How to make a mash for moonshine, without yeast, quickly, in an hour, from sugar and yeast, jam, compote, fruit juice, wheat, birch juice, apples, honey? What can be prepared from finished mash?

How to make a mash for moonshine, without yeast, quickly, in an hour, from sugar and yeast, jam, compote, fruit juice, wheat, birch juice, apples, honey? What can be prepared from finished mash?

Natural moonshine has always been held in high esteem. Let's learn more about the preparation of mash.

Self -preparation of a quality alcoholic product begins with a fermentation product - mash. The hopping workpiece at a certain stage is distilled in a homemade or factory apparatus. The most successful and simple recipe includes three simple components - water, yeast and sugar. In other recipes, various types of sweet jam or products containing starch are used.

Sugar mash and yeast

For proper fermentation, it is necessary to observe several mandatory conditions. The temperature regime and proportions of the components are important. The chemical reaction in the mash occurs under the influence of yeast - sugar is converted into carbon dioxide and ethyl alcohol. Alcohol yeast has maximum efficiency. The quality of the water used in the recipe is directly related to the quality of the future product. Soft spring water is perfect. In no case should water boil, since the yeast needs dissolved air. When using water from the tap, it is necessary to give it time to settled.

To knead the classic mash, sugar and yeast are most often used. These products are always at hand and does not require complex manipulations. The number of ingredients is designed for 5 l of the final product.

List of ingredients:

  • 5-6 kg of sugar
  • 24 liters of water
  • 600 g of pressed yeast
  • 25 g of citric acid

Cooking procedure:

  1. Sugar must be dissolved in warm water. To accelerate the fermentation process, sugar can be pre -inverted:
  • Pour 3 liters of water into a large pan and bring to a temperature of 70-80 ° C.
  • Add 6 kg of sugar and bring to a homogeneous mass.
  • Bring the syrup to a boil and cook for 10-15 minutes. The resulting foam must be removed.
  • On low heat, gradually add citric acid. Remove the foam and cover the pan with a lid. Cook for about an hour.
  1. 21 liters of defended water are added to the syrup and mixed well. The temperature of the resulting liquid should be within 27-30 ° C. We pour it into a sterile vessel, leaving a place for the formation of foam.
  2. We dilute the pressed yeast in a small amount of water and add to the total amount. Activation of dry yeast is carried out according to the recommendations of manufacturers.
  3. After adding yeast, the container is covered with a lid and placed in a warm place. To create a comfortable temperature, you can wrap the vessel with a warm cloth. Within an hour, a large amount of foam will appear, which can be reduced by the addition of crumbs 1 cookie or 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.
  4. After eliminating the foam, a water survey is placed. The fermentation process takes 1-2 weeks. In this case, the containers with the mash must provide a stable temperature within 26-30 ° C. After a day, it is recommended to shake with a closed hydraulic plant. The movement will significantly reduce the amount of carbon dioxide.
  5. The willingness of the mash is determined by several signs - the release of the sediment, the visible absence of carbon dioxide, the cessation of hissing, and the bitter taste.
  6. To get rid of the sediment of the mash can be poured with a tube. For degassing, the liquid is heated to a temperature of 50 degrees.
  7. At the last stage, the mash is lighten by bentonite. For 20 liters of mash in a glass of water, 2-3 tbsp. tablespoons of ground bentonite (white pharmacy clay without additives) until the consistency of thick sour cream is formed. Bentonite is added to the mash and shakes. During the day, the mash should stand. The product is ready for distillation.

Braga from jam

Jam is ideal as a product for cooking mash. Fruit and berry components give a special aroma of the final product. As a rule, for mash, the jam of the before last seasons is used, which has sucked and does not have use. The conservation on which mold appeared should not be used for the recipe. 1 kg of jam corresponds to 600 g of sugar.

List of ingredients:

  • 1 kg of jam
  • 3 l of water
  • 100 g of pressed yeast
With jam
With jam

The procedure for cooking mash from jam:

  1. Dilute boiled hot water with jam and mix well.
  2. We filter the resulting liquid through gauze, getting rid of the ground. If desired, you can additionally use sugar at the rate of 1 kg per 5 l of liquid.
  3. When cooled by a wort to a temperature of 25-30 degrees, yeast is added to the liquid. 100 g of pressed yeast can add 20 g of dry or 1 g of wine yeast. Dry yeast is previously diluted according to the instructions on the package.
  4. After adding the yeast, the wort of worship shimmers into the prepared vessel. In this case, it is necessary to provide that in the vessel there is enough space left for the formation of foam in the future.
  5. Place the container with braga in a dark place with a comfortable temperature of at least 25 degrees. To ferment wine yeast, the optimum room temperature is in the range of 15-20 degrees.
  6. During the day, the mash must be mixed several times. This will help to besiege the foam and reduce the amount of carbon dioxide. The duration of fermentation depends on the type of yeast used. The wine yeast will need about a month, bakery 1-2 weeks.
  7. If you notice the lack of gases and sediment, then the mash has transferred. To depress not goodly yeast, we heat the mash up to 50 degrees.
  8. In the cold season, the mash can be put on the street for lightening. Bentonite in this recipe is not recommended for use. Next, drain the liquid, getting rid of the sediment.

