How to wrap and tie a turban, turban on the head: tips, description, photo

How to wrap and tie a turban, turban on the head: tips, description, photo

In this topic, we will talk about how to tighten the turban.

Today, Chalma is becoming an increasingly popular and fashionable accessory in a women's wardrobe. Many Hollywood stars prefer to wear a turban instead of ordinary hats. Due to its unusual form, the headdress gives femininity and emphasizes individuality. But you need to tie the turban so that the structure does not break up and has a beautiful shape. What will be discussed in this material.

How to wrap it correctly and tie a turban on the head: description, diagrams

Chalma came to us from the East, so excellent combined with long dresses and outfits,which are worn by Muslim women. It also perfectly complements the image with trouser suits, adding femininity and elegance to them.

Important: there is a small dilemma regarding the correct name - Chalm or Turban. The fact is that these names of the same headdress. The difference between the turban is only in size. The first headdress has much smaller volumes, more modest jewelry and originally enjoyed popularity only in men. But after that, women appreciated such a simple sophistication. And to wrap the turban according to the rules, from 10 to 20 m of fabric is needed.

Now many fashionistas are wrapping scarves or scarves on their heads, using fabrics of different colors,to diversify your image and add some highlight. As a material, it is worth choosing a steamer from Silk, brocade, as well as cotton or knitwear.

Chalma will help supplement the image
Chalma will help supplement the image

A few tips for fashionistas:

  • turban does not provide for the presence of bangs. If you do not see your image without it, then arm the chalma-binding;
  • chalma hides hair, thereby hiding a careless hairstyle, but opens his face. So take care of the perfect tone and impeccable makeup;
  • the turban is better fixed if you put on a thin hat;
  • or tie your hair in a bunch. By the way, she will also create an additional volume for the turban;
  • it is better to work with light and thin materials. They are better and more reliably fixed, and it is easier to twist and wrap them;
  • do not be afraid of experiments - Multi -colored fabric It looks much more interesting, and additional decorations They will introduce a highlight in the image and the final stroke. After all, earrings or brooches give the construction of brilliance and originality.

Important: do not overdo it, tieing the turban! Otherwise, it can provoke a headache.

Do not be afraid to experiment!
Do not be afraid to experiment!

How to tighten the turbulent option: 2 basic options

  • After you have chosen the fabric, you need to measure The necessary sizesfor the canvas. The most optimal dimensions are considered at 130 by 40 cm. The short segment is definitely not suitable, because It’s simply not enough. A too long piece will create a truly traditional turban, in which they still go in India.
  • Further It is necessary to sweep the edges.To do this, use the line "zigzag". For knitwear, you will need a special double sewing needle. If the fabric is not very elastic, then it is even easier here - you just need to bend the fabric and pour the turban with an ordinary seam.
  • In fact, you will get an ordinary scarf, which just needs to be correctly tied on your head. If desired, you can use any long ready -made scarf or scarf. And then there are divisions into two parts, depending on the initial area of \u200b\u200bwork.
How to make a turban
How to make a turban
  • As a rule, work starts with the frontal part, where you stretch the canvas evenly. As we see in the upper photo, the shawl needs to be tied to fix on the back of the head.
  • Now you lay out even folds from one, and after the second edge of the fabric.
  • You need to fix the back, hiding the excess tail. Note - with this option, the structure will look very advantageous if you make at least a small beam.

But there is a slightly different interpretation of twisting

  • Start From the occipital part of the head. When you pulled the fabric well, draw the canvases to the frontal zone. Now, tighten the knot in front or just cross two edges with each other to fix them. In some versions, two knots are made for a greater guarantee, but make sure that they do not stick out.
  • After this, the edges of the scarf need to be transferred again to the back of the head and make the knot. Turn the edges and hide under the canvas.
  • If you have a fairly long segment, then it will not hurt to wrap their head again to create additional folds. In this embodiment, the work is carried out on the one hand, so at the very beginning one edge make it longer.
One of the twisting options
One of the twisting options
  • The uniqueness of this method is that you can lay out the fabric as you want. And each time the product will look different. For example, as shown in the photo below.
  • You make a bandage from the scarf, and then from the free ends you create the basis of the turban. But such a structure will look good on a voluminous bundle or on an additional scarf.
Another option
Another option

How to tie a turban with twisting?

  • No less popular option, which is also very easy to perform. Tilt your head forward and tighten the scarf in front, as when wound a bath towel. Wrap around your head and hide in the harness itself. For reliability, fasten the end with a pin or brooches.
  • You can do this in the opposite direction. That is, creating a tourniquet from behind, as shown in the figure.
There are several ways to turn with a tourniquet
There are several ways to turn with a tourniquet
  • But there is a slightly different variation. To do this, cover the front of the head in tight and start the segments back.
  • Tie them with a knot and, after each tail, twist them to create tans.
  • It remains only to stretch them over the head, take them back, where to fix it with pins or invisible. By the way, you can put one canvas with folds on the forehead, and the second in the form of a twisted tourniquet.
  • Moreover, in such an interpretation there are several ways to lay out the edges of the canvas or scarf.
Can be tied in different ways
Can be tied in different ways
The original way
The original way

How to tie a turban from a scarf?

  • Fold a large scarf at a slanting angle in half. After once again, bend the segment, as shown in the photo below.
  • Please note that the corners are laid out in front. In the first version, just pull the two segments of the scarf with a cross. It is better to tie from behind on the knot and hide under the structure.
Cup can be made from a scarf
Cup can be made from a scarf
  • But the second scheme shows a model for a less dimensional scarf or scarf, so leave the angle noticeable on the forehead. And after tie the turban, it needs to be bend. You can fix it with a brooch.
Another scheme from a scarf
Another scheme from a scarf

We resort to the help of two scarves to tie a turban

  • This question is often interested in fashionistas who want to experiment a little with the usual way. And the main question is how to combine two parts of the canvas. You can do quite simply - to tie two segments among themselves, and place the knot on the back of the head. Next, wrap it according to the usual scheme, especially since you will have twice as much material. So that the construction itself will be more massive.
  • But there is also a scheme with crossing the scarves, as shown below. This is mainly suitable for small scarves. In this way of connecting, you will receive a beautiful inversion in front. And the ends will need to be tied from behind, hiding all the excess.
From two scarves
From two scarves

Video: how to tie a turban, turban - 2 ways

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