How to survive the heat? What is possible and what can not be eaten and drink in the heat, what products to take with you on the road, is it possible to eat salty, drink diuretic and aspirin?

How to survive the heat? What is possible and what can not be eaten and drink in the heat, what products to take with you on the road, is it possible to eat salty, drink diuretic and aspirin?

The summer heat causes a lot of inconvenience, but it is not necessary to tolerate unbearable heat. We will tell you how to facilitate our condition in the summer and enjoy the hot season.

Winter evenings, drinking hot tea and wrapping in a warm robe, we recall with a sigh of warm summer days. But here on the thermometer exceeded +25C, wiping the sweat, complaints begin and the search for saving means from the heat. In this article we will try to figure out how effective and easy explore especially sultry weather.

Food in the summer in the heat of adults, children, pregnant women: basic principles

For convenience and simplicity, we divide the power rules in the summer into 5 main sections:

  1. Increase the amount of fluid consumed - In hot weather, the body is especially sweating, thus, the body cools and loses a lot of liquids. Therefore, the most important condition for good well -being in summer is the replenishment of water supply in the body. Best use water or chilled green tea. Also, a great option would be the choice of cold first dishes - okroshka or chilled vegetable soup, which do not burden the stomach, but at the same time refresh and supply the body with the necessary fluid
  2. Reduce the number of calories consumednutritionists and doctors believe that in hot weather it is not worth it burn the stomach And too much to lean on fat meat products and sweets. This does not mean that you should starve, but according to the optimal daily diet, the main share of food should be protein
  3. Change the daily routine In hot days of day, any meal becomes a test for the body. All of you often felt such a situation that it seems to be necessary to eat (especially for pregnant women, because you need to eat well in this position), but after eating it is felt unpleasant severity. In this case, nutritionists advise a little change in the meal schedule: try breakfast at 6 am, lunch no later than 12 And have dinner at 18-19 hours. Thus, you will eat at the cool time of the day
  4. Do not overeat to lunch You definitely need to eat a certain amount of fats, proteins and carbohydrates per day, but it will be optimal for the body carbohydrate products Eat for lunch, and fats and proteins - for breakfast and dinner. Therefore, feed your family meat and fish in the morning and evening, and for lunch it is better to choose vegetable salads, lean soups and cereals
  5. Lie down on vitamins - Summer is the time of vegetables and fruits. Enjoy delicious apples, pears, raspberries and other goodies. Especially added natural vitamins In the diet of pregnant women and children. In winter, the body, which is saturated with the necessary trace elements, will better resist infections

Do not be upset due to too hot days. As in a famous song - "There is no bad weather". Thanks to the implementation of the above recommendations, summer heat will not be terrible for you.

Video: How to survive the heat?

What and what products can be eaten in the heat, and what is impossible, what to cook for dinner?

In order for you to plan a little menu for a day, we offer you an approximate version of the products that can be consumed in hot weather:

  • For breakfast - Be sure to turn on carbohydrate and protein products - an egg, cottage cheese with berries and honey, herbs, bread, oatmeal or buckwheat porridge. You can drink chilled green or herbal tea in the morning. We can advise everyone who loves coffee, add chilled milk to the drink.
Food in the summer heat should not be too high -calorie
Food in the summer heat should not be too high -calorie

In the second breakfast, you can pamper yourself with fruit smoothies and freshly squeezed juices.

  • For lunch -as mentioned above, it is advisable to eat vegetables with a small amount of vegetable oil and cold soups - a brine, okroshka or gaspaccio. At lunchtime, it is also very useful to eat cheeses.
  • For dinnera useful dish will be fish or meat with any cereals. Also, do not forget about vegetables and herbs. If the temperature above 35 with a refreshing solution will add dairy products to the menu - chilled kefir or milk.

This is an approximate menu of dishes for your table in sultry weather, you can adjust the diet according to individual desiresbut the main thing to remember is that plant food cools, and meat dishes warm.

Can I eat salty in the heat?

Everyone knows that in the heat you need to consume a lot of liquidBut there are many controversial questions about other products. One of these controversial nuances is salt consumption. So, many believe that in the heat it is necessary to increase salt consumption.