Wheat mash

For the preparation of mash, wheat or other cereals are also used. Depending on the chosen type of cereals, the final taste of the product will differ. It is appropriate to use the assorted grains. The composition of the mash can be used for repeated fermentation.

The usual store yeast in this recipe will replace wild yeast that live on the surface of the grain. Carbohydrates that make up wheat are not supplied with fermentation, so it is necessary to use sugar.

The scope of mash is selected individually. The main thing is that it must be taken into account that 1 kg of sugar will need 5 liters of water. The recipe presented below is designed for a container of at least 30 liters.

List of ingredients:

  • 4 kg of wheat
  • 4 kg of sugar
  • 20 liters of water

To prepare mash, you need to use a fodder type of grain, since seed varieties due to special processing contain a minimum amount of wild yeast.


The order of cooking mash from wheat:

  1. To start, the grain must be washed several times. Upon adding running water to the surface, unnecessary garbage will float. As soon as the water in the container becomes transparent, the grain is ready for further use.
  2. Place the grain in a tank for fermentation. You can use a basin or pan.
  3. Knead the syrup. 800 g of sugar pour 4 liters of water. Mix well. The temperature of the syrup should be about 30 degrees. Add the liquid to the grain. The syrup should exceed the level of grains by 1.5-2 cm. If the level is lower, then it is necessary to add water.
  4. Grain with syrup should stand for several days at room temperature at least 24 degrees. In this case, the water level must be constantly maintained. When it is reduced, add the required amount of liquid. The container does not need to be covered with a dense lid, the maximum is covered with fabric.
  5. On the second day of fermentation, a foam appears on the scatter and carbon dioxide is released. There is a characteristic sweet and sour smell. On 4-5 days, the number of foam will decrease, and there will be more bubbles.
  6. On 4-5 days, the wort acquires a bitter taste. The remaining sugar is mixed in 16 liters of water and added to a container with grain. A dense shutter is placed. After 3-5 hours, active fermentation begins. Part of the grain will float to the surface. The liquid is left for fermentation for a period of 14-20 days.
  7. The finished mash will highlight the sediment and noticeably brighten. The liquid will stop releasing gas and a sweet taste will disappear. Braga is ready for distillation. With repeated use of grain, a little mash is left and a new portion of the syrup is added.

The taste of moonshine cooked on wheat will be slightly softer than when using barley.

How to make a mash out of compote?

Throwing compote is also a suitable raw material for the preparation of mash. The exception is the compote prepared by their dried fruits. The amount of sugar used in the recipe directly depends on the sweetness of the compote.

To prepare a wort from compote will be needed:

  • 5 l of compot
  • 2 l of water
  • 300 g of pressed yeast
  • Sugar

Cooking procedure:

  1. Pressed yeast must be diluted in a small amount of warm water. When using dry yeast, 60 g.
  2. The compote must be filtered and poured into a container for mash. Add water and sugar based on - 1 kg of sugar per 4 l of liquid. Stir and add yeast.
  3. Set a water shutter or put on a latex glove. Place the container in a warm place. If the fermentation has not started within two days or too weak, it is necessary to increase the amount of sugar. With normal fermentation, the mash is ready in a week. A blown glove or a characteristic alcohol aroma is this confirmation.

How to make a mash out of apples?

A large number of apples will be a great raw material for aromatic apple moonshine.


  • 30 kg of apples
  • 2-4 kg of sugar
  • 15-20 liters of water
  • 100 g of dry wine yeast

The order of cooking mash from apples:

  1. The core is removed from the washed apples. Fruit slices are crushed in a blender to the size of a pea.
  2. Depending on the ripeness and variety of apples, a certain amount of sugar and water is added. For acidic and greenish apples, the amount of water and sugar should be maximum. If the crushed gruel is sweet, then a smaller amount of ingredients is added.
  3. Sugar is added in the form of a cooled syrup. To do this, boil two liters of water, add sugar and mix until a homogeneous consistency.
  4. Mixed ingredients shimmer into a vessel for fermentation for a hydraulic engine for 3 weeks. In the process of forming a cap made of oily, it is necessary to reduce the liquid in the container in a convenient way.
  5. In the finished mash, apple cake will completely settle and the color of the liquid will noticeably brighten.

How to make a mash of fruit juice?

