How to remove stretch marks after childbirth? Skin care after childbirth

How to remove stretch marks after childbirth? Skin care after childbirth

After giving birth, stretch marks appeared? The article contains a lot of useful information on how to get rid of them at home.

Can something else in the world make a woman happier than motherhood? But, on the other hand, pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding are the most stressful periods for the female body, which few people pass without a trace.

Very often, immediately during the gestation of the baby or immediately after his birth, the young mother faces such problems as excess weight, cellulite and stretch marks. And if the first two are completely solved, to completely get rid of striae, at least in conservative ways, will not work. And in order to reduce their manifestations, considerable efforts must be made.

How to make the skin elastic after childbirth?

Strios (stretch marks) are called pale pink, cyanotic, purple, drilling scars that appear on the stomach, hips, calves, chest or hands in women, often during pregnancy or after childbirth.

Contrary to the fact that there are a lot of stretch marks, why they appear, how to get rid of them, some women still think that scars and furrows that ugly skin appear due to its sharp stretching.

For example, if a woman has risen sharply or during pregnancy. In fact, our skin is so elastic from nature that one mechanical factor in order for a striae to appear, it would clearly not be enough.
According to cosmetologists and doctors of endocrinologists, stretch marks have a whole complex of interdependent reasons:

  • hormonal disorders (it is known that when preparing to become a mother, feeding a baby with her chest, a woman is experiencing a real hormonal storm)
  • deterioration of blood supply to the skin
  • hypoxia and insufficient nutrition of skin cells
  • their loss of moisture
  • insufficient products of collagen and elastan
  • the mechanical factor (elastane fibers are torn in places where the skin is subjected to the most intense stretching, the places of these microtraumas are “binded” with connective tissue)

Important: experts claim that to think about how to make the skin elastic after childbirth, a woman should immediately find out what she is in position.

The complex of preventive measures includes:

  • proper, sufficient, but not excessive nutrition
  • compliance with the drinking regime
  • glorious sports
  • weight gain control
  • the use of store creams, lotions, gels from stretch marks for future and young mothers
  • washing the skin with water contrasting temperature
  • wearing a bandage
  • the use of folk remedies for the elasticity and elasticity of the skin, for example, mummy, cosmetic clay, beekeeping products, so on.

How to remove stretch marks on the skin after childbirth? Photo before and after

If, despite preventive measures or due to their absence after childbirth on the stomach, hips, chest, striae appeared, they can be removed completely with the help of surgical methods. These include laser grinding and abdominoplasty (removal of damaged skin areas). Other, less cardinal methods can only make them less noticeable, but not completely eliminated them.

These include:

  • massage
  • micodermabrase (grinding with microcrystals creates the effect of mechanical peeling)
  • scraping
  • the use of cosmetic preparations (creams, gels, more)
  • the use of folk remedies

Laser from stretch marks after childbirth, photo before and after

In many cosmetic clinics today you can go through the laser grinding of stretching stretch marks using a fractional laser. Judging by the reviews, this method is effective even if the striae is large and old. The essence of the procedure is as follows:

  • laser destroys the scar fabric
  • under its influence, healthy skin cells actively produce collagen
  • blood microcirculation is resumed, metabolic processes are accelerated
    The regeneration process is more active in
  • an elastic young skin appears in the ground

There are almost no side effects of laser removal of striae, the procedure itself is painless.

Unfortunately, young mothers may not always resort to this method.

  1. Firstly, its cost “bites”, and procedures often need several
  2. Secondly, lactation, that is, breastfeeding, is a contraindication for laser grinding striae
  3. Thirdly, the laser will not be applied if at least the slightest inflammatory processes pass in the zone of its effect, or the woman suffers from dermatological diseases

Skin massage after childbirth

Massage in the salon or self -massage of the house will help not only get rid of stretch marks, but also generally improve the condition of the skin after childbirth.

Important: massage in the hips, legs or hands can be done no earlier than 6 weeks after childbirth, in the abdomen - only after three months. You must first consult a doctor

The postpartum massage from stretch marks is a delicate procedure during which there should be no intensive effects on the skin and muscles. He requires appropriation in technology. You can watch the massage lesson in the video. If there is no self -confidence, or if discomfort occurs during the procedure, it is better to entrust its implementation by a professional masseur.

