How to relax, lower the degree of stress: general methods, professor Schulz, aromatherapy, tips. How to learn to relax at work, before bedtime?

How to relax, lower the degree of stress: general methods, professor Schulz, aromatherapy, tips. How to learn to relax at work, before bedtime?

In this article, we will give recommendations on how to accustom yourself to relax.

The fact that all diseases were due to nerves were heard by everyone. And in fact: the inability to relax often leads not only to emotional exhaustion, but also to physical malaise. Can I learn to relax at the right time? You can, and there are many ways.

How to relax, how to lower the degree of voltage: tips

First you need to learn react correctly to disturbing events. In other words, lower the degree of stress. After all, often a person exaggerates the significance of a particular event. Or, even worse, the conflict continues mentally. All this only enhances the tension.

Important: of course, emotions are very difficult to control. But thoughts leading to negative emotions and stress are much easier to take control.

Thoughts often do not allow you to relax than emotions
Thoughts often do not allow you to relax than emotions

How to look at problem situations correctly? It is recommended to repeat the following phrases from time to time:

  • "No one expects the perfect result from me"
  • "I am already an adult who does not need constant approval of people around him"
  • "I can cope with this situation in the same way as the rest"
  • "Everyone could a step is a manifestation of my, existing individuality to date."
  • “I help the problem solve a natural way - exactly as it is provided for by the universe."
  • "Each difficult situation is a step that will definitely help me rise above."

If you often carry out such mini-training, you can surprisely notice that Fear of failures gradually recedes. And with it the tension leaves.

Important: but it is also important to learn how to treat others less.

It is worth going to come up with the fact that a person is most able to change himself. Other people, like a huge number of circumstances, are more difficult to adjust.

You also need to learn go around useless disputes. There is a great rule that says: "A person wants to be either right or happy."

A positive attitude towards others will help to relax easier
A positive attitude towards others will help to relax easier

General relaxation methods

What things will help to relax when it seems that nothing happens?

  • Correct breathing technique. First you need to sit comfortably, close your eyes. Then the gradual relaxation follows. And the most correct thing is to do this gradually, in the direction from the feet to the face. You need to breathe through the nose and slowly. The exercise should last t 10 to 20 minutes.

Important: at the same time, it is preferable to work on the muscles. They should either be strained, then relax.

  • Listening to soothing music. It can be either any melodies or just the sounds of nature. Or maybe it is worth independently play relaxing melodies? A huge advantage of this method is that it is applicable anywhere and at any time-in the morning, along the way somewhere, during a working break, before bedtime. Recommended combine listening to music and training in proper breathing.
You can listen to pleasant music in order to relax, you can also on the road somewhere
You can listen to pleasant music in order to relax, you can also on the road somewhere
  • Proper visualization. In order to work out to relax, it is sometimes enough to imagine something pleasant-that which can give positive emotions and calm down. If at first it is difficult to do this, you can see some on the eve of visualization A good positive movie or just a relaxing video. In the future, it is worthwhile to just remember the frames from there.
  • Self -massage. It is not always possible to ask someone to do a massage. But this is not necessary. You can purchase a compact massager and always carry it with you. These devices are different - d la foot, neck, shoulders, back.

Important: if you combine massage with the right breathing, the result will not be long in coming.

  • Sports. This pastime will not only charge tone, but also teach to relax. For example, yoga, martial arts, dancing They allow you to feel the body, help regulate it. Including in time to relax.
Yoga will teach to relax
Yoga will teach to relax
  • Games with smaller brothers. No wonder this is a common, at first glance, lesson is recommended by doctors as therapy for sick people. It doesn’t matter if a person plays with an animal or in the fresh air at home - relaxation is guaranteed in any case!
  • Reading your favorite book. Moreover aloud. Firstly, a work that has long been like will give positive emotions in itself. Secondly, when reading aloud, vision, speech, and thinking, and hearing are involved.

Important: so many different simultaneous actions are really able to distract.

Reading aloud helps to relax
Reading aloud helps to relax

How to relax according to the methodology of Professor Schulz?

The methodology based on self -hypnosis of the relaxation of the German psychotherapist and psychiatrist Johann Schulz is recognized all over the world. But before starting to master these six exercises, it is worth prepare:

  • First of all, it follows be good Regarding the success of training. Doubts will only interfere with the relaxation process.
  • Next, you need to make sure that nothing distracted and no one distracted. It is recommended to close the room, pull the curtain, if necessary, turn off the telephone.

Important: later it will be possible to train in public, but it costs a few weeks after the start of mastering the method.

  • You cannot use an alarm clock - It is better to immediately put him aside. The timing of training is on average 10-20 minutes, but it is better to navigate in the inner sensations of time. The constant tracking of the hands of the clock will distract.
  • Immediately after the end of the training, you should not get up - you should remember this before starting. For starters, you need to sit a little with your eyes closed, and then with open ones.
For some time after the exercises for relaxation, you need to sit with your eyes closed
For some time after the exercises for relaxation, you need to sit with your eyes closed

Now you can proceed to the exercises:

  • "Feeling of gravity." First you need to lie down and relax. Then it is worth imagining that the left hand is poured with heaviness. This severity spreads throughout the rest of the body. After about a minute, it is necessary to bend the hands in the elbows, and then make 2 or 3 breaths deeper. Such a feeling of severity means muscle relaxation.

Important: you need to repeat the exercise again, but only by imagining that the right hand begins to get difficult.

