How to make a pompom of yarn, threads, napkins, corrugated, fastened, paper, garbage bags, tulle, rain on a stick, tinsel, artificial fur, fabric, fork, two -colored instructions, design ideas, photos, video

How to make a pompom of yarn, threads, napkins, corrugated, fastened, paper, garbage bags, tulle, rain on a stick, tinsel, artificial fur, fabric, fork, two -colored instructions, design ideas, photos, video

The technique of manufacturing pompons from fabric, paper, rain, plastic bags. Photos and videos of instructions.

Decoration of space is a creative event that inspires people of different ages. More often among decorators there are women. The topic of the transformation of the world around him, the introduction of beauty and harmony into it is closer.

Pompons took a worthy place in the theme of the decor of space for various events. Although initially they were used to decorate the objects of the gaderob.

It turns out that making them with your own hands is quite simple. Yarn, fabric, and New Year's tinsel, and paper are used. It is important to properly observe the sequence of actions, and arrange pompons harmoniously.

What can pompons be made of?

Different parapons collected in products
different pompons collected in products

Classic pompons are made of knitting yarn. Other materials for their creation are:

  • fur segments
  • paper of different textures and colors
  • packages from small to garbage
  • napkins
  • foil
  • new Year's rain and tinsel
  • fabrics, for example, Fatin, felt

In addition to the main materials, you will be useful:

  • scissors
  • carletes for winding the thread or fastening of other types of materials
  • thread, thin wire or decorative tape for fixing the middle

How to make a pompom of yarn, thread on a fork: step -by -step instructions, design ideas, photo, video

Brief instructions in pictures on creating a pompon on a fork
brief instructions in pictures on the creation of a pompon on a fork

Needlemen often decorate their work with pompons. They know how to make them in different ways. Consider the classic with cardboard round blanks and a conventional fork.

A feature of the first method is that you wrap a thread on 2 cardboard with a hole in the middle to the desired density. Then carefully cut the threads between them, and extend the thread to fasten the middle of the pompon. Tighten it, remove the workpieces. The larger their external diameter, the larger the pompom will turn out.

Below the instructions of the actions in the pictures.

Photo of step -by -step manufacturing pompon from threads using a cardboard template
photo of step -by -step manufacturing pompon from threads using a cardboard template

In the second method, the finished product will be small. The reason is the small distance between 2 teeth. Act like this:

  • place a short thread in the middle between pairs of teeth so that its ends hang to the handle
  • wrap the thread around the extreme teeth of the fork to the desired density
  • stretch one free end of the cut thread up so as to connect it to another
  • tie them tightly and remove the thread from the fork
  • cut all the windings from the opposite side of the tied place

Below is a visual hint in the photo.

Steps photos of creating a pompon from yarn on a fork
step -by -step photos of creating a pompon from yarn on a fork

Video: How to make a pompom on a fork?

How to make a lush pompom on a hat?

Girl in a hat with a magnificent pompon
girl in a hat with a magnificent pompon

The spoom of the pompon for the hat directly depends on the diameter of the object around which you wind the yarn. The second important factor is the volume of the governing ball. It will correspond to the diameter of the future pompon.

In addition to classic cardboard round blanks, they will suit you:

  • own palm
  • cardboard rectangle
  • mobile phone
  • plastic bottle
  • glass jar

The main thing is that you can stretch the thread around the winding on both sides and tie all the threads tightly.

  • Cut the circle on the right and left of the fixed center.
  • Close the threads, cut out those that stand out in length.

How to make a pompom of napkins: step -by -step instructions, design ideas, photo, video

Several ready -made pompons from blue napkins
several ready -made pompons from blue napkins

The more magnificent you want to get a pompom, the more napkins take it for its manufacture. For example, 3 napkins are suitable for the average option.

  • Process the edges with each curly scissors.
  • Fold them with a pile and collect them with an accordion.
  • Fix the middle with a thin wire.
  • Carefully sort out each layer, yelling it.
  • To make the napkins as magnificent as possible, level the layers only in one direction, leaving the second flat.
  • Then you can glue it with another similar napkin.

