How to attract good luck and money to the house in winter: signs

How to attract good luck and money to the house in winter: signs

Each of us believes in some extent in signs. In our article we will talk about winter signs with which you can attract money and luck to your house.

To date, there are a huge number of different signs that help attract good luck and prosperity to the house. Folk wisdom has existed for more than one century and help people in a variety of life situations. Let's find out what popular winter signs are.

Winter signs for luck and money: Description

Signs for luck and money
Signs for luck and money
  • Hide the money in winter as snow covers the earth. Many attach the meaning of different, but the correct following - all the money that you earned during the year, in the winter you need to use carefully, so that later you do not run into financial problems. Previously, people hid part of their money into snowdrifts for the house so that it was preserved until spring and there were no problems with money.
  • To attract good luck, snow to the house is. It used to be customary to warm at home, noticeing snow to the house. It was believed that those owners who show care of the house would be happy.
  • If the shoes are in order, then the money will come to the house. Here, probably, it makes no sense to explain something. The point is that those who care for their shoes are washing, cleaning and repaired on time, success in business and illness bypasses this.
  • How much snow will make a house, so much money will come. It is believed that a lot of snow speaks of wealth. So before it was customary to rake big snowdrifts near the house and slander: "How many snowflakes, so many coins in the wallet".
  • Who follows the house, the luck will accompany this. If at home it is constantly dirty and not removed, then happiness will leave it. Disassemble the old mezzanines and clean the shelves from excess, and also get rid of everything that you do not need.
  • Winter freezes - money is frozen in the house. If different patterns appear on your windows, then you will find a profit soon. Today, there are few such windows where winter can draw your patterns, so you can try to place glass outside the window so that it is covered with beautiful frosty patterns.
  • Who holds the windows clean and lets freshness, and luck will fly to. In winter, the windows also tend to get sorered, so they must be wiped, and the rooms are sure to be ventilated. More often, let's penetrate the house from the street from the street so that luck flew along with the wind.
  • Pure kitchen - House wealth. The value of the signs is quite understandable and if you want money and luck to come to your house, then your kitchen should always be clean.
  • Good luck smiles at that winter, who cares about health. In winter, it is very easy to catch a cold. The sign claims, if you take care of yourself, to dress warmly and not freeze, then luck will come quickly.
  • The one who does not run from work is rich. As a rule, in winter we all do not want to work, laziness and apathy wake up. You can cope with the spleen with your favorite hobbies or walks.

Video: Winter signs

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