How to defrost the central locking of the door and the trunk of a car in the cold, after washing with improvised and special means: methods, tips, secrets, prevention

How to defrost the central locking of the door and the trunk of a car in the cold, after washing with improvised and special means: methods, tips, secrets, prevention

In this article we will talk about how to independently defrost the lock on the car door and trunk, as well as how to avoid this trouble.

Many car owners consider it a difficult time due to a lot of problems. In particular, the central locks in the doors or trunk often freeze. And as usual, at the most inopportune moment. But if we know in advance about the methods of correcting the problem and methods of its prevention, troubles and bad moods to avoid.

How to defrost the central locking of the door and the trunk of a car in the cold, after washing with improvised means: methods, tips, secrets

If the trouble happened unexpectedly, and there is absolutely no way to use special means, you can try the following methods:

  • With the help of a lighter, the key is heated, which is inserted into the castle. Do not rush - the inside of the castle should warm up. After some time, you can make an attempt to open the door.

Important: if nothing happened the first time - it does not matter. After several attempts, ice inside the castle can melt.

  • If the car is located near the house, you can try to warm up the door lock, trunk hairdryer.
The most ordinary hairdryer can help defrost the lock of the door or trunk of the car
The most ordinary hairdryer can help defrost the lock of the door or trunk of the car
  • If there were no heating devices or a lighter at hand, you can open the hood and hold the key in the brake fluid. This liquid will help the ice melt.
  • Alcohol in conjunction with water gives heat - this information is familiar to many of the chemistry lessons. Therefore, you can try in the castle drip a little alcohol or something alcohol-containing Like a cologne. It is possible that defrosting will eventually occur.
  • The next option is not suitable for everyone, but if there was a car nearby, the owner of which agrees to help, you can try. For this you need connect the exhaust pipe of another machine and the lock with the hose. Warm air can quickly warm up the lock.

Important: of course, you need to choose a hose of a suitable size.

  • You can build a heating pad from improvised means - plastic bottle with warm water or a bag with warm sand.
To defrost the car lock, you can stock up on sand bags
To defrost the car lock, you can stock up on sand bags

Heating of the lock larvae: description of the method

What should be done for heating the castle larva?

  • Mindful that the rear doors often turn out to be less susceptible to the cold, you can immediately try to open them. If you open any of the doors of the car, you can try Lubricate the larva with a special defrolling locks. Since such things are produced in aerosol form, they without problems fall into the castle.
  • Heating can be done and with the help of funds at hand. In principle, everything described above is suitable.

Important: you should not warm with hot water - it, getting inside the castle, can freeze. In addition, paint can get down. You should not warm your breath either - this often provokes the appearance of ice traffic jams.

The lock larva can be thawed with a hairdryer
The lock larva can be thawed with a hairdryer

How and how to defrost the central locking of the door and trunk trunk in the cold, after washing with special means: methods, tips, secrets

Any motorist should stock up on special means for defrosting locks. After all, improvised things described earlier may simply not be available. For example, it helps perfectly " Liquid key ". Or, as it is also called, "lubrication from icing."

Available in two forms:

  • Liquid - can be distinguished by a small nose
  • Aerosol -has a nozzle-pipe in stock

It is preferable to choose the second option, Since it is characterized by better penetrating ability. You can also choose products from the series "3 in 1", which have silicone, alcohol and component supplanting water.

Applying the product is recommended abundant. After that, it is necessary wait at least a few minutes After all, it does not act with lightning speed.

If it seems worth it re -use the product, again, do not take on him right away. Preferably wait a few minutes. Although there is usually enough one -time application.

Important: using a “liquid key” is recommended only after pre -put on gloves.

Liquid key to defrost locks in the form of aerosol
Liquid key to defrost locks in the form of aerosol

Prevention against freezing of the car locking lock: Description

Of course, the problem is easier to prevent than to solve it later. Therefore, it is worth listening to the main ways to prevent lock freezing:

  • After washing The car is worth it open all the doors, trunk, turn on the stove and motor for a while. The machine should stand like this a couple of minutes. This step is necessary to freeze moisture on locks, seals.
  • The easiest step is open and close the doors several times. Even if the ice has formed, it will go cracks and fall out.
  • Can be used and tires to pump up. The air, leaving from there under pressure, is well blown.

Important: after such a procedure, lubricate the lock with a special liquid that prevents freezing.

  • Special Flip for defrosting locks must be carried with you. And always. Otherwise, it cannot be avoided by curious situations when the castle still froze, and the remedy for this problem is in the glove compartment.
  • It is unacceptable for the car to be under the snow for a long time. If there is such an opportunity, it is better to clean it before leaving it in the parking lot.
If the car is so much entered, with a high degree of probability the lock will be frozen
If the car is so much entered, with a high degree of probability the lock will be frozen

I would like to hope that the listed recommendations will help to forget to motorists about such a classic winter problem as a frozen lock.

Video: On ways to defrost the car lock:

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