How to remove the stomach after cesarean section at home? What exercises can a girl do after a cesarean section?

How to remove the stomach after cesarean section at home? What exercises can a girl do after a cesarean section?

After cesarean section, the tummy of SSUS? The tips in the article will help to find a solution to this problem.

Unfortunately, more and more women today give birth to a child as a result of cesarean section. Despite its prevalence and, as it were, the ordinary operation of Cesarean section is still a serious surgery, therefore, it requires compliance with certain life rules, as after any other operation.

Is it possible to remove the stomach after cesarean section?

The peculiarity of the operation of the Cesarean section is not only the postoperative period, but also the restructuring of the hormonal background after childbirth and during breastfeeding, the need to care for the newborn with all the difficulties that arise from here.

The stomach after cesarean seems voluminous and saggy
The stomach after cesarean seems voluminous and saggy.
  • The woman survived the moment of the birth of the baby, she had new complex duties related to his appearance, which she absorbed the first time after childbirth.
  • But after some short time, she comes to her usual desire to be attractive, and here such an unprofit is a stomach after Caesarean, not only that is numb, but also sags an unpleasant fold.
  • Women even ironically nicknamed her apron. How to get rid of such an apron as soon as possible is a question that bothers women after a cesarean section.

How much does the stomach leave after cesarean section?

It’s just that the stomach will not leave, whatever they say there. In order for it to decrease, you need to work. How to work? Do gymnastics, download the press, adhere to a diet. But ... all this can be done long enough after the operation, because:

  • There was surgery, after which the body is restored as after any operation, at least two months.
  • The seam after the operation is numb, and, as it will return to normal, dissolve, it will be possible to proceed with the loads on the abdominal muscles.
  • A woman who has a baby should eat fully, a decrease in calories in her diet is not permissible.

    A woman can fully engage in physical education a year after Cesarean
    A woman can fully engage in physical education a year after Cesarean

Important: all efforts aimed at eliminating the abdomen after cesarean must not be done earlier than 10 - 12 months after childbirth.

In what condition is the abdominal muscles after cesarean section?

  • The operation of the Cesarean section means that a section of the anterior abdominal wall, abdominal muscles and uterus was carried out.
  • A fetal bladder was opened through these cuts and a child was extracted. After that, seams connecting the cut uterus and abdominal muscles were imposed on the cuts.
  • The abdominal muscles after cesarean must connect after the cut. They can become thinner, the divergence of the abdominal muscles can also be noted.

How to lose weight after a cesarean section and remove the stomach?

It is real that a woman can do to lose weight and remove her stomach after Cesarean is:

  • To do this gradually and only after the abdominal muscles are fully combined and the scar is resolved from the cut.
  • To exclude, if possible, those products that contribute to weight gain, although breastfeeding alleged after birth and so means for women dietary nutrition and rejection of many products.
  • Walks with the baby
  • Light massage of the abdomen
  • Honey wraps with a film

Important: if possible, mommy, walking with a stroller should walk more, and not sit on a bench.

The bandage and wraps will help tighten the stomach after cesarean.
The bandage and wraps will help tighten the stomach after cesarean.

Only after the already indicated time (approximately 9 months) can you come close to sports and pumping up the press, and it is best to start active classes with swimming.

Abdominal massage after cesarean section

Massage begins with a slight stroking and rubbing the area around the navel. You need to continue this procedure. 5, gradually increasing the massage time. It is performed, lying on the back.

Massage will help the tummy become flat again.
Massage will help the tummy become flat again.
  • At first, a woman should carefully monitor her condition, and if pain or discomfort appears, then it is better to postpone the procedure.
  • When the scar heals finally and passes enough time, the massage can be performed as follows. Lie on your back, put a towel or roller under your knees, relax your stomach.
  • With the palm of the hand, circular and spiral, relaxing movements are clockwise around the navel. Such movements are made for 3 - 5 minutes.
  • Further for 2 -3 minutes, the stroke -like light tapping of the abdomen follow so that blood rushes to the stomach. After that you can make sawing movements, and then again circular stroking.

Exercises after cesarean section to remove the stomach

Special yoga asanas are recommended, as well as light exercises like:

  • in a sitting position to imitate walking
  • in a sitting position to be flexion and extension of the feet
  • in the position of lying on the back of the legs, gently, slightly raise the head and top of the body
  • in a lying position on the back, lift and bend the legs in the knees alternately
  • walking in place with acceleration
  • light stretching

Gymnastics with the child is fun and useful.Gymnastics with the child is fun and useful.

VIDEO: How to quickly remove the stomach after cesarean section?

Why does a fold on the stomach after cesarean section occur?

After cesarean, both the uterus and abdominal muscles should gradually return to the normal shape, after they were stretched. After the operation of Caesarean, this process occurs longer than in ordinary birth, since they were cut.

Overhanging stomach after cesarean section

With this, common problem for all young mothers, you will have to put up for some time, and then begin to solution with physical education, diet, massage, wraps.

In the end, some are solved on abdominoplasty, that is, tightening of stretched muscles, removal of stretched skin and excess fat.

You can pull the skin on the tummy using creams and ointments.
You can pull the skin on the tummy using creams and ointments.

Why doesn't the stomach go away after cesarean section?

The stomach will leave, but not immediately. Of course, a woman’s desire and effort will be needed, as always, in cases where she wants to look completely.

VIDEO: How to tighten the stomach after cesarean section?

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Comments K. article

  1. I did not have a cesarean, but my stomach was heavy to clean. Then, as the GV finished, I bought a model for mothers. Put the process went. For the first month, more than 3 kilo has gone. It was first of all to be seen in the stomach. And I can say that these pills helped me even to establish an emotional state. The tearfulness, nervousness has gone))

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