How to teach a child to crawl on all fours? Exercises to teach a child to crawl forward

How to teach a child to crawl on all fours? Exercises to teach a child to crawl forward

The article includes advice for parents of infants about what needs to be done so that the child learned to crawl.

  • Regarding the skills of babies up to a year, their little victories, the parents here were divided into two camps. The former believe that everything is its time, and the baby will sit down, get up, go, speak, so on, so on, when he needs it
  • The latter do not want to be outside observers and seek to contribute in every possible way to the development of skills in a child. And those and those are right in their own way
  • But as for crawling, it is considered the most useful type of physical activity in infants. Psychologists and children's doctors advise mothers and dads to create a baby all the conditions so that this skill has developed

How to teach a child to crawl correctly?

Usually, the child for the first time rests four limbs and begins to crawl at the age of 6-9 months. Some kids begin to move crawling earlier, some “sloths” - later, some completely pass this stage of development, immediately begin to walk.

In children who have mastered the skill of crawling, there are fewer problems with posture.
In children who have mastered the skill of crawling, there are fewer problems with posture.

Important: crawling for a child under a year is the best natural training before walking.

Parents must realize that through games and exercises that teach this skill the skill, they do not go to records so that the child crawls as early as possible, but stimulate crawling before walking, but at the time of time when the child is ready for this.

The benefits of crawling are as follows:

  1. The skill develops motor skills. The entire body of the baby is included in the crawling process. Having engaged in this exciting occupation, he trains the muscles of the arms, legs, back, abdomen, so on. He learns to control the movements of his body, coordinate them, keep balance. By moving on all fours, children strengthen the spine. Orthopedians say that babies who did not crawl, but immediately went, more often there are problems with posture
  2. Creming has a beneficial effect on the development of the child's speech. The hands of the baby are involved in activity - he relies on the inner surfaces of his palms, where there are a huge number of nerve endings associated with the brain department responsible for speech
  3. In the process of this activity, the relationship between the right and left hemispheres of the child is established. This is a prerequisite for the subsequent formation of more complex neurological skills
  4. Thus, the child satisfies cognitive interest and learns to be independent. Movement on all fours is the first opportunity for the baby to independently study everything that is around him. After all, his mother or other adults wore him before. And now he can get to any corner of the room, consider and touch those objects that attract his attention
Children begin to crawl at the ages of 4 to 9 months.
Children begin to crawl at the ages of 4 to 9 months.

Parents often wonder when and how to teach a child to crawl. According to experts, it is necessary to create prerequisites for this type of activity in infants from his very birth, namely:

  • tumor
  • do him massage
  • gymnastics for newborn
    stimulate his cognitive interest (with his presence, toy, sound, so on)

You can go to the movements on all fours when the baby will be 4 months, he will learn to hold his head, turn over from the back to his tummy and will take his first attempts, leaning on the arms, rise on bent legs.

Important: in order for the child to crawl, it is recommended to abandon the walkers, jumpers and other devices to teach walking.

As for the style of movement on all fours, each crumbs have its own, and one cannot talk about any one right. Kids most often crawl in this way:

  1. The child’s hands are straight, bent legs. He relies on his palms and knees. First rearranges the right hand and right leg, then the left hand and left leg
  2. The child’s hands are straight, bent legs. He relies on his palms and knees. First rearranges the right hand and left leg, then the left hand and right leg
  3. The child’s hands are straight, bent legs. He relies on his palms and knees. As if throwing forward pens, or rearranges them alternately, then moves both legs at the same time
  4. The child’s hands are straight, bent legs. He relies on his palms and feet. Holding balance with his hands, he somehow walks a semi-squirrel
  5. The child lies on the stomach. He moves using not only pens and legs, but the whole body. He moves like a frog or a snake, pulling his legs or wriggling

Comfort and security issues

To such a stage in the development of the baby as crawling, he and his parents should be ready. They must make sure that during this activity the baby is convenient, and he was safe.

  1. The child needs comfortable clothes - dense sliders.
  2. The floor should be clean
  3. The floor should not be slippery and cold
  4. Sharp angles must be secured
  5. On the way, the baby should not have unnecessary and, especially, dangerous objects. First of all, we are talking about electric wires. If the power outlets are located at the floor level, they must be closed with special plugs
The crawl child, being on the floor, should be safe.
The crawl child, being on the floor, should be safe.

Video: Dr. Komarovsky, crawling is useful if it is safe

How to teach a child to crawl forward? Exercises to teach a child to crawl on all fours

To teach the baby to crawl forward, rise to all fours, parents can perform a number of exercises with him.

Exercise number 1: We overcome earthly attraction

At 4-5 months, the baby can begin to tear off the chest and tummy from the floor or sofa, leaning on the handles and knees. To help him do this, parents should arrange themselves with an ordinary towel. It is twisted with a tube along and put under the chest of the crumbs. Then, holding two free ends, gently lift up, so that the baby's breast breaks away from the surface. In this case, the weight of his body is distributed on its limbs, but mostly on a towel. At some point, when performing this exercise, he will try to rearrange the handles and legs.

