How to arrange care for an elderly person over 80 years old? How to get payments for the care of an elderly? Documents for the registration of assistance for the care of elderly people

How to arrange care for an elderly person over 80 years old? How to get payments for the care of an elderly? Documents for the registration of assistance for the care of elderly people

The procedure for issuing payments for the care of an elderly older than 80 years.

Now the Pension Fund allocates certain funds to care for npensioners who are more than 80 years old. And it is not necessary that your relative should be. It is quite acceptable, if this is a person on the landing, or just a familiar one. How can such payments be issued, why are they needed? 

Who and how can arrange care for the elderly older than 80 years?

Only a person who is officially unemployed can apply for itself such payments, and is not registered as an individual entrepreneur. That is- this is A citizen who has no source of income. Moreover, for elderly care for older than 80 years old Children who have not reached the age of 18 are also allowed. These are teenagers from 14 to 18 years old. However, to care for the elderly, they will have to provide a certificate from their parents that they do not mind. How many compensation? At the moment in the Russian Federation, this compensation is 1200 rubles. per month. Yes, the help is very small, insignificant, but still there are those who want to get it. 

The main advantage is that in addition to it, work experience is accrued. That is, for 1 year of leaving such a weak old man, you will receive 1 year of experience. At the same time, pension points are also charged, which are 1.8. Accordingly, this is quite profitable for those who have a certain break in work experience and is not currently working yet. But if you have not worked at all before, and after the old man care, there will be no work experience in exactly the same way, then this experience will not be taken into account. 

Indeed, people over 80 years old are very difficult to cope with their usual duties, even cooking. Accordingly, they need help from strangers. It is not always possible to arrange a social worker, especially if a person has children. According to the law, it simply is not laid. However, there is an opportunity to arrange a certain kind of money for a caring person. 

Social worker
Social worker

How are the payments for the care of elderly people are issued?

It is necessary to come together to the Pension Fund. That is, a person who will take care of the old man, and the pensioner himself, should come.

Instructions for registration of payments for older care:

  • During the reception, a certain agreement is drawn up in which a person undertakes to provide a certain kind of service and care for the elderly. In general, initially it is best to register in the contract what services will be provided. Indeed, very often old people change their minds that is connected with old age and not very bright mind. At the same time, troubles in a caring person may begin.
  • What does it mean? The ideal option is to prescribe absolutely all the subtleties that are related to caring for a pensioner. This suggests that you need to clearly and indicate in the contract what help is required. 
  • Most often, care for the old man includes cleaning in the house, cooking, buying medicines, and monitoring their use. In addition, it is necessary to help the pensioner carry out hygienic manipulations, in particular bathing, and care for them.
  • At the same time, the contract may indicate some additional services that you will provide to the pensioner. This agreement is necessary if no scandals and misunderstandings subsequently arise. Indeed, sometimes old people need help, which is not indicated in this agreement. No one will force you to sit with an elderly person from morning to evening. The main task- this is fulfill all the terms of the contract that relate to the care of it. 
Help the elderly
Help the elderly

What are the documents for a benefit for the care of an elderly?

Everything is standard here, usually require a passport of a citizen of Russia with an appropriate registration, SNILS, work book, and a certificate with the tax that you do not have an individual enterprise, and you are not an entrepreneur. All this is necessary to confirm the absence of an additional source of income. 

Documents forelderly care manuals, list:

  • If he wants to issue such assistance by a teenager whose age is 14-16 years old, then it is necessary to get additional permission from the guardianship authorities, as well as documents that parents are that parentsdo not mind. Naturally, such a person has no working experience, but if, after such a departure, the teenager will continue to receive seniority, then in general the time that he devoted to care for the old man is also taken into account in the general work experience. 
  • Sometimes additional documents may be required, including from the tax that you are not an individual entrepreneur and do not hide your income and taxes. 
  • Students also need a certificate from the place of study, that he is a full -time student, receives a scholarship in a certain amount. 
Help with an elderly
Help with an elderly

Who cannot issue paymentsfor the care of the elderly?

There are also several categories that, for certain reasons, will not be able to issue such payments. 