In addition to processing with curly scissors, you can cut the edges with a semicircle or house.
Fold the straightened napkins for each other 10-15 pieces, if your target is large and delicate pompons. Such products are a successful solution for decor children's holidays, as well as events involving babies.

Pompons from napkins are suspended to the ceiling or other objects, glued to thin twigs or clothes.

Video: How to make pompons from napkins for decor?

How to make a pompom of corrugated paper: step -by -step instructions, design ideas, photo, video

Multi -colored pompons from corrugated paper suspended to the ceiling
multi -colored pompons from corrugated paper suspended to the ceiling
  • The technique of manufacturing pompon from corrugated paper is similar to the one that was considered in the previous section.
  • The difference in the preparatory stage. Cut corrugated sheets into the same rectangles, for example, 20x30 cm in size.
  • Show accuracy while fixing the center of the sheet with a thread or wire. The paper is thin, can break from excessive pressure.
  • To make pompons more interesting, add up an accordion of 2 or more flowers of paper. Alternate them at your discretion.
Step -by -step instructions in the pictures on the creation of a pompon from corrugated paper
step -by -step instructions in the pictures on the creation of a pompon from corrugated paper

Video: How to make pompons from corrugated paper?

How to make a pompom of fastened paper: step -by -step instructions, design ideas, photo

Multi -colored pompons from fastened paper hang in the room
multi -colored pompons from fastened paper hang in the room

Take a lot of paper for creating a pompon. Due to the subtlety of its sheets, the desired volume is achieved by their number.

  • Lay out the sheets and cut them the size of a standard A4 format.
  • Fold with an accordion 1.5-2 cm wide.
  • Fasten in the middle with a durable thread or thin wire. Leave a long tail if you plan to hang a pompom to the ceiling.
  • Cut the ends of the accordion on both sides with scissors, rounding them or giving the shape of a triangle.
  • Combine the ends of the accordion and begin to level the sheets of the layer by the layer.
  • Do it without haste, carefully so as not to tear the paper.
Instructions in pictures on the creation of pompon from fastened paper
instructions in pictures on the creation of pompon from fastened paper

How to make a pompom of garbage bags and T -shirts: step -by -step instructions, design ideas, photo, video

Ready -made pomp from polyethylene T -shirts on the table
ready -made pomp from polyethylene T -shirts on the table

These rustling pompons are more often used for dances, support groups of sports teams, and decorating festive costumes. Therefore, one side is always a pen for which it is convenient to hold a pompom.

  • Fold the bags with the same sides to each other. Cut the handles and cut the side parts.
  • The remaining glued bottom will be the handle of the future pompon.
  • Cut the canvases of the bagmot packages up to the centimeter. Leave 2-5 cm to the edge intact.
  • Turn the result with a tube, fix the handle with tape or thread.
  • Spread the fringe. If desired, add a layer of brilliant tinsel along the outer edge.
  • If the pompom is made for cheerleading, attach the handle from the plastic inside it so that the hand does not slip in the dance.
Step -by -step photos of pompon pompom
step -by -step photos of pompon pompom

Video: How to make pompons from plastic bags?

How to make a pompom from tulle: step -by -step instructions, design ideas, photo

Suspended pompons from tulle
suspended pompons from tulle

There are several ways - winding and assembly on the thread.

The procedure in the first case is similar to the use of yarn, which we examined in the sections above.

In the second case, you need a needle and a long thread. With their help, you either in the middle of the tulle cut, or string the canvas along its edge.

Having reached the edge, tighten it so that the pomp is turned out.

The thread is firmly fixed and cut off the excess.

Often tulle pompons adorn weddings or children's outfits of girls.

