, it is not allowed.

At the same time, a close connection with the keeper is very, very useful for humans. After all, being under the close attention of the Angel of a person, one can neither be jinxed nor send damage. But remember, the angels are fair and do not allow betrayal and lies.

We hope that we opened the curtain, and you learned a little more about guardian angels and in the future, be sure to make contact with your patrons. And in conclusion, we suggest watching a video about guardian angels.

Video: Angel Keeper by date of birth. Who is your guardian angel!

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