How to draw an owl with a pencil in stages for beginners and children? How to draw a beautiful, cartoon, smart owl with glasses, owl head?

How to draw an owl with a pencil in stages for beginners and children? How to draw a beautiful, cartoon, smart owl with glasses, owl head?

How to draw an owl with a pencil in stages for beginners and children?
How to draw a beautiful owl with a pencil?

Description of the phased drawing of owls: beautiful, cartoon, owl head.

How to draw an owl with a pencil in stages for beginners and children?

In this article, we will try to help you master the basics of the image of one of the wisest representatives of the Featheism - Owls. Having familiarized yourself with the materials presented below, you will learn many interesting options for drawing owls.

You can see and see at the zoo with your own eyes at the night of the night feathered predator. In nature, to meet an owl sitting on a branch is a rarity. However, we will draw just such an owl - observing from a height of a small rodent or preparing for a flight.

We will try to convey the depth and beauty of round yellow eyes, as well as a peculiar shape of a beak, which in finished work are the main elements.

We will draw an owl in stages using only a simple pencil. But if the black and white drawing seems incomplete to you, then you can decorate the owl with felt-tip pens or paints, dorigating the forest landscape and stars sparkling in the sky.

  • We begin the drawing with the marking of the sheet and applying the original contours. We leave a little space from the lower edge of the sheet for the branch on which the owl will sit, and draw a straight line under a small slope, dividing the sheet into two halves.
  • Our owl sits, tilting his head a little forward. Given this, we can draw symmetrical circles: the head and body of the bird. We outline the short lines, where the owls will have paws and wings.
We draw the original contours
We draw the original contours
  • We draw the contours of the wings of the bird: they resemble triangles in shape. We begin to outline the contours of the body of the bird, concluding two previously drawn circles in one figure. In order not to get confused, which line is drawn, draw the left wing. After this step, go to the outline of the contour around the head. The last to draw the right wing.
Draw a wing and circle the outline around the head
Draw a wing and circle the outline around the head
  • We proceed to the most responsible moment - drawing the head. The main thing is to be able to convey the features of the structure of the bird's head. We circle the contour of the “face” of the owl, not forgetting about the characteristic triangle above the eyes. We draw three short strokes where the owls have eyes and beak. We return to the unfinished wing and draw a clarifying line.
Draw a mask of owl and designate the beaks and eyes with strokes
Draw a mask of owl and designate the beaks and eyes with strokes
  • We draw paws. They are hidden at the Owls under a dense plumage, because only the claws of the bird come into view. Denote the plumage on the paws.
We draw the details
Draw the details and wash the auxiliary lines
  • We draw in more detail the eyes of the bird, drawing the circles. Add curved lines on the beak. We will additionally draw the contour of the “face” of the owl. We draw wings and paws in more detail. With several lines, we show a soft plumage on the breast and tummy of the bird. We draw the branch on which the owl is located.
  • We wipe the extra pencil lines. We circle the contour of the bird and begin to draw plumage throughout the breast. You can portray feathers with short curved lines, which are directed down, drawing only some long feathers.
Draw feathers and begin to decorate an owl
We draw feathers, pupils, beak and begin to decorate an owl
  • We draw the pupils and show with curved lines the plumage around the eyes. We draw the claws on the paws, feathers on the tail.
  • After the sketch of the drawing is ready, we begin to apply pencil barbell, paint the pupils, claws, secrete plumage with wavy lines.
We apply a pencil bar
We apply a pencil bar
  • If desired, an owl can be decorated. It is better to use a yellow pencil or a felt -tip pen for the eyes. The plumage of the owls can be brown, or beige. The night landscape will turn your drawing into a real picture.
Add paints: draw a night landscape and a branch on which an owl sits
Add paints: draw a night landscape and a branch on which an owl sits

Let's draw polar owl:

  • We depict two ovals: one large will be the body of a bird, and the other smaller will be a head. We draw 2 intersecting lines on the head. They will help us draw our eyes and beak symmetrically.
We draw two circles. We draw two lines in the upper
We draw two circles. We draw two lines in the upper
  • We draw a bird's body contour in one line, add the tail and line of the paws.
Draw the contour of the body, tail and line of paws
Draw the contour of the body, tail and line of paws
  • We draw the beak, eyes. Add the plumage on the head.
We draw the beak, eyes and owl mask from plumage
We draw the beak, eyes and owl mask from plumage
  • We draw clawed paws and clarify the shape of the wing.
Draw paws and claws, begin to draw feathers on the wing
Draw paws and claws, begin to draw feathers on the wing
  • We draw feathers on the tail and wings.
We finish the feathers on the wing and tail
We finish the feathers on the wing and tail
  • Pencil hatching show the pubescence of the poultry. We shallow the area on the cheeks, under the wing. We pass with stroke lines along some feathers.
We draw feathers on the chest
We draw feathers on the chest
  • It remains to add small ovals over all plumage, half painted. This will help to give realism to the poultry.
We apply the last strokes and the drawing is ready
We apply the last strokes and the drawing is ready

Due to the large head of the forest predatory bird, fascinating the unblinking gaze of huge round eyes, the secret lifestyle of the owl is considered a symbol of wisdom, knowledge and experience. We offer to draw a wise bird in a cartoon style.

