How to correctly change the diaper and diaper for the newborn: tips. How often do you need to change the diaper and diaper for the newborn in the first days, day and night, during walks, in winter and summer?

How to correctly change the diaper and diaper for the newborn: tips. How often do you need to change the diaper and diaper for the newborn in the first days, day and night, during walks, in winter and summer?

In this article, we will consider how often you need to change the diapers of the newborn. And also tell you how to change the diaper correctly.

The young parents with the advent of a tiny and defenseless miracle have a huge responsibility, and for changing diapers, including. In your first days, nurses will come to the rescue in the maternity hospital, but at home all the necessary procedures must be performed independently. Although diapers have greatly simplified the life of all mothers without exception, it was around them that many questions gathered. How often and how to change the diaper correctly, we will consider in this material.

Which diapers to choose and how often do you need to change the diaper and diaper for the newborn in the first days, during the day, during walks, in summer and winter?

The ancestor of the diaper was back in antiquity. Then young parents resorted to the help of skins, and used grass, moss, flax or wool as absorbent material. Later they switched to knitted or linen products, filling them with soft wool. The first modern diaper with a superbsorbent appeared in the distant 50s thanks to Viktor Millos, engineer of Procter & Gamble. And by the end of the 60s, Pampers was finally founded, which akin to the words “diaper” and “diapers” among themselves.

A few words about the types of diaper and a hint in the frequency of their change

  • Recall that there are disposable diapers and reusable panties. The last group is characterized by one significant plus - the skin of the baby breathes, and the materials do not cause allergies. They are divided into two more categories:
    • some can really be made in the form of panties, into which special liners are inserted;
    • and the latter are sewn in the form of a diaper, but with gauze or other soft and dense fabric.
A child in a reusable diaper
A child in a reusable diaper
  • It is impossible not to note the economy of such a product. They are erased, stroked (do not forget that newborn babies should be faded) and dressed again. But reusable diapers must be changed every time after the child went to the toilet. Since they get wet much faster and can flow.

Important: Always cover the baby in a bed with a submarine medical oilcloth. Whatever type of diaper you prefer. She does not rustle and does not cause the baby any discomfort. This is especially true for newborn babies.

  • The positive qualities of reusable diapers do not end. This is an indispensable option for allergies or during the period when irritation appeared. They pass the air, so the baby does not have diaper rash. And an important criterion - these diapers do not create an increase in temperature in the panties themselves!
  • But disposable diapers allow both the baby and his parents to sleep all night. A little later we will return to the night dressing of diapers. If you regularly change the diaper and comply with all the conditions, then the baby will have neither irritation nor an allergic reaction.
  • There are many disputes about the manufacturer. We will not go into this topic, but I want to give one golden rule - no matter what company you choose, always change the diaper in a timely manner. This is what the key to the healthy skin of your baby is hidden!
  • In general, pediatricians and experts came to the same opinion - both types of diapers should be used. It is advisable to wear disposable diapers at night, and during the day let the baby “breathe” in reusable panties. And this rule even more concerns newborn babies when their skin is still insanely delicate and sensitive. And parents need the “support” of the diaper as much as possible.
A child in a one -time diapers
A child in a one -time diapers

How often to change the diaper: tips

You need to change the diaper as often as this requires age. But for starters, let's figure out who the newborn baby is. This is a child from the moment of birth to 28 days. That is, one month, if you are a little round. And believe me, during this period it is important every day, not just a week. It is in the first month that children gain the largest weight. Further, the sequence of a mass gain will gradually decrease.