Salt food is equally harmful at any time of the year
Salt food is equally harmful at any time of the year

In fact, this is not so. The truth is only what is from the body later not only fluid is leaving, but also saltBut this does not mean that it is necessary to double its consumption.

Salt in summer is dangerous in that it retains fluid in the body. Thus, not only after the salty desire to drink increases, but also excess fluid he leaves the body slower.

And as a consequence - increased pressure and exacerbation of cardiovascular diseases. That's why do not burden your body similar experiments. Proper nutrition, without excess sweet and salty, is the basis of a well -spent summer.

What can be prepared in the heat and take from products with you on the road?

If you are going on a trip, you must definitely take with you drink something. In the hot season, the issue of food on the way can become a real problem, as it is at a dead end of many travelers.

It is not necessary to drag a refrigerator with you to rest - you can buy a thermo -dryer
It is not at all necessary to drag a refrigerator with you for a vacation-you can buy a thermo-dryer

An excellent solution would be to purchase mini fridge. So many issues with products will be resolved by themselves, because in the refrigerator cooked dishes will be preserved much longer. But still, let's specify the list of products, which you can take with you on the road:

  • Vegetables and fruits - This is an ideal option for a snack on the way. They can become an excellent addition to any side dish and despite the fact that most fruits and vegetables are low -calorie, they have the property of well satisfying hunger. Put from vegetables in your basket - cucumbers, carrots and potatoes - From the first ingredients you can make a delicious salad, the latter - bake or fry; Complete the basket with fruits - apples, bananas and dried fruits
  • Cheese and eggs -Take the eggs only boiled, and then consider that in very hot weather you should not store them for more than 4 hours. Cheese is best stored in this weather and can be a good addition to the sandwich
  • Bakery products - Be sure to take ordinary bread and your favorite buns, any except those that have a cream filling. With bread, you can make a sandwich, with a pre -taken cheese and egg, or eat it with a salad
  • Beverages - It is best to take unsweetened drinks with you, an ideal option would be to stock up on water without gas and green tea in a thermos

If you put these products in your road bag, you can safely go towards adventures.

Why do you really want to drink in the heat?

In the summer heat, I always really want to drink. Human organism 70 % water consists, which performs a lot of functions in it: transportation of nutrients, elimination of toxins, salts, toxins, as well as excess heat from the body.

In the heat it is necessary to make up for the loss of liquid
In the heat it is necessary to make up for the loss of liquid

For a person with a weight of about 75 kg The daily rate of water consumption should be about 2 liters. The lack of water negatively affects well -being.

In hot weather the body saved by sweating. Thanks to this person, it becomes easier to endure the heat. But naturally in the body, fluid becomes smaller. In this way, thirst appears, which must be quenched immediately, since the lack of fluid in the human body can become fatal.

In order to feel good in hot weather, stock up a bottle of still water And, even if you just go to the store or walk with your child, be sure to put it in your handbag.

Why can't you drink cold, ice water, drinks in the heat?

Many people believe that if in hot weather to throw an additional piece of ice into the water from the refrigerator, then you will not want to drink after that for a long time. Additional refrigerators are set in stores to sell the coldest water. But is it true that the colder the water, the better the body in the heat?

It is better to refuse icy drinks in the heat - this will not only not help to quickly quench thirst, but can also lead to stroke
It is better to refuse icy drinks in the heat - this will not only not help to quickly quench thirst, but can also lead to stroke

In fact cold water is absorbed by the intestines slowerthan warm. This rule is especially known in Asian countries - since ancient times in severe heat there drink hot tea.

At high temperature vessels in the body expand, and when cold fluid gets, they narrow. The heat transfer of the narrowed vessels decreases after the icy water drunk, to a person It becomes even hotter. Also, due to such a sharp fluctuation-heat and ice water-may occur stroke.

It is also worth mentioning colds. Often angina is observed in the summer And just because of ice water.

Therefore, do not get carried away with too cold liquid, or take a cold shower in the heat. This can lead to serious health problems.

Video: Questions to experts: How to survive summer heat?

Can or not drink hot black and green tea, coffee in the heat?

Now you know that Do not drink ice water during the heat. But what about hot tea or coffee. The answer is hot tea, allows the body to balance the internal temperature with air temperature. Thus, heat transfer increases.

