How to polish the car with a polish with your own hands: instructions, review of polishing funds, a list of protective and abrasive polishes

How to polish the car with a polish with your own hands: instructions, review of polishing funds, a list of protective and abrasive polishes

Do -it -yourself polishing instructions.

A beautiful glossy car is the dream of every owner of an iron horse. The fact is that while the car is new, it has a glossy, beautiful shine. But over time, due to driving on bad roads and constant stones, dusting on the body of the car there are scratches and gloss is lost. In this case, polishes will help you.

How to polish the car: a review of polish

These substances can be made using a variety of reagents and techniques.

Abrasive polishes

The coarse are abrasive polishes, they are not used on new cars. The essence of polishing is that the composition of the substance contains small abrasive particles. The polish itself is applied to the body and polished using a special grinding machine with a soft nozzle. Thus, the polish evenly covers the car. Thus, as a result of polishing, part of the paint is removed, at the same time even the coolest scratches and damage to the coating can be removed. It is not recommended to carry out such polishing in new cars.

Because it is nevertheless rough and traumatic as it removes a layer of paint. It becomes thinner, which can subsequently provoke faster corrosion of the iron horse. But this method is one of the best if you need to polish the old car, which often travels on the roads in winter. It is in winter that the roads are covered with salt, as well as crushed stone. Due to the constant casting of crushed stone and sand to the body, scratches are formed, which are quite difficult to remove in other ways.


  • Mannol Chrom Politur
  • Sonax Profiline Ceramic Coating CC36
  • Liqui Moly 1532
Polishing funds
Polishing funds

Wax polishes

One of the easiest ways is the use of wax -based polish. In this case, no scratches are removed. They are simply poured with a thin layer of wax. Now you can find many options on the market. This can be either cold wax in the spray cans, which is applied with a sprayer and rubbed with a soft cloth along the surface of the body, as well as hot substance, which must be warmed up before polishing.

After moving into a liquid state, it is necessary to cover the body. After cooling, a dense coating forms, which hides all scratches, as well as irregularities and lack of gloss. The main drawback of such coatings is that in the process of several sinks they are completely erased. It is necessary to polish the car again.

Protective polishing
Protective polishing

This option is suitable if your car is new, and rough polishing is contraindicated in it. It is often used for the purpose of preventive processing, because it helps to get rid of subsequent damage to the body if crushed stone or sand will hit the car body.

The stones will touch precisely the coatings, not the paint itself. Accordingly, you will only have to update the coating over time, thereby protecting the car. Therefore, if you have a new iron horse, which has a beautiful gloss, this does not mean that it does not need to be polished. Because a product with wax helps protect the car from further damage.


  • Protective coating and polish for dark cars "Mirror shine" Soft
  • Color polish with wax Sonax Polish & Wax Nano Pro
  • Fast Wax Spray Wax (Runway)
  • Ecutas Hydrorep
Do -it -yourself polishing
Do -it -yourself polishing

Silicone polishes

Their method of work is the same as in wax polishes. Only instead of wax contains silicone, which with a thin crust covers your car. Thus, filling all the cracks, bumps, roughness of the car. Many motorists note that the price does not correspond to the price, because the polish is also quickly washed off from the car in the process of several sinks. Its cost is quite high, although it is applied very simply, without unnecessary headache. Therefore, they prefer wax or other polishes to these.

  • Polite for the body Soft99 The King of Gloss
Polishing drill
Polishing drill

Polymer polish

These are substances with polymer resins that are applied to the car, after drying it is covered with a thin, polymer layer. The main drawback is the toxicity of such substances, because they smell badly and with non -compliance with safety precautions can cause poisoning. At the same time, scratches are not removed in the same way, but are filled with an even thin layer, hiding all the bumps and roughness on the body. Many motorists prefer such polishes, because they protect the car much longer than wax. The choice of polishes, of excellent quality and high price category, can protect the car for a period of 6 to 12 months.

Accordingly, such a polish is not washed off even in the process of multiple car washing. The choice of substance depends on the financial capabilities and class of the car. Because the prices of funds presented in the automotive market are fluctuating widely. The cheapest are substances with wax artificial and natural. But they are the most short -lived. One of the best and most persistent are polishes with polymers that freeze after applying shine. The gloss remains much longer, and the protection of the car is also extended.

Do -it -yourself polishing
Do -it -yourself polishing

How to polish the car with your own hands?

Car polishing instructions:

  • It is necessary to apply a small amount of funds to the body. At the same time, it is desirable to divide the entire surface of the car into separate sectors, areas, and polish, gradually moving from one zone to another
  • It is necessary to apply a polish on dry fabric with a thick layer and rub the product from the side to the side
  • Rubbing must be carried out until the surface becomes perfect
  • After that, a dry mittens of microfiber is taken and the remnants of the product are rubbed
  • After that, it is necessary to evaluate the entire range of work. If the result arranged you, there is no need to repeat
  • If you notice roughness, unevenness after manipulation, it can be repeated
Varieties of polishes
Varieties of polishes

Do not get carried away with a polish with abrasive substances, because it can damage the body. A drill with purchased nozzles will help to speed up the process. In a construction store, you can buy special nozzles with soft fabrics and polisers. In this case, the car polishing can be performed in just 1 hour.

Video: Polishing Auto with your own hands

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