  • The first week of life The crumbs are still in the hospital. Almost the whole week, because it is usually written on 4-5 days. But this is a strictly individual indicator, which depends only on the well -being of the mother and her baby.
    • It is the first 7 days that are very important, and require a regular diaper change. The fact is that the baby’s stomach is cleansed. After all, he was in a completely different environment and received food differently. Therefore, every mother came across dark green sometimes even black-handed feces. This is original feces or meconium.
    • On average, it comes out in 1-3 days. But it happens that the process is delayed up to 5-7 days. During this period, meconium is gradually being removed by feces of the baby, which will have a yellowish-greenish or brown tint. And with each emptying, the color of the feces of the newborn will be light.
    • It was previously believed that meconium is absolutely sterile. But recently, Spanish scientists have refuted this version. Bacteria are also in the original feces.
    • In the first week, it is very important to monitor the hygiene of the crumbs! Mekonium has no smell, but very viscous and sticky in consistency, even a little resembles the resin. It is relatively hard to wash. The baby needs to immediately change clothes, and the state of the diaper check every hour.
Check the diaper regularly

Important: for newborns, choose the first number or NewBorn (that is, from 2 to 5 kg), but do not take more than 1-2 packages. It is in the first month that they gain weight as much and incredibly quickly. Therefore, large reserves may simply not have time to be used.

  • Beginning from the second to the fourth week of life you need to change the diaper every 2-3 hours. Ideally, after each bowel move. The first weeks of two you will be so. The babies eat every 2-3 hours and the first time they “go to the toilet” after each feeding or even during it. On average, the baby can write up to 20-25 times per day, poke-about 8-12 times.
  • Gradually, this amount will decrease. By the way, these indicators relate to babies who feed on mom's milk. Children on artificial feeding are less likely to “please” parents, since food is a little differently absorbed by the body.
  • If the baby is emptied, then the diaper needs to be removed immediately! Even if you dressed it two minutes ago. Fecal masses negatively affect the condition of the baby’s skin and can even cause irritation and redness. Particularly attentive to be the parents of the girls, since the untimely change of diaper can cause the infection to penetrate the genitals.
  • Small recommendation - you should not change diapers before eating. We indicated the reason above. Also, you should not rush and change it after a meal. Hold the baby for 10-15 minutes and only then change clothes.
Baby in the diaper
Baby in the diaper
  • If the child needs a change in the diaper, but after the hygiene procedure it will need to be fed and, perhaps, the “surprise” will appear again, then put on it just sliders. Let the priests rest, and save the diaper.
  • During walks, do not forget to monitor the state of the diaper. In the summer, you can change your baby on the street. In winter, do not go far from home so that you can quickly run into it.
  • Separately, you should pay attention to the wet diaper, but without feces. That is, when the baby only signed. It is also not worth falling into the extremes, so after one urination the diaper does not change. Sorbent absorbs moisture quite well and quickly, so the baby will not feel any discomfort.
  • But also follow his filling . If the diaper on the surface or near the legs becomes wet, then this indicates its overflow. In this case, the diaper requires immediate replacement. Do not allow such a state! For example, a crowded diaper can cause the development of synechia (fusion of the extreme flesh or labia). This is often found in girls.
Replacing the diapers to the newborn
Replacing the diapers to the newborn

How often to change diapers to a newborn at night?

All mothers are interested in this issue. And even sometimes those women who have repeatedly held a newborn child in their arms are thinking. After all, such a defenseless lump does not want to harm. But there is no unambiguous answer.