Step -by -step photos of creating pompon from tulle
step -by -step photos of creating pompon from tulle

How to make a pompom of rain on a stick: step -by -step instructions, design ideas, photo, video

Several ready -made tinsel pompons on sticks
several ready -made rain pompons on sticks
  • You need, except rain, sticks for land or pencils, adhesive tape, adhesive gun.
  • Measure the required rain length and cut the excess.
  • Catch the middle with a thin strip of adhesive tape.
  • Repeat the actions as many times as necessary to obtain the desired splendor.
  • Distribute evenly obtained bundles around the stick and fix either with tape or adhesive gun. For reliability, use both methods at the same time.
  • To give beauty to the product, glue the wand with the same rain that was used for pompon. Win it in a spiral in 2-3 layers and fix it on glue.

Video: How to make pompons from a brilliant tinsel?

How to make a pompom of tinsel: step -by -step instructions, design ideas, photo

The girl holds pompons from Mishura in her hands
the girl holds pompons from Mishura in her hands

The tinsel is quite voluminous, collecting it as a yarn to create a pompon is quite difficult. Impurious products will come to the rescue, for example, straw, foam balls, and folding equipment with eight.

  • In the first two cases, you should be attached to the tinsel so that there is no free space.
  • If you took a ball of foam, glue it in rows, starting from the middle.
  • To give the pompom, wrap up a number of tinsel on top of the extragus on top. It will look especially beautiful.
  • If you plan to suspend a pompom, attach the thread with a glue gun between the gills of the tinsel.

How to make an airfront from artificial fur: step -by -step instructions, design ideas, photo

Rows of ready -made artificial fur pompons
rows of ready -made artificial fur pompons
  • Take a cardboard workpiece of slightly larger diameter than the future pompom.
  • Attach it from the inside of the fur piece and circle it.
  • Cut the result and sweep the edges of the future pompon from the inside so that the fur does not crumble.
  • Cut the thread that was sewn. You will get a fur ball.
  • Fix the thread so that it holds the edges tightly. If you plan to suspend the pompom to something, leave it long, otherwise cut it.
Step -by -step photos of manufacturing pompon from fur
step -by -step photos of manufacturing pompon from fur

How to make a pompom of fabric: step -by -step instructions, design ideas, photo

Three tissue pompons on the table
three tissue pompons on the table

For such a pompon, prepare segments of fabric 1.5-3 cm wide and 2 cardboard crescents.

  • Between the latter, place one section so that its ends hang freely.
  • Wind the fabric in the same way as it was considered in the section on the yarn. Try not to pull the winding too much.
  • Fix the remaining end with glue or stapler.
  • Cut the strips between the crescents with scissors and carefully remove them.
  • Cut the thread and tie tightly.
  • Cut the fabric in a circle so that the pompom has a beautiful shape.
  • Bring it either to the ceiling, or create original bouquets, or attach to the tree of “desires”.
Step -by -step photos of manufacturing pompon from fabric
step -by -step photos of manufacturing pompon from fabric

How to make a two -color pompom?

A set of materials and tools for creating a two -day pompon
a set of materials and tools for creating a two -color pompon

Depending on the material from which you plan to make a pompom, the process of its manufacture will be different.

For example, for a product made of yarn, you act in one of the methods listed below:

  • wrap each color by half of the workpiece of cardboard or a special device
  • alternate colors in layers
  • at the same time wrap both shades

How to make a pompom for cheerleading?

Ready -made pompons for cheer
ready -made pompons for cheer

One of the easiest options is a pompon for cheerleading.

The technique of its manufacture is quite simple:

  • take the whole canvas of the material from which you plan to make a pompom
  • on both sides, cut the canvas into strips equal to the width, which you set at your discretion
  • leave a narrow space in the middle without cutting
  • twist the chopped canvas with a pipe and pull it the middle
  • if desired, glue the loop here so that the hand does not slip during the dance

So, we examined the technique of manufacturing pompons from different materials. Inspired from viewing photos of their location in space and on hats.

Turn on your imagination and pick up scissors, cardboard blanks and thread for fastening the middle. You definitely get interesting pompons!

Video: How to make a pompom for a hat?

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