When using fruit juice bought in a store, it is necessary to take into account the low sugar content in the product. The main component of store juice is water diluted with a small amount of concentrate. The amount of sugar does not exceed 10-15 %. Despite the use of fruit juice in mash, the final product will not have a fruit aroma. To obtain a pronounced taste in moonshine, it is necessary to use a juice concentrate.


Fruit wort contains:

  • 5 l of juice (pear, apple, orange)
  • 1-1.5 kg of sugar
  • 100 g of bakery yeast or 25 g of dry

The technique of kneading mash from fruit juice is similar to the above recipes. The ingredients are mixed, and the container with the worship is placed in a warm place. When using a concentrate, sugar is not added. For fermentation of mash, 2 weeks are needed. From 10 liters of mash on fruit juice, 1-1.5 liters of strong moonshine come out.

How to make a honey mash?

The use of a honey product for mash without adding sugar gives a fairly weak fermentation. Adding sugar will also provide a larger number of of course the product.


  • 3 kg of any variety of honey
  • 10 liters of water
  • 200 g of bakery yeast

The procedure for cooking mash from honey:

  1. Mix a honey and water in a pan.
  2. Place on fire. After boiling, withstand a quarter of an hour on fire, removing excess foam. Cool honey syrup.
  3. Dilute the yeast with warm water and mix with honey liquid. Move the wort into a tank for fermentation. Provide the hydraulic survey and temperature within 20-28 degrees.
  4. When foam disappears, precipitate and lightening of the mash fluid, is ready for distillation.


Preparation of mash using birch juice is similar to a classic recipe on sugar and yeast. Only in our case, birch juice is used instead of water. Such a replacement will make the final product softer in taste. Birch juice is rich in trace elements, which, combined with yeast, provide the necessary fermentation.

With an independent harvesting of raw materials, it is worth considering that the juice that stands out at a great distance from the ground has more sweetness. For fermentation, 10-12 days are enough. From 10 liters of birch juice, 3 l of the final product is obtained.

The option of cooking mash without the use of additional sugar and yeast is possible. The fermentation process will provide wild yeast.

For moonshine
For moonshine

Preparation of pure mash from birch juice:

  1. From 30 liters of birch juice, it is necessary to cast 3 liters into a separate container.
  2. The remaining juice is poured into a pan, put on a slow fire and gradually boils to the rest of 10-12 liters. Cools.
  3. Mix 3 l fresh juice with digested juice. Add 1 tbsp. l. kefir. We pour it into a tank for fermentation, put the water survey and provide the necessary temperature.
  4. The fermentation process takes at least 2 weeks.

For various reasons, the fermentation process may not begin. In this case, dry or pressed yeast are added.

How to make a mash without yeast?

It is generally accepted that moonshine prepared on a mash without yeast has a softer aftertaste and a pleasant aroma. The lack of store yeast should compensate for wild yeast that are present on cereals, berries and fruits.

When using grain, an important condition is the shelf life of the product after harvesting. Fresh cereals do not provide proper fermentation. It should pass at least 2-3 months after threshing.

Instead of yeast
Instead of yeast

When using fruit and berry raw materials, fermentation is provided by unwashed fruits. An ideal product for non -freezing mash is raisins. Unwashed raisins, dried in a natural way, provides high -quality fermentation. For 10 liters of water, 2 kg of raisins and 100 g of sugar are enough.

How to make a mash as quickly as possible?

Under extraordinary circumstances, you can use an accelerated recipe for cooking mash. The main condition for quick cooking is a constant retention of a wort temperature at a mark of about 30 degrees. Adding sugar in this case is appropriate only in the form of syrup. The minimum recommended fermentation period is 2-3 days.

You can do it quickly
You can do it quickly

This technology has a lot of disadvantages:

  • We get a smaller amount of the final product.
  • Moonshine must be subjected to double or triple cleaning.
  • The presence of an unpleasant odor in moonshine.
  • Increased toxicity of the final product.

For the preparation of fast mash, it is most convenient to use a classic recipe. The popular technology of cooking mash using a washing machine does not lead to active fermentation and is a toxic threat to human health. With happiness, vanity and haste are inappropriate. To obtain a quality product, it is worth giving preference to proven recipes.

What can be prepared from finished mash?

High -quality mash can independently act as a full -fledged drink. Quite often, mash is used as the basis for the preparation of other alcoholic beverages.

  • The mash, prepared from apples, can be used for apple cider or wine.
  • Braga from berry jam is optimal for preparing a liquor or berry tincture.
  • Braga is suitable for consumption as an independent low alcohol drink. The taste of mash directly depend on the raw materials used. Fruit and berry components make this drink the most pleasant.

For self -use, mash is suitable, in which the conditions and shelf life of the storage are observed. You can not use a drink in large quantities. It is advisable to clean the finished product of sivuye oils with bentonite or gelatin. It is useful to use mash for dysbiosis, arthritis, etc..

Video: The most correct mash for moonshine


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