Exercise number 2: Tear off the pens

This exercise is performed if the baby has already learned to stand on handles and knees. Or they can supplement the exercise with a towel. At a distance of 15-20 cm from the face standing on all fours or “hanging” on a towel, crumbs hang his favorite toy. The child will want to capture the toy, try to tear off the handle from the ground and reach it. This will be the first attempt to move forward on all fours.

Exercise number 3: Walk on the knees

When the baby learns to pull the pens forward, being on three supports, it can be started to learn to move the knees. To do this, you need a roller - a pillow or a twisted mattress. The baby is placed so that his chest is located on the roller, and the legs bent in the knees - on the floor. The parent becomes ahead of the baby and begins to slowly pull the roller towards him. The kid will be forced to pull up behind him, moving his knees.

Using a special exercise, the baby can help learn to walk on their knees.
Using a special exercise, the baby can help learn to walk on their knees.

Exercise number 4: We rush forward

The kid is confidently standing on handles and knees, knows how to put pens and move the legs? It's time to encourage him to crawl. To do this, put it on the floor, put his favorite toy at a distance of about 30 cm from his face. Instead of a toy, there may be mom. The baby will take some time to figure out that he will be able to crawl out the desired item or reach his mother. But sooner or later he rush forward and will be very happy about his new skill.

Kids often begin to crawl, trying to get their favorite toy.
Kids often begin to crawl, trying to get their favorite toy.

How to teach a child to crawl in 4 to 5 months?

At this age, the baby can already crawl himself. If this did not happen, the task of the parents is to strengthen his musculoskeletal system, to teach him to stand on all fours.

Exercise number 1: Wheelbarrow

This exercise trains the hands and shoulder belt of the crumbs. The baby is laid out on a table or sofa covered with a diaper, on the tummy. The adult carefully lifts his legs so that the child stands a support on the handles. An adult stimulates the baby to walk on the handles.

Exercise Call trains the baby's handles before crawling.
Exercise "Carry" trains the baby's handles before crawling.

Exercise number 2: Soaring

This exercise trains the muscles of the back, abdomen and legs. The baby is laid out on the tummy, under it the adult puts his palms, connecting them with the little fingers, carefully raises the baby above the table. The baby reflexively extends the spine and tries to make support on the knees.

Exercise number 3: Four stand

The adult becomes on all fours and puts the baby for himself so that his back of the child and the adult belly are in contact. The adult controls the evenness of the child’s back and his pose on bent knees, supporting the baby behind the chest.

How to teach a child to crawl at 6 - 7 months?

At six months or a little later, children, as a rule, already make attempts to move on all fours. But sometimes they do it reluctantly or wrong. You need to help them.

Exercise number 1: Demonstration

The child will want to crawl if he sees how cheerfully others do it. An adult himself can show the baby this process by his example. It is also good to invite the older child to visit, who is already crawling.

An adult can show a child by his example how to crawl.
An adult can show a child by his example how to crawl.

Exercise number 2: Movement on all fours

If the baby stubbornly does not want to crawl on all fours, but freely moves in plastic or on straight handles and legs, perhaps he does not understand how to do this. Mom and dad can help him with common forces. The baby needs to be put on handles and knees. In turn, mom should move his pens, and dad - legs. At some point, the baby will master the mechanism of movement on all fours.

Exercise number 3: Ball

This exercise will help the baby improve the skills of moving on all fours and coordinate his own movements. The baby is given a ball, he should not howl too small. The child will enjoy, chasing crawling after a ball rolling from him.

A ball or a special toy will help the child improve the skill of crawling.
A ball or a special toy will help the child improve the skill of crawling.

VIDEO: How to teach a child to crawl?

How to teach a child to crawl in 8 to 9 months?

If the child has not crawled to 8 - 9 months, this may be a variant of the norm, and the baby, bypassing this stage of development, will soon begin to stand and walk. Perhaps he has this hereditary, or he is just lazy.

If the child is healthy and develops well, he can fly crawling and immediately start walking at 9 - 12 months.
If the child is healthy and develops well, he can fly crawling and immediately start walking at 9 to 12 months.

But it’s still worth talking to the doctor about this, because the skill may be absent from the baby for other reasons:

  1. Problems with muscles and ligaments. They can be underdeveloped or weak, as well as injured (fractures, stretching, bruises, so on)
  2. Excess weight. The musculoskeletal system in feeded infants is subjected to excessive load, which inhibits their physical development
  3. Neurological problems. It can crawl a child to crawl a hypertonicity, so on
  4. Dragged swaddling. Tight swaddling, especially after 3 months, inhibits the physical and mental development of the child

Important: if the child is healthy, develops in accordance with age standards, but does not crawl, the parents should not have a big reason for excitement

VIDEO: How to teach a child to crawl? Exercises for infants))

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