  • Take a look at the situation reasonably. In the first month, the baby has no regime yet. Some can wake up at five in the morning, while others sleep almost 12 hours. At this moment, it is still important to make the baby understand that you do not need to walk at night. Although the first weeks children are sleeping more, but not so much time is awake. But there are times when kids begin to confuse day with night.
  • That's why deliberately wake up for the sake of changing the diaper is not worth. They wake up relatively often to eat. So during the night you will still have enough chances to change the diaper. Do not spoil the sleep and cub and yourself. Believe me, it is better to sleep the extra 10-20 minutes (or how much time you have to change clothes).
  • The kids fall asleep mainly under the chest or during the motion period, but again after eating. And quite often, the baby presents his mother's “unexpected surprise” just at the moment when he fell asleep. In such a situation, you need to immediately replace the diaper. I would also like to reassure - such incidents with a frequent chair of the baby are observed in the first few days.
  • And one more positive note - in children with the right regime (sleeps at night, and walks during the day), night bowel movements happen extremely rarely. And with the moment of growth, they completely disappear. The same applies to the amount of urination.
  • But, if the diaper is crowded or you noticed the course, then urgently replace the diaper. Otherwise, with cheers you may wait for diaper rash. Try not to wake the baby, but for this do not turn on the bright light. But, as a rule, filling the diaper to the top of the baby will turn out closer to the morning.
  • When you feed the child, always check the condition of the diaper. You will quickly learn to understand how many times the baby went to the toilet and whether the diaper requires replacement. The first month you will not be able to sleep all night without awakening, somewhere at 3-5 in the morning (provided that they went to bed at 8-10 pm), it is advisable to replace the diapers. But again, it all depends on his condition.
  • As you can see, it is not worthwhile to deliberately wake the baby every 3 hours for a change of diaper at night. It needs to be changed only in cases where the diaper is full or close to this state. But such situations happen quite rarely and only in the first weeks or even days of life.
Sweet sleep baby in diapers
Sweet sleep baby in diapers

How to correctly change the diapers and diapers to the newborn: tips, necessary cosmetics

Change the diaper is scary only for the first time. After some “training” you can even conduct this procedure closed with closed eyes. Initially, always prepare all the necessary components. Select a small corner where all children's things will be stored at hand. Especially those that are needed for hygienic procedures. Highlight the table or purchase a special swaddling, closing it with a soft and easily detergent mattress or bedspread. On the bed, this is not very convenient and not entirely rational.

A few words about the "children's cosmetic bag" and the skin care products of the baby

  • The powder has been known and popular since Soviet times, when it was necessary to achieve dry skin. True, then it was an ordinary potato starch. Now, the children's powder mainly consists of talc and flavorings (which also depends on the manufacturer). It is better to choose a chalk base, since it is easier.
  • The diaper cream is more often used in case of irritation that has already appeared, but it can also be used for prevention.
  • The standard cream is no worse than the previous option, but also more universal. It can be used for any area of \u200b\u200bthe skin and even, for example, smear the statched cheeks.
Hygienic procedures of the newborn
Hygienic procedures of the newborn

Important: You can’t say unequivocally which tool is better. Sometimes adding can be strayed with lumps from moisture and even cause irritation, and a certain cream will cause a rash. There should always be two products in your cosmetic bag - cream and adding. Choose only proven manufacturers, because the condition of the baby’s skin depends on them.

  • Soap should not have a bright color and have only a weak aroma. And ideally, it is at all smell at all, but it is very difficult to find it on store shelves. Also exclude any chemical components and fragrances.
  • Oil simply must be in your arsenal. Sometimes it is one able to cope with diaper rash or redness. But the main thing is the prevention of such formations and the processing of folds.

How to change diapers correctly?

  • Prepare the materials before putting the baby on the radio! Even at this age, not knowing how to turn, they can simply move out. After all, children do not lie completely motionless. You will need:
    • powder or cream;
    • clean diaper;
    • bucket with warm water and soft cloth and/or wet wipes;
    • baby soap;
    • towel.
  • Unflap the Velcro on the diaper, but do not remove it immediately. The baby needs to be taken by the legs a little higher than the feet. This is easy to do with one hand, covering tiny legs between the fingers. And lightly lift the baby's ass.
Replacement of the diapers
Replacement of the diapers
  • Pure front part wipe the bulk of feces. Do it very gently, without pressing on the skin. And cover it with the lower half of the diaper.
  • Again, do not rush to remove him from under the priest of the baby. Take napkins and wipe the skin of the crumbs after the remaining contaminants. Put these same napkins on top of the diaper and now remove it.
  • For your convenience, turn the diaper slightly a little, as if in a tube, and fix with Velcro. To prevent the spread of aromas, it will not prevent it from wrapping it in a plastic bag.
  • Now the baby’s ass must be washed with warm water. It is worth doing even when the baby only signed in the diaper. Urine also does not affect the condition of the skin in the best way.
  • Regarding soap! Do not get carried away with them unnecessarily. From its frequent use, the baby’s skin balance is disturbed and this will also cause irritation.