Video: abdomen massage during pregnancy from postpartum stretch marks. How to do a pinch massage of the abdomen?

Skin scrubs after childbirth

During scraping:

  • the upper layer of dead cells is removed
  • blood flow in capillaries improves
  • cellular metabolism is accelerated
  • skin cell regeneration accelerates

The procedure is done twice a week and passes in this way:

  • it is necessary to take a shower, preferably, a contrast
  • the body is cleared by gel, soap, more
  • the scrub is rubbed into the skin with massage movements
  • after the procedure, you can rub the oil into the skin or make a regenerating mask

Body scrubs can be purchased ready in the store. No less effective and home drugs. Here are a few recipes:

RECIPE: Coffee scrub against striae.

Need: fat cream - 1 tbsp. spoon, olive oil - 1 tbsp. spoon, ground coffee - 2 teaspoons, salt and sugar - 1 teaspoon.
The components of the drug are mixed, after which are applied to areas of the skin with striae.

RECIPE: Scrub from stretch marks with honey and sea salt.

Need: honey - 2 tbsp. tablespoons, sea salt - 1 tbsp. tablespoons, lemon juice - 1 teaspoon.
The mixture prepared from slightly heated honey, salt and lemon juice also needs to be rubbed into the skin of the hips, buttocks, abdomen or legs, where there are stretch marks.

Oil for skin after childbirth

An effective way to make striae less visible is massage with oils or just oil rubbing. Preparations based on vegetable or cosmetic oils with the addition of esters are easy to prepare, their components are available in pharmacies and stores.

Important: Before rubbing the oil drug into the skin where there are stretch marks, it is necessary to conduct an allergent tag on the bend of the elbow. Essential oils are aggressive substances, and in many they can cause an undesirable reaction of the body

RECIPE: A mixture for rubbing olive oil.
Need: olive oil - 4 tbsp. tablespoons, orange ether - 2 drops, geranium ether - 2 drops, lavender ether - 2 drops.
Olive oil is heated and enriched with essential oils. The mixture is rubbed into the skin after a shower and scrubbing.
RECIPE: Almond-digital oil preparation.
Need: almond oil - 3 tbsp. tablespoons, orange oils, neroli and bergamot - 1 drop.
With this mixture, it is very good to do self -massage.

Important: the clock can be allowed to absorb into the skin. If, after the procedure, the body glosses, you can wash it with a decoction of chamomile

Does the mummy help from stretch marks after childbirth?

Even in the very name "mummy" a lot of mysterious. And the composition of this substance is truly amazing! The unique organ-mineral complex contains about four dozen micro- and macroelements, amino acids, essential oils, all known vitamins. Thanks to this, the mummy has antiseptic, anti -inflammatory, analgesic, antibacterial, antiviral, anesthetic and many other properties.

During local use, the mummy accelerates cell processes in the skin, which leads to its restoration and rejuvenation.
So, in order to get rid of stretch marks, you need to purchase a mummy in tablets and already prepare a drug from them at home.

RECIPE: Cream with mummy from postpartum striae
Need: children's cream - 50 ml, mummy - 4 tablets
In a glass jar, a cream-axle cream and a boiled water in a tablespoon and a mummy tablet with a tablet of about 6 hours are mixed in a tablespoon. The cream can be stored under the lid in the refrigerator for 10-14 days.

RECIPE: Moisturizer cream with mummy
It is necessary: \u200b\u200ba moisturizer cream - 50 ml, mummy - 4 tablets, geranium essential oils, lavender and orange - 2 drops.
The cream is prepared in the same way as the previous one. At the last stage, it is enriched with essential oils.

Clay against stretch marks after childbirth, photo before and after

Clay, natural mineral complexes, are used in medicine and cosmetology from time immemorial. Their healing properties are due to their substances that are part of them.

Important: cosmetic clay come in different colors: gray, white, pink, yellow, blue. The color depends on the concentration of the minerals contained in the material. Blue and yellow clay are most suitable for smoothing streams

Clain therapy for stretch marks is effective because natural material:

  • has detoxification, antibacterial and anti -inflammatory properties
  • stimulates metabolic processes in skin cells
  • tones and nourishes the skin with oxygen

Yellow clay is characterized by a high content of sulfur, potassium, iron, magnesium, sodium. Blue - calcium, magnesium, aluminum, chromium and nickel.
To get rid of stretch marks that appeared during or after pregnancy, you can make clay masks, wraps and baths. Clay peeling is also effective.

