How can you photograph people? Why can't you take pictures of sleeping?

How can you photograph people? Why can't you take pictures of sleeping?

The article tells why you can not photograph a sleeping person, baby. The history of some prohibitions on photographing is revealed.

Digital "soap dish", a mirror camera or a mirrorless, which is not always there, which means that wonderful moments are destined to become only a moment in someone's eyes and memory. But with telephone cameras and tablets, things are different: gadgets are our unchanged satellites.

Just lower your hand into your pocket or bag and an interesting frame is captured! Going for a walk around the city or meeting with friends, another event, we check in advance whether the memory is enough on the phone and whether the battery is charged. But in what cases is it better to abandon the undertaking to photograph what is happening?

Photo of the photographer

Why is it impossible to photograph a sleeping child, a person?

Superstition, signs came to us from ancient times. But despite the technological progress and gaining human strength to influence many natural phenomena, change the course of events, a piggy bank of superstitions and will be constantly replenished. A person is inclined to believe in the otherworldly, and signs help him find a bit of power over Fatum. One of these superstitions is photographing sleeping.

Which sign is photographed sleeping?

  • from a photograph, a person who is unclean with thoughts reads hidden information and uses it to conduct rituals of black magic (evil eye, spell)
  • it has long been believed that the soul leaves for a while the body of a sleeping person and walks away from him. The sleeper becomes vulnerable to evil and "sorcerers." Hence the ban on sharply wake up a person who has a sleeping person, since the walking soul will not be able to return in time0, and a person risks dying in a dream; That is why it is not advisable to photograph the sleeping one: in fact, from a loud click of the shutter or outbreak, a person has every chance of becoming a sink or get a strong fright
  • the face of the sleeping person does not look attractive, so deciding to photograph a person sleeping, you need to get consent to shoot from him
  • when photographing sleeping, you can steal his fate or speed up the approach of the death
  • when shooting, the guardian angel can be frightened and cease to protect the sleeping
  • the sleeper resembles a dead man. During the Victorian era in Europe, there was a tradition of photographing the dead, especially children. The man was dressed up and seated next to living relatives, sometimes pretending that the deceased simply fell asleep or opening his eyes and tinting so that it was difficult to distinguish the dead from the living.
  • To photograph the last time the deceased was considered the only opportunity to preserve the memory of the deceased, albeit in such a terrible way. Looking through ancient photos, it is not easy to determine who the dead man is on it and who is a living person. Therefore, it is believed that closed eyes in the photo -
    A sign that a person is not alive. Agree, few people like that he is mistaken for a dead man.

Can a newborn child be photographed?

Supreme people say that photography of a newborn baby (up to 40 days) will lead to the child will be weak and painful. Another thing is also connected with this superstition: photographs of babies cannot be shown either to friends or strangers until the child grows up.

Photography can cause the evil eye of a not yet baptized baby who does not have the protection of the guardian angel. The baptism of the baptism is held after 40 days, since until that time it is forbidden by mom to take part in worship and attend the temple.


But how cute sleeping angels, depicted on the icons, or little Jesus! When the photographer decided to ask a question about the shooting of babies to the priest, he received a blessing to carry out such a filming.

The young mother wants to keep the memory of the first days of the life of her little miracle, so do not allow superstitions to interfere with the shooting of the baby of the first days of life. In a year, mom will be able to enjoy plenty of cute and wonderful photos taken when only one wanted to sleep and relax.


Why can't you take pictures of pregnant women?

  • The secret of birth from time immemorial has been giving rise to superstition. In the old days, long 9 months of waiting for the baby, the absence of ultrasound forced to look for answers to the questions that arise
  • So there was a myth about why you can’t take pictures of pregnant women: if you capture a pregnant woman in a photo or portrait, then the child will cease to develop at this stage
  • Another reason for the adoption of a taboo on pregnant women is hidden in a low level of medicine: the impotence of doctors of that time forced people to look for explanations to the frequent deaths of babies, women in labor, various postpartum complications


A pregnant woman in the photographs is healthy and happy. With a child under her heart, she acquires calm, learn to accept herself. Do not refuse to participate in a photo shoot due to pregnancy.

Why can't you be photographed in the mirror?

Fortune -telling cannot do without mirrors, with their help they damage and evil eye. Some daredevils are trying to penetrate into the surroundings today or find out the future, as the mirrors store the energy of the owner.

A flat glass, covered with dark paint from the inside, carries something mystical. In the Middle Ages, it was believed that from the mirror depths the devil looks at a person, and those who like to look in the mirror take their own image take their souls and loses their lives.

To photograph your reflection in the mirror, according to esotericists, is dangerous. And this is how their ban explains:

  • booking in the mirror, a person leaves in the photo in addition to his image, part of the soul: the picture becomes an excellent assistant to the magician when instructing damage and evil eye, because he absorbed the maximum information and energy of the person depicted on it
  • mirror display affects fate, as if turning it over
  • the reflection in the old mirror carries the severity of entire eras: the people who looked in them were not always happy and carried positive emotions; Therefore, other people's troubles and misfortunes can go through the mirror to a photographic person after clicking the shutter of the camera, which provokes the beginning of the process of exchange of information

Why can't you take pictures before the wedding?

Lovers, preparing for the wedding, old people advise avoiding joint photographs. Having photographed together, lovers bring on a long separation or parting.

But for two young people who sincerely loving each other,
Photography together before the wedding will only combine them and strengthen mutual attraction. The parting comes when the couple in love is not ready to compromise, or in the absence of sincerity in the relationship.


Photo wedding
Why can't you take pictures in the cemetery?

A cemetery is a place with negative energy, which through a photograph can subsequently negatively affect life. But there are a lot of admirers of photographs on the background of crosses and graves around the world. Brilliant shots sometimes even become the hallmark of the photographer.

What can result in a passion for photography in places shrouded in grief, sorrow and mysticism? The photographer can bring illness and suffering, and disturbing the dead and entering the dead land, you can simply sign a death sentence:

  • the dead will bring the unfortunate crazy, constantly appearing in dreams or in reality. Hang photos from the cemetery in a prominent place
  • esoterics also do not recommend: the negative will gradually go into real life, and spoil the fate of everyone who lives in

Why can't you be photographed without a head?

  • It is believed that if a person in the photo turned out without a head, then he did not have long to live. But for some reason, the inattention or remission of the photographer is not taken into account
  • The ominous prediction of the ambulance is also an excuse for unsuccessful photos in which the image of a person is blurred or cut parts of the body. In addition to known signs, the process of photography gives rise to more and more new taboos. For example, you can’t take pictures of the floor
  • A sign about why you can’t photograph the floor of the face, has the same roots. A clear image in the photo indicates a good health and long life of a person, and blurry photos, which are difficult to discern a face, indicate a poor health of the person depicted and about approaching problems
  • Belief in bad signs or not is everyone’s personal business, but it is better to get rid of bad photos. Statistics suggest that signs associated with photographs are groundless if you choose places with positive energy for the background, radiating and happiness in the pictures

Photo from a beautiful place


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