How to remove wrinkles on the forehead at home? What are wrinkles on the forehead?

How to remove wrinkles on the forehead at home? What are wrinkles on the forehead?

To keep the skin of the face as long as fresh and young, it is necessary to make certain efforts. This is not difficult. The article shows some tips to eliminate facial wrinkles.

How to preserve the female face to young and beautiful as long as possible to stop the aging process at the slightest appearance of facial wrinkles on the forehead will help the advice settled in this article.

The reasons for the appearance of wrinkles on the forehead? Types of wrinkles on the forehead

  • The most common cause of wrinkles on the forehead is age. The body ceases to produce the required amount of collagen, the skin becomes flabby
  • The second most popular is the appearance of wrinkles on the forehead due to the manifestation of active emotions. The skin reacts very sensitive to the frequent manifestation of emotions on the face. Surprise, fright, anger all this leaves marks on the skin in the form of facial wrinkles
  • Excessive use of sunbathing is dried. Moisture deficiency contributes to the appearance of wrinkles
  • Improper nutrition provokes a lack of necessary vitamins and nutrients. The protective properties of the skin fall. It is easily amenable to the negative impact of the environment
  • Frequent use or use of poor -quality decorative cosmetics dries the skin, deprives protective natural properties. These factors lead to aging and withering of the skin that contribute to the appearance of facial wrinkles
  • Without systemic care, improper use of creams, masks, peeling, frequent washing with soap, instead of the desired result, leads to the opposite process. The skin loses its natural properties, the early process of skin wither begins, the skin becomes tended to form facial wrinkles on the forehead
  • Unhealthy Lifestyle. Smoking, alcohol, lack of sleep, stress all this negatively affects the color and structure of the skin. Mimic wrinkles on the forehead become pronounced
  • The vital activity of the body largely depends on the genetic predisposition. This also applies to the skin

Types of facial wrinkles on the forehead:

  • Vertical wrinkles appear as a result of age -related changes, facial muscles. These are one or two folds between eyebrows. Mimic wrinkles of this type are also formed as a result of mental stress, stress, when a person constantly shifts the eyebrows
  • Horizontal wrinkles appear from frequent emotions of surprise. There may be one or more wrinkles

How to deal with wrinkles on the forehead? How to get rid of facial wrinkles on the forehead?

It is more difficult to fight the wrinkles that appear than to prevent. It is advisable to use an integrated approach to combat wrinkles on the forehead include:

  • Gymnastics for foreheads from wrinkles
  • Massage from wrinkles on the forehead
  • Masks from wrinkles on the forehead
  • Wrinkle cream on the forehead

The first wrinkles on the forehead: what to do?

At the first signs of appearance, it is necessary to provide maximum nutrition for the skin and engage in muscle strengthening.

The principle of approach is the same as the struggle with the long -appearing wrinkles. Only the result appears earlier.

Consider in stages the whole complex:

Gymnastics for foreheads from wrinkles

It is necessary to perform gymnastics daily, in the morning and evening. Ideally, after a massage. Repeat each exercise at least 10 times.

  • We relax the muscles of the face. We take a deep breath and exhale. We open our eyes as much as possible. Raise the eyebrows up. Slowly lower the eyebrows and eyelids. Repeat the exercise to 20 times, increasing the speed
  • With the index fingers of both hands we pull the corners of the eyes towards the ears. The eyes are closed. The muscles of the forehead are kept tense, resisting the conducted process with the corners of the eyes. This exercise is very effective for deep wrinkles
  • The index and middle fingers of the right hand pull the eyebrows up. The muscles of the forehead are resisted by this movement, frowning the forehead. Exercise smoothes vertical wrinkles on the forehead

Massage from wrinkles on the forehead at home

  • Before the massage, we clean the face of pollution and cosmetics.
  • Then it is desirable to warm the face above the steam or attach to the face, for a few minutes, a hot towel moistened with the mood of the herbs.
  • Then we make facing faces. You can use ready -made cosmetics. Or cook your scrub with any products available in the house.