Who cannot take care of the elderly for 80 years: 

  • Pensioners. That is, if you are a young pensioner who recently retired, you still have all your strength and desire to work, then you cannot take care of the elderly. This is due to the fact that there is a certain level of income. Officially, a person of retirement age cannot take care of the old man for 80 years  
  • Working people with a constant source of income.
  • Individual entrepreneurs.
  • People with a criminal record.

But similarmanual Students of full -time learning can be designed. The most interesting thing is that the scholarship is not considered a source of income. Money can be issued by women who are on maternity leave, and at the same time do not receive help from the decrees from the enterprise. That is, they are unemployed, and receive only social benefits for child care. They are also not included in the total income. Thus, a woman who is on maternity leave, but is unemployed, canmake paymentsfor the care of the elderly.  

How do this money come? To do this, there is no need to draw up and open a separate account. After all documentary manipulations, registration in the Pension Fund, this money will be included in the pensioner’s pension. And he must give this money to a person who cares for him with his pension. 

Help the elderly
Help the elderly

When payments are canceledfor the care of the elderly 

There are many reasons why the cancellation of payments may be canceled. 

Cancel paymentsfor the care of an elderly in such cases:  

  • The person who cares for the pensioner got a job, or he was taken to the army. 
  • It is also forbidden to receive money to those who are registered with the employment service. That is, a person should not officially be registered in the employment service and not receive any compensation. 
  • Cash deductions may be stopped if the pensioner himself writes a statement or complains that he does not receive proper care. It is for this purpose that at the initial stage, it is carried out in the contract of all subtleties of care. Indeed, many pensioners may not demand what is indicated in the contract. 
  • They are deprived of payments if an elderly person dies. 
  • Cancellation of paymentscarried out In connection with the move to another area or a change in the place of registration of a person who looked after the old man. 

The pension fund must be informed about all changes in the financial situation. This is due to the fact that even if you get a job, but you did not notify the pension fund, after you submit documents for registering your own pension, this experience may not be taken into account, and the money is deducted from the salary or your subsequent pensions. Therefore, it is better not to hide anything from the Pension Fund, and immediately contact after you get an additional source of income. 

The weak elderly
The weak elderly

From what day does the calculation of payments beginfor the care of the elderly?

It all depends on when you contacted the Pension Fund and submitted an application. It is from this daypayments are accruedfor the care of the elderly. Moreover, you will receive help in full for the entire month, even if you have submitted an application, for example, on October 29.

That is, for the whole October you will receive help that will come with the pension to the pensioner. At the same time, the age of the old man matters, so if you have submitted documents in advance, but at the same time the birthday and celebration of 80 years was carried out in the middle of the month, then you will receive only half the help. That is 600 rubles, instead of 1200. 

Care for the elderly
Care for the elderly

What additional documents may still be required when issuing paymentsfor the care of the elderly 

Additional documentswhen applying for paymentsfor the care of the elderly, the list:

  • It all depends on the country in which you want to draw up documents to receive social benefits. The most interesting thing is that in Ukraine and in some cases in Russia, other additional documents may require. Very often they require certificates from the drug dispensary and a neuropsychiatric examination, which confirms your psychological health. That is, a guardian cannot be a person with alcohol and drug addiction or mentally unbalanced.
  • In addition, if the elderly has relatives, while you are not related to the person you are going to care for, then it is necessary to permit all relatives that they are not against the design of such care and payments. 
  • After receiving and approving certain payments, this does not mean at all that after the death of an elderly person you will receive his housing. Indeed, the old man can rewrite an apartment on you, but there is no law that indicates that you have the right to his property. At the same time, a person who has a criminal record is not allowed for guardianship. Officially, a person should not be convicted.
  • If the old man who needs help has mental deviations or violations, then in this case it will not be enough to come to the pension fund, fill out all the papers, documents and get permission. In this case, such guardianship and payments are drawn up in court, with a psyche and neurological examination. It should take place not only a person who is going to look after the old man, but also an elderly person. This is necessary so that there are no unnecessary problems and troubles associated with the mental health of a person. 

In general, with an adequate mental state of an elderly person, it is quite simple to arrange care. Manipulation is complicated if there are mental disorders.

Video: how to arrange leaving for an elderly man?

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