  • Let's start with two almost identical circles and 3 recalling lines in one of them. The first vertical line divides the circle into two equal halves. We divide the resulting line into three segments and again draw lines through them.
We draw two circles and auxiliary lines
We draw two circles and auxiliary lines
  • We clarify the contour of the bird’s head: we circle the upper circle, slightly retreating from its borders where the owl has densely pubescent cheeks. Draw small triangular ears.
Clarify the contour of the head and draw ears
Clarify the contour of the head and draw ears
  • We go to the torso: we denote, retreating a little from the drawn early circuit, a semicircle of the wing. We repeat the same on the other side. Please note: in the owl breast area, we immediately draw with rounded lines protruding feathers.
Draw a mask of owls and wings
Draw a mask of owls and wings
  • We plan a place for the muzzle, repeating the contour of the head and draw a small triangle in the forehead area.
  • We draw hidden under a thick plumage of the foot, show the sharp claws of the bird. Again we go to the muzzle and draw two ovals for the eyes. The beak of the owl is drop -shaped.
We draw eyes and paws
We draw eyes and paws
  • We draw round pupils inside the ovals on the muzzle. On the chest, we show a dense plumage with several wavy lines.
Add pupils and plumage on the chest
Add pupils and plumage on the chest
  • We prepare the pattern for decorating: we delete all auxiliary lines.
  • We decorate brown and gray felt -tip pens or pencils. We decorate the paws in red, for the beak we take an orange.
    This sketch should turn out
    This sketch should turn out

How to draw a beautiful owl with a pencil?

Before you start drawing an owl, select a photo in which the forest bird bird bird is presented in all its glory. In the absence of a desire to look for a picture suitable for sketching, use this. If you have chosen the picture to your taste, then draw on the same principle.

  • Let us skip the stage of drawing two circles. Immediately draw the contour of the body of the future owl, or rather, Filin, showing wings and paws. We draw a cross -cutter inside the circumference for the head, so that then to place the eyes symmetrically and the “mask” from the plumage characteristic of the owl.
We plan the outline of the owl body
  • If you draw without a cross, then the proportions of the “face” can be shattered. Using a cross, we set the desired tilt of the head, draw all additional lines to maintain the proportions of the owl “face”. We denote the lines on which the eyes and beak of the bird will be located with semi -ovals.
  • We continue to add lines on the body of the owl: we plan the shape of the wings, show with several strokes of the paws. At this stage, draw the ears of the bird. Focusing on the cross, draw a “mask” from plumage.
We draw a cross and a mask of plumage
  • If it seems to you that the proportions are not originally selected, then you can fix everything in much later stages. The main thing is that in the process of creating a sketch, you can’t press a pencil much, otherwise the work will look sloppy.
  • In order to avoid distortions that appear during drawing, it is better to fix the paper with tape to the plank and place it in front of the eyes at an angle of 45 degrees.
  • We outline the shadows in the wings and paws, as well as in the most shaded places. So that it does not work out a randomly painted bird of the bird, draw feathers from top to bottom. How to portray the Owl plumage correctly - see the picture below.
Draw all auxiliary lines for the eyes and beak
  • We painted the head of owls and eyes, but we will still have to return to them. See how Owl's drawing looms!
  • We begin to clarify the shape of the eyes: we emphasize their contour with a softer pencil and expand the “mask” contour.
We draw eyes, beak, paws
  • We proceed to plumage: show short feathers on the abdomen and long - on the wings. We will give them a colorful color, not focusing on each specific feature. We look at the drawing as a whole to get a single composition.
We outline the shadows
  • So that the owl does not turn out to be flat, we shallow even white feathers that are in the shade.
Add shadows on the wings, on the head
We arm ourselves with a soft pencil and continue to apply pencil barn
We go down to the neck
Drawing feathers, do not rush, otherwise it turns out ugly
We draw feathers in the shape of the body of a bird
We wash the extra lines and add the missing details
As a result, such a drawing should be obtained
  • When the work approaches the end, it remains to erase unnecessary lines and clarify some details.

Video: How to draw a funny owl with a simple pencil in stages?