Important: It is best to wash the crumbs under running water. Even super soft napkins can damage delicate skin. For such a procedure, the child is put on one hand, and the second is done by all the necessary manipulations. First check the water temperature, and then substitute the ass under the stream. It happens that even a tuned pressure can change a little degree.

  • You can wash boys in any position, but it is more convenient to do it with a tummy down. A tiny body just fits on your hand. The girls are a little more complicated. The entire washing procedure must be carried out before! Feces should not fall on the genitals so as not to infect.
How to keep a girl while washing
How to keep a girl while washing
  • Necessarily follow your head! Children in the first months still do not know how to keep it. Therefore, young mothers do not dare to wash the baby in the bathroom. But it’s scary only at the very beginning until you try.
  • Dip the skin with a soft towel. Do not wipe it! Even the most delicate fabric can injure the skin of the baby. But the ass before dressing a new diaper should be dry. Let the baby “take a walk” without a diaper for 10-20 minutes.
    • As for the time without a diaper - this should not just be a minute before dressing a clean diaper. Try to ensure that the baby walks naked or in pants as often as possible. Not a single disposable diaper passes the air properly, which often leads to overheating and the appearance of diaper rash.
  • Wipe all the folds with a cotton sponge moistened with baby oil. This will soften the skin and additionally cleanse it, and prevent peeling or redness in such places.
Hygienic procedures of the baby
Hygienic procedures of the baby
  • If the baby does not have any redness, diaper rash or irritation, then do not load the skin with other means. Use creams and powders only as necessary.
  • Expand the new diapers, unscrew the Velcro, but not to the end. The back of the diapers (that is, where Velcro are), put under the ass of the baby. You also raise it, gently pulling the baby by the legs.
  • Spread, stretch between the legs and fasten it. Do not tighten too tight! Often in front on the strip there is a drawing, to what limit to tighten the Velcro. If you pull the diaper, you can provoke the formation of scuffs and even injure delicate skin.
  • But you do not need to leave it too free. Otherwise, the diaper will flow! The diapers should tightly cover the legs and waist of the crumbs. In this case, you can easily pull the elastic bands with the index finger.

Important: the diaper should not close the navel. At first, the kids have not healed yet. Therefore, turn the belt at the top a little so that it is under the navel. Moreover, at least 1 centimeter below. Otherwise, the navel can be injured from the friction of the diaper.

Newborn in diapers with an unhealed navel
Newborn in diapers with not healing navel

What to do if irritation, dryness, rash after using a diaper, diaper: tips appeared

We forget about panic and fear, since your emotions are transmitted to the baby. There is nothing fatal in this, but it can not be allowed like that.

  • Strengthen the frequency of hygiene procedures. If you used napkins, try to wash the ass under water more often. And perhaps you used soap too often. Exclude it in general for this period.

Important: instead of gels and bathing products, use herbs. A series helps from diaper rash well. It also promotes rapid healing. Chamomile flowers also help very well. Better yet, make a mixture of various herbs or just alternate them with each other.

  • Let the baby walk more without a diaper. Even the best manufacturer cannot give complete air passing. This, by the way, is the main reason for the rash and redness on the pope.
  • Analyze the situation - whether you have recently changed the firm of diapers or other personal hygiene products. Sometimes this is banal allergies. In this case, you need to refuse the use of drugs.
  • With any redness, be sure to use a healing cream. "Bepanten" or "Sudokrem" proven themselves very well. As a rule, after several applications, any irritation takes place.
  • Pay attention to the skin of the baby. If the baby has a sweating, then use a drying agent. That is, adding. With dry skin, make a blow to the oily cream.
  • If you fail to independently fix the problem, be sure to consult your doctor. He will establish the cause and tell you the correct treatment.

Video: How to correctly change the diapers of a newborn?

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