Drink tea in the heat is useful
Drink tea in the heat is useful

However, hot coffee It does not give the same effect. Coffee - stimulating substanceWhich at high temperatures is especially aggressive on the nervous system.

Therefore hot it is better not to abuse coffee In sultry weather. Tea, both white and black or green, will effectively help you cope with high temperatures. Preferably Do not add a lot of sugar to the drink, and replace delight with honey. It will not only be tasty, but also useful.

Coffee is not the best drink in the sultry season
Coffee is not the best drink in the sultry season

Is it possible to drink milk in the heat?

We also advise lovers of dairy products drink milk in the heat. Naturally, you should not drink ice milk from the refrigerator, as it is fraught with angina.

There is an opinion that because of cold milk, it is much easier to catch tonsillitis. It is a myth, since any ice fluid is quite possible to harm health, be it water, milk or compote. The optimum fluid temperature that can be drunk in the summer - 7-15s.

Drink milk even in the heat
Drink milk even in the heat

And milk not only refreshes well, but also useful for the body, as it contains important trace elements that strengthen the bones.

What can you drink in the heat so as not to sweat?

Sweat is 99% of water And the more you drink, the more you sweat. But some drinks cause less sweating, among them Green and chamomile tea.If in the heat you prefer sweet drinks, then better to abandon this habit. In this case, the feeling of thirst will appear more often, drink more and, accordingly, sweat more.

To sweat less should drink cold tea
To sweat less should drink cold tea

The best option will be cold tea. It is very simple to cook it, it can be green or chamomile tea with a lemon that you usually cook.

After you pouring boiling water over, cool the drink to room temperature And put in the refrigerator. Such a drink will help you cope with thirst and reduce sweating in sultry weather.

Is it possible to drink a lot of water in the heat?

In sultry weather, it seems that you want to drink constantly. But this is due to the fact that you use a harmful fluid- sweet soda, kvasswho quenches thirst for a short time. Thus, you drink more, and you get less sense.

An important condition in the summer is to drink clean water, it is better mineral, but without gas and additives
An important condition in the summer is to drink clean water, it is better mineral, but without gas and additives

At some point, you begin to worry about whether you consume too much liquid. In fact, doctors and nutritions determine the norm of water consumption per day. She is taken as accountable 40 ml of fluid per 1 kg of weight. So consider, for a woman with a weight of 60 kg, the norm of the drunk fluid per day should be at least 2.4 liters.

If you drink still water or green tea, you can drink just such a dosage. With sweet liquids, the amount may increase, but remember that sweet drinks are also calories, Which, after a hot summer, can be firmly rooted on your waist and hips.

How to drink less in the heat?

So as not to feel thirsty and not to sweat too much, in hot weather, you should only drink water and green tea. It will also be useful to add to these drinks Dry fruit compotes Or fresh fruits and berries. Such a liquid will satisfy thirst better, and accordingly, you will be less to drink per day.

Sweet drinks in the summer will cause even greater thirst
Sweet drinks in the summer will cause even greater thirst

To compotes and homemade juices no need to add sugar, if you want to delight the taste a little, put honey. Such a drink will be as much vitamin and useful as possible.

Limit the use sweet drinks and store juices with preservatives. So you not only do not satisfy your thirst, but also drink much more. For your same health, it is worth excluding sweet drinks from the diet, since the number of preservatives and dyes is extremely harmful. Water and tea - Here are reliable companions in the summer heat.

How much to drink in the heat to an adult, child, pregnant, core?

Water - The necessary source of the life of the human body. For everybody the norm of consumption The water is different. Let's divide the amount of fluid needed by an adult, a child, a pregnant woman and a person suffering from cardiovascular diseases:

  • An adult man It is required no less 3 l liquids, of which 2 liters of water, the rest are soups, compotes, tea
  • An adult woman - 2.2 liters, of which 1.8 water
  • To kid from 8 months to 4 years you need to drink 250 ml of liquid
  • From 4 to 8 years old 500 ml
  • From 8 to 11 - 750 ml
  • From 11 to 13 - 1 liter of liquid
  • From 13 to 18 - 1.5 l
The norm of fluid, which should be drunk per day, for each has its own
The norm of fluid, which should be drunk per day, for each has its own
  • People who get sick cardiovascular diseases The norm of fluid consumption with the attending physician should be clarified, since for cores it is lower due to the negative effect of excessive fluid on the state of health of cores
  • Pregnant at least 2.3 liters of liquid should be consumed

Correct the amount of fluid consumed according to your weight and needs. Be sure to drink no less than the indicated norm, as this is the key to your health.

