Why children gnaw their nails: reasons. How to wean your child to bite your nails: the most popular methods and advice of specialists

Why children gnaw their nails: reasons. How to wean your child to bite your nails: the most popular methods and advice of specialists

From the article you will learn why the children begin to bite their nails, and also get acquainted with the methods of combating this bad habit.

Almost all mothers and dads sooner or later get acquainted with such a bad habit as nibble nails. There comes a moment when the child begins to engage in “self -eaters”. He constantly holds his fingers in his mouth and gnaws his nails. Seeing, to put it mildly, ugly nails parents begin to worry and scold the baby for what he did.

Are they doing the right thing? Of course, no, because threats and screams are unlikely to wean a son or daughter from this bad habit. And if you also encounter such a misfortune, then let's figure it out together - why do children begin to bite their nails and how to deal with this problem?

Why do children gnaw their nails: reasons

Many doctors believe that the habit of gnawing nails is a manifestation of constant stress and fear.

If you notice that your baby began to nibble his nails, then do not hope that he himself will study it. Indeed, most often this bad habit is a sign of a disease or psychological problems.

Reasons that can provoke the appearance of this bad habit:

  • Stress condition. The child is afraid to do something wrong, afraid to answer the lesson, get a low rating or simply cannot find a common language with peers
  • The influence of heredity. If dad or mom also bite his nails, then the child simply repeats their actions
  • Psychological problems. The kid believes that he cannot be the best in the class or the environment of his friends
  • Physiological problems. Due to the fact that the nail plate is constantly breaking and laying, the child has to bite it
  • The child is left to himself. If a son or daughter spend their time sitting in front of a TV or computer, and not lead an active lifestyle, then such a pastime can provoke the appearance of a bad habit.

Why you can’t bite nails and burrs: consequences

A small person does not yet understand all the danger that he exposes himself, gnawing a nail plate and burrs. Such actions simply help him get distracted and relieve nervous tension. But adults should understand that a pernicious habit can cause serious harm to health.

For what reason is it forbidden to bite nails and burrs:

  • Microbes, bacteria and worm eggs. All this is not very useful microflora, in huge quantities is under the nail plate. In the process of gnawing, it enters the gastrointestinal tract and can provoke various diseases or even poisoning.
  • The nail plate and the skin that is around it is damaged. Due to frequent and improper mechanical exposure, the nail can be deformed.
  • There are problems with the teeth. Sharp pieces of the nail can scratch the gums, and this will immediately lead to inflammatory processes.

What are the consequences of a pernicious habit?

If you bite the nails constantly, then you can get inflammation of the skin on your finger. With non -appropriate care, surgical intervention may be required.

IMPORTANT: In order for your child to grow up confident in himself, he must constantly support him and try to raise his self -esteem. Try to pay attention to him and his small problem every day, because if you do not wean your son or daughter to bite your nails very quickly, then you will soon soon encounter new troubles.

You may have the following consequences:
• untidy and groomed hands.
• Pustious and redness of the skin of the hands.
• Winness infection.
• infection of the body.

Methods of combating the habit of gnawing nails

There are several ways to help wean a child to bite his nails. One method helps one baby, and another for a complete recovery may need several at once.

The most effective methods of combating the habit of gnawing nails:

Correct motivation. Try to gently, without screaming and anger, tell the child that the nibble and ugly nails do not really like the people around him. Ask the baby not to do this anymore, but because he will control himself, promise him a pleasant bonus. It can be a favorite toy, a trip to the water park or a cinema, or a joint trip to manicure.
Psychological method. Try to work out with your son or daughter what they love. Play with them in their favorite game or read an interesting book together. Do everything so that the child is not afraid to tell you about his problems. Trust relationships will help to normalize the emotional state of the child.
We use medications. Now in any pharmacy you can find special products that are applied to the nail plate. Most often they have a very bitter taste. But in order for the child to stop gnawing his nails, they must be applied unnoticed by the baby, for example, when he sleeps.

How to wean a child to bite your nails?

If you want the child to shore your nails, make him bright and original manicure.

In the process of growing up, the child gets acquainted not only with the positive side of the world around him, but also with negative. And if the baby is very susceptible, then he begins to worry, and, of course, gnawing his nails.

Simple recommendations will help to avoid such a problem:

  • If the child does not have allergies, then for treatment you can use various herbal fees that will calm the nervous system. You can make delicious and healthy tea from lemon balm, mint, lemon, as well as add a decoction to the water for a bath.
  • About 30 minutes before bedtime, the baby can be given, preheated, milk with honey.
  • Teach your child to independently get rid of stress. If he feels fear or panic, he can try to breathe deeply several times or clench his fists several times. These two simple exercises help to calm down very well.
  • Make a manicure to your daughter and teach you how to look after your nails on your own. Try to accustom her to the idea that beautiful and well -groomed nails will make her even more beautiful.

How to wean a child to bite his nails once and for all: methods

Try to occupy a child with something. Let him draw, collects puzzles, reads or just walks with friends.

Of course, there are many methods that help wean children and older children from biting the nail plate. But sometimes all efforts are in vain, and the child again returns to his bad habit. After all, growing up, a son or daughter begins to understand that, for example, bitter nails become from specialized means, and not because they bite them. In this case, parents have to look for new methods of struggle.

The following tips will help to get rid of bad habit

  • Try to distract the baby. At that moment, when the child begins to pull his hands in his mouth, ask him some question, offer to prepare a joint dinner or bake his favorite cookies. Start putting puzzles with him every evening or just draw.
    Find to the nails a replacement. If the child has the need to constantly bite something, then offer him an apple, sand cookies, nuts or carrots. Try to make a dish with delicious ones all the time in sight of your child.
    Comfort and support the baby. Hug a son or daughter as often as possible, praise them for all, even the smallest achievements, and help do your homework.

How to stop gnawing nails: tips and reviews

Modern varnishes intended to combat the nerd of nails with a child do not contain harmful components that can negatively affect the body. Therefore, they can be safely applied to the nails of the smallest children.

If all of the above methods did not help you overcome a pernicious habit, then we offer you a few more simple tips.

• Buy a patch in a pharmacy, Cut it into small pieces and glue them onto the nail plate. But if you decide to try this method, then do not let the child out of sight, because he can swallow the patch.
Put on your son’s hand a rubber braceletAnd after you notice that he bites his nails, pull it a little and click on their hand.
• Schoolchildren and adolescents can simply talk about the benefits of manicure.

Lyudmila: I did not have to suffer for a long time (or I was just lucky), I made up my daughter’s nail and she liked it so much that she very quickly stopped gnawing her nails.

Alyona: I have two sons and both nibbled my nails. We tried everything that is possible: herbs, special varnishes, mustard, pepper, and, of course, love and affection. But they could not achieve a positive result. Only after they turned to a psychologist, and he gave us his recommendations, were able to get rid of a bad habit.

Video: How to wean a child to bite your nails?

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  1. The first reason is stress, Dita rarely tells everything that excites him, and so he shows his anxiety in this way. As I noticed this, I began to spend time with her more often, to talk and take care. Also bought chewing bears Evalar Calm. Now the child does not nibble nails, and in general it has become more stress -resistant.

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