  • "Sensation of warmth." Now you need to repeat the previous exercise again. But you need to cause a feeling of not heaviness, but heat. Heat means expansion of blood vessels.
  • "Regulation of heart work". In order to perform this exercise, you need to put your hand on the heart and repeat the phrase for yourself four times that it beats calmly and measuredly. Then you need to listen to the beating. It is proved that such concentrations at the work of the heart helps reduce the frequency of the heartbeat.
In order to relax, you need to control the heartbeat
In order to relax, you need to control the heartbeat
  • "Respiratory control." First of all, you need to repeat four times the following phrase: "I am breathing easily." Next, you need to listen to your breath, trying to make it easy, removing excessive efforts. Ideally, it should be created The feeling of lullary.
  • "Relaxation of the press of the abdominal region". This exercise involves concentration in the area between the chest or navel. That is, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe solar plexus. It is necessary to repeat to yourself that the solar plexus is warm until it is possible to feel this condition.

Important: there must be a balance of breathing and heart rhythm.

  • "Cool forehead." Now you need to imagine that the forehead has become cool. First you can imagine this for a few seconds, and then concentration time should be increased.
For relaxation, you need to try to imagine that ice was applied to the forehead
For relaxation, you need to try to imagine that ice was applied to the forehead

How to relax at work?

Relaxation at work is a separate topic for conversation. On the one hand, it is necessary. On the other hand, excessive relaxation can harm and reduce the effectiveness of the work process. What will help? Properly organized working day! Namely:

  • Be sure to make a work plan for every day. Even if it will be schematic, but the result will not be long in coming! Having a list of affairs at hand, it becomes much easier to distribute forces.
  • You need to try perform all tasks immediately with high quality. Thoughts that in the future you need to double-check something will constantly be kept in suspense.
  • Relax for a couple of minutes, visualizing images or listening to good music, you can. But you cannot be distracted for a long time.

Important: long breaks will only lead to a loss of concentration in the future.

  • Very useful during the lunch break, make walks. It is proved that sunlight has a positive effect on the body and helps to relax.
You can relax at work if the workflow is organized correctly
You can relax at work if the workflow is organized correctly

Relaxation methods before bedtime

It is also worth talking about ways to relax before bedtime. Everyone heard everything about the fact that you need to go to bed and take on this lesson on average 8 hours. But How to fall asleep properly if experiences do not allow this to do this?

  • First of all, you need to have your biological clock. It is proved that if go to bed daily at the same hour, in the future, the body closer to the cherished hour itself will gradually reduce activity.
  • The temperature should not be low, but the heat will also affect well -being negatively. That's why i ventilation  premises- Mandatory action before bedtime.
  • Be sure to prepare your berth. For example, choose the perfect mattress - Not hard, but not soft.

Important: bedding is recommended to choose from natural materials. Synthetics will definitely not help relax, but only cause discomfort and, accordingly, a state of emotional stress.

The correct device for sleeping is an extremely important stage for creating a relaxed state
The correct device for sleeping is an extremely important stage for creating a relaxed state
  • If the disturbing thoughts do not want to leave their heads, they are worth them record. Next is needed promise yourself to return to the problem tomorrow - And you can fall asleep.
  • Herbal tea - What is needed before bedtime! Mint, chamomile or some other-this is not so important. It is worth starting only from personal preferences. The main thing is that the drink really acts in the desired way.
  • Relaxing bath - Another popular and effective recipe. Of course, the water should not be hot. If you don't like lying in the water, you can take a shower. It is recommended also Add sea salt to the bath.

Important: in water it is worthwhile to lie down for no more than 10-15 minutes. This is enough for relaxation.

Relaxing bath - an effective tool
Relaxing bath - an effective tool

What aromas help to relax?

Many have heard about relaxing aromatherapy. Let us dwell on this moment in more detail. So, what aromas help to bring themselves into spiritual and, therefore, physical balance?

  • Lavender - It is useful to sniff before bedtime. It is proved that this plant affects those parts of the brain that are responsible for the state of drowsiness. You can also make lavender bags “And put them next to the main pillow.”
  • Vanilla - It also helps to fall asleep as soon as possible. And soothes, relieves irritation. Children's nipples, by the way, often aromatizes in this way to calm the kids. And if this affects them, then it will help an adult. You can, for example, put it near the head of the bed or on the desktop vanilla wand.
  • Baking, chocolate - A very good aroma! In most people, it is associated with something tasty, joyful, cozy.

Important: but, of course, at night looking with such a fragrance, it is better not to introduce your nose, otherwise you will have to visit the refrigerator.

The aroma of chocolate helps to relax all sweet tooth
The aroma of chocolate helps to relax all sweet tooth
  • Fresh cucumbers - It is proved that their smell relieves tension. Why is that? The fact is that in many people this aroma is associated with childhood, when the appearance on the table of fresh vegetables was perceived as a holiday and portended summer, picnics. And childhood, as you know, is associated with a safe and calm period in most people.
  • Chamomile - It is generally accepted that the smell of this plant calms. In addition, tea from this plant is very good affects the stomach. The stomach that feels well brings significantly closer to the state of relaxation.
  • Lemongrass - A plant that is loved to add to herbal teas and other products that deal with stress.
  • Orange - Its smell is called the "aroma of the sun." Poetic and practical, because it is proved that the orange aroma really helps to relax, relieve stress, feel joyful emotions.
  • Ilang-Ylang- The smell has quite exotic and bright. However, it stimulates the occurrence of a feeling of serenity. Inspires self confidence. Relieves anger, anxiety, fears. The aroma of Ilang-Ylang helps to win even children's nightmares.

Important: is also an excellent aphrodisiac.

Ilang-Ylang helps to relax both adults and children
Ilang-Ylang helps to relax both adults and children

“Just relax” - how often you have to hear this phrase! But it’s easier to say than to do. Often a person, even if desired, cannot be distracted from problems. However, if you set the goal, everything can be achieved!

Video: How to relax and calm down in 10 seconds?

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