For example:

  • We take a piece of black bread, crumble
  • Add any available fruit or vegetable (cucumber, tomato, banana, orange lemon, etc.). Three or squeeze the juice
  • Mix with crumbs of bread
  • Gently massage the forehead using the cooked scrub for one or two minutes
  • Rinse with warm water

We start massage:

  • Wet fingers pillows with olive or coconut oil
  • With soft tapping movements, we pass from the center of the forehead towards the temples. Repeat up to 10 times
  • We draw two vertical and then horizontal eights on each half of the forehead. We alternate the type of drawing. Repeat up to 6 times
  • We draw zero in the same way
  • Stroke all vertical wrinkles in the direction upward with your fingers. Then in the direction of the eyebrows. Repeat 5-6 times
  • Tapping movements walk along the forehead
  • We end with stroking movements of the hands from left to right and vice versa

Masks from wrinkles on the forehead at home

Masks cooked at home are no less effective than expensive salon masks.

Masks should be applied for at least 15-20 minutes. After washing off, a nutrient cream corresponding to the type of skin of the face is applied.

  • A tablespoon of cream or sour cream, mix with melted honey. Add egg yolk, a few drops of five lemon juice. Applied to the complete drying of the yolk. It is possible in several layers. Rinse with warm water or herbal solution
  • Grind the pulp of raw tomato. Add a teaspoon of starch and two three drops of any essential oil, in the assortment, but not more than three types. Apply on the forehead. Leave for twenty minutes. Wash off with warm water, with the addition of lemon juice
  • Combine a tablespoon of blue clay with three or five raspberries. Grind. Add half a teaspoon of glycerol. If the mask is liquid, add more clay. We leave the clay to dry completely. Then hold for another 10-15 minutes. Rinse with warm water
  • For oily skin, we take the protein of one egg. Mix with a teaspoon of melted honey. Add oatmeal to such a consistency so that when applied on the forehead, the mask does not drain. Hold on for half an hour

The composition of masks can be changed, given the type of skin of the face. For oily skin, kefir and egg protein are used. For dry skin, you use sour cream and yolk of eggs.

It is very useful to make the next mask with age wrinkles:

  • Grind onions
  • Add a tablespoon of honey
  • Pour a spoonful of milk into the resulting mixture
  • We spread on the forehead
  • Keep for 20-25 minutes

Cream from wrinkles on the forehead, before and after

Without the last stroke in the complex, it will be difficult to get the desired result. Mandatory wrinkles on the forehead must be used in the morning and evening. And also after the use of masks. It is necessary to choose a cream taking into account the age, type of skin and the desired result.

The most popular anti -age cream against wrinkles is recognized by Red Diamond.

Video: How to get rid of wrinkles?

The second most popular - Roel Kream

Third place is L "Oreal Paris

Fourth place went to Nivea


Patch from wrinkles on the forehead

Due to the occurrence of wrinkles on the forehead due to the emotional load on the frontal muscles, you can use an ordinary patch. It will eliminate the signs of the appearance of the first wrinkles, control the facial facial expressions.

  • We take any plaster on a fabric base
  • We relax the muscles of the forehead
  • We straighten the skin on the frontal part of the face
  • We glue the patch on wrinkles

This simple procedure helps you get rid of the habit of frowning your forehead, and raise your eyebrows. Gradually accustoms to control the facial expressions.

How to remove wrinkles on the forehead at home: tips and reviews

Olga: I like to follow my face. For my dry leather, a mask of yolk with honey and lemon is suitable. Good lifting at home. I do once a week. Be sure to massage. I apply all creams daily only with patting movements of the fingertips, along the massage lines. Without any stretch marks

Irinka: I really liked the idea with a patch. I started using home after work. I notice a pleasant effect. Even without a patch, I begin to follow my facial expressions.

Larisa: I do not really believe that you can do without a cosmetic salon. Well, cream, of course, this is home care. And everything else is only to professionals.

When drawing conclusions, we can say:

  • Wrinkles are easier to prevent than getting rid of them
  • The sooner you begin to fight the first signs of wrinkles on your forehead, the more chances to get rid of them
  • In the presence of deep age wrinkles, you will need to especially carefully select and apply the complex to combat wrinkles on the forehead

Video: The most effective way to get rid of wrinkles!

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Comments K. article

  1. Thank you. Useful article!

  2. Sometimes I make masks, but basically I use the Imira C & E serum. The quality is very pleasing! A friend somehow gave her birthday, was pleasantly surprised. Immediately after the first use, wrinkles became smaller. That's for sure!

  3. By the way! I also love Imira C & E. To be honest, I no longer thought that I could discover something new and effective. Serum is a class. Morstin definitely became smaller! (so not only I think).

  4. Well, this is not an easy task, an integrated approach is important, I have helped to get rid of wrinkles well coconut oil and the intake of Coenzyme Q10 Evalarovsky, I constantly use such measures that allows you to save my face without wrinkles)

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