RECIPE: Mask from stretch marks with yellow clay.
Need: yellow clay, honey, decoction of chamomile.
The number of components is taken taking into account how extensive areas of the skin with striae. Clay is divorced by a decoction of chamomile so that it finds the consistency of thick porridge. Several tablespoons of honey are flooded and introduced into the mixture. Using a brush or hand, the mixture is applied to problem areas of the skin. On top you need to wind the bandage. The mask on the body can be left for three hours or at night, and then take a contrast shower and use the cream from stretch marks.

RECIPE: Mass for wraps from blue clay, coffee and spices.
It is necessary: \u200b\u200bblue clay, natural coffee, ginger, cinnamon, essential oils of coniferous and citrus fruits.
This mixture helps from stretch marks, the "effect of orange peel." But before applying it, you need to make sure that there is no allergy to components. If a burning sensation occurs during the procedure, the mixture must be immediately washed off from the body.
They brew coffee, take it with a gushchi in such quantities to dilute the clay to a state of thick sour cream. Added to the mixture on a teaspoon of ground ginger and ground cinnamon, drip 3 drops of any coniferous and citrus -based esters.
After a bath, a shower or sauna, the use of a scrub from a striae, the mixture is applied to areas of the skin with defects and wrapped with plastic film. After half an hour, they take a shower again and use a moisturizing milk for the body.
RECIPE: Bath with cosmetic clay.
Need: cosmetological clay - 0.5 kg.
In a warm bath, you can dilute any one clay or take several species at once.
The bathtub from stretch marks is taken for 15 minutes, then they are washed in the shower. After the procedure, the skin is moisturized. You can enhance the effect by making oil rubbing from stretch marks.

RECIPE: Scrub with clay.
Need: blue clay - 2 tbsp. tablespoons, oatmeal - 2 tbsp. tablespoons, oil germ oil.
Of the components, a thick heterogeneous mass with a creamy texture is prepared. It is used as a scrub for places on the body, dotted with stretch marks.

Cream for elasticity of the skin of the abdomen after childbirth

Today, on windows of stores, a large assortment of branded products for skin care for future and young mothers, including creams. In this assortment, it will not be difficult to lose. Some tips will help to choose the right and effective:

  1. It is necessary to buy funds specifically for pregnant women or women after childbirth. They contain more natural remedies that affect the skin only, do not penetrate the blood and are not able to harm the child
  2. There must be a note "hypoallargic" on the package
  3. Cosmetics should be without smell
  4. The creams of the creams from stretch marks should have hyalouranic acid, collagen, retinol, vitamins A and E, vegetable oils and extracts
  5. As a rule, such fat creams

Judging by the reviews that mothers leave on women's forums, effective Mama Comfort creams, 9 months, our mother, mustel, Bubchen mama, some others.

Skin care after childbirth: tips and reviews

Judging by the reviews, the photo before and after, to remove, if not the stretching themselves, then their visible manifestations after childbirth can be. No one hides that this is a long and difficult job. Young mothers say that the effect of salon procedures, home and purchased cosmetics intensifies, if you eat right, play sports.
Several tips will help to instill confidence that even burgundy stretch marks on the stomach and hips that remained after pregnancy will become invisible.

  1. A young mother should learn to devote time not only to the baby, but also to herself, her beauty
  2. Having decided to get rid of stretch marks, you do not need to rely on any one drug. Massage, wraps, peeling, creams and masks should be used in the complex
  3. Even if you can’t completely remove the striae, you should not be upset. Doctors believe that having some number of them is normal for any woman who has known the joy of motherhood

Video: How to remove stretch marks after childbirth? How to remove stretch marks during pregnancy?

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Comments K. article

  1. i use an intensive cream against the Hors Force, he helped me to make the skin more elastic and elongated, and stretching is less obvious

  2. I myself smeared the Body Sculpt Complex cream. Thanks to this cream, my stretch marks became not as bright as before, the skin has become more elastic. I continue to use it further

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