Why can't you drink alcohol and alcohol in the heat: vodka, cognac?

Wishing to drink alcohol, we advise you to read this section, since a certain category of drinks drinking in the heat is not worth it. Unwanted drinks in the heat include:

  • Vodka -One of the strongest drinks in the heat leads to dehydration of the body, due to the phased opposite reaction of the body-after the drunk vessels, they first expand, and then narrow. A spasm occurs, which contributes to the overheating of the body. After the drunk vodka in the heat, and especially in the sun, there is a frequent phenomenon a thermal blow
Strong alcohol should not be drunk in the heat
Strong alcohol should not be drunk in the heat
  • Cognac- The drink has an enzyme that greatly expands the vessels. After drunk cognac, you will note increased sweating. This is unlikely to be a successful solution in hot weather

In the next section you will learn about other alcoholic beverages that may be present in your menu in hot weather.

Can or not beer in the heat?

We figured out stronger drinks, but what about beer? After all, many both women and find salvation in this drink on a sultry day. The maximum daily dose of beer - 1l for an adult.

But do not get carried away with this drink daily, since frequent and large dosages negatively affect the pancreas.

Beer also do not abuse - if you want and
Beer should also not be abused, especially in the sun

You can’t drink beer in the sun, it is very intoxication quickly occurs And a person who knows his norm in a cool time of the day is drunk faster in the heat. Therefore, beer should be consumed only in the shade in the evening or in the morning and no more than 1 liter.

What alcohol, wine can be drunk in the heat?

In the hot season, only one drink remains that can be sipped without harm to health - this is wineWere it red or white. It acts as a medicine - tones blood vessels.

If you complement the wine with water, then in this form a drink perfectly satisfy their thirst. Acids contained in the drink protect the body from overheating.

The glass of cool wine in the summer heat will be very useful, and most importantly - this drink is safe and even useful
The glass of cool wine in the summer heat will be very useful, and most importantly - this drink is safe and even useful

Thus, a couple of glasses of wine, even in hot weather, can be drunk with health benefits, but you need to use a drink not on an empty stomach And away from the scorching sun.

Is it possible to lose weight in the heat and what to drink in the heat to lose weight?

In the sultry weather, the body is actively sweatingto balance the temperature of the body and the environment. With the help of sweat, fluid leaves the body, the weight decreases.

But the lost liquid must be replenished, otherwise it may occur dehydration. After filling in the loss, the body gains weight again. Such a cycle of water in the body.

Proper drinking mode and healthy diet will help to relieve excess weight in the summer without effort
Proper drinking mode and healthy diet will help to relieve excess weight in the summer without effort

But Lose in the heat It is still possible. This is primarily due to power correction. In previous sections, you have already learned about the regime and products that you should use in the heat.

Recall that in the hot season there is refuse fatty and sweet food. You should drink more simple water, not sweet drinks, which also regulates the number of calories consumed.

Therefore, if you limit the intake of fatty foods, sweet dishes and drinks, then in sultry weather you Be sure to drop unnecessary kilograms.

Is it possible to drink diuretic and aspirin in the heat?

« Any medicine - poison", This proverb is worth remembering while you decide to prescribe treatment yourself, especially in the heat. You need to remember that aspirin Although it dilutes the blood, which is a salvation in the heat, before using such a tool, you must definitely consult a doctor.

In the heat, any harmless drug can harm - discuss the intake of drugs with a doctor
In the heat, any harmless drug can harm - discuss the intake of drugs with a doctor

Unscontigated reception Even, at first glance, simple medicine, can negatively affect your health.

The use of diuretic It is also advisable to reduce, because in the heat the body already loses a lot of fluid. If you previously accepted the diuretic daily, then it is worth correct the dosage In a hot period with the attending physician.

Sultry weather annually during, at least 3 months, brings inconvenience to almost everyone. But do not despair - thanks to the advice set forth in this article, you can protect your health and normalize the condition at a temperature of more than 30C. Be healthy in any weather!

Video: How to survive the heat in the apartment? 10 tips

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