We draw Owl-fashionista:

  • Let's start the drawing with the circle. One circle will be the head and the body of a bird (like Smeshariki).
We draw a circle
We draw a circle
  • Change the circle to the desired shape. To do this, we focus a little top and bottom of the figure. The initial outline of the body of the owl is ready.
We change the shape of the circle a little
We change the shape of the circle a little
  • We draw two large eyes and pupils in the upper half of the circle. Between the eyes we draw a small beak.
Draw big eyes and beak
Draw big eyes and beak
  • We draw a line between the breast and the head of the bird. Simply put, we take the line from each eye, trying to draw them symmetrically. We draw wings. In the figure, they are small, like a penguin, but you can draw others: tightly pressed to the body, straightened or wide at the base.
Separate the head from the breast line
Separate the head from the breast line
  • We draw the legs with the fingers with which the owl holds onto the branch.
We draw paws and branch
We draw paws and branch
  • Add the adviser hairstyle, “put on” our bird in a T -shirt.
We draw a hairstyle, T -shirt
We draw a hairstyle, T -shirt
  • We draw the contours with a darker color and wash excess pencil lines.
We bring the circuit in a dark color
We bring the circuit in a dark color
  • Preteen using bright colors.
Ready drawing
Ready drawing

Video: how to draw an owl-drawing lesson for children 4-6 years old. Children draw an owl in stages

How is it easy to draw owls on the cells?

The owl can be drawn on cells in a notebook sheet. You need to start the drawing from the lower part, gradually “building” the cells up.

You can find the owl drawing schemes for owls in cells in this section or come up with it yourself.

How to draw an owl in cells. Scheme 1
How to draw an owl in cells. Scheme 1
How to draw an owl in cells. Scheme 2
How to draw an owl in cells. Scheme 3
How to draw an owl in cells. Scheme 3
How to draw an owl in cells. Scheme 4
How to draw an owl in cells. Scheme 4
How to draw an owl in cells. Scheme 5
How to draw an owl in cells. Scheme 6
How to draw an owl in cells. Scheme 7
How to draw an owl in cells. Scheme 7
How to draw an owl in cells. Scheme 8

Video: drawings on cells #5 - owl [how to draw an owl]

How to draw a smart owl with glasses?

The drawings below will help you draw a wise owl with glasses.

How to draw a wise owl

How to draw a owl head?

For the picture you will need the following set of tools:

  • simple pencil 5h, which we will perform easy shading and draw the original lines
  • we will draw the details with a simple pencil f
  • pencil 2B will be used to apply dark lines
  • with a pencil 4B we will perform the darkest sites
  • eraser
  • clean sheet of paper

We will draw such a beautiful bird.

How to draw an owl with a simple pencil
How to draw an owl with a simple pencil
  • Create the easiest sketch. Let's start with a circle and two intersecting lines inside. We draw our eyes, beak and “mask” of owls from plumage. Look carefully at the picture so that all initial contours are applied correctly. Otherwise, the picture will “swim” and the result will only upset you.
Choose suitable pencils
Choose suitable pencils
We draw a simple sketch
We draw a simple sketch of the head of the owl
  • We begin to draw the area around the eyes. We follow the direction of feathers.
Here is such an initial outline should turn out
Here is such an initial outline should turn out
Draw the plumage around the eyes
Draw the plumage around the eyes
  • We draw feathers on the top of the head. Again we save the desired direction of the feathers.
Draw plumage on the upper part of the head
Draw plumage on the upper part of the head
  • We finish the plumage on the head.
We finish the plumage on the head
We finish the plumage on the head
  • We cover with pencil strokes the lower part of the bird's head. For shading the background, we take a 4b pencil.
Draw the plumage on the bottom of the head and shade the background
Draw the plumage on the bottom of the head and shade the background
  • With a simple pencil 2B, we clarify the contour of the eyes and point the dark lines. We apply a dark hatching with a simple 4b pencil. We draw our eyes and feathers with a pencil of 5h. The general shading is performed with a pencil F.
We draw expressive eyes to the bird
We draw expressive eyes to the bird
  • We are gradually moving to the top of the head. We draw dark feathers with pencils 2B and F, draw light feathers 5H and F. We draw the shadows with a pencil of 4B. We shade the background with the same pencil.
We go to the site on the forehead
We go to the site on the forehead
We go to the site on the forehead
We go to the site on the forehead
  • We begin to shade the beak. Now you can correct the errors and clarify its contour.
We continue to apply shadows: we move to the beak
We continue to apply shadows: we move to the beak
  • We draw feathers around the beak with pencils 5h and F. We draw the shadows on feathers with 2B or 4B pencils.
We draw feathers around the beak
We draw feathers around the beak
We continue to apply shadows: we move to the beak
We continue to apply shadows: we move to the beak
  • We begin to draw feathers of the neck and chest with pencils 2B and F. The light areas are shaded with a 5H pencil, and the dark ones are 4B.
Add the plumage on the neck and chest
Add the plumage on the neck and chest
Ready drawing
Ready drawing

The simpler pattern of the head of the owl:

Drawings of owls for sketching

This section presents interesting schemes for sketching. Schematic drawings greatly facilitate the task of drawing. Especially if a creative impulse has arisen in a child, and it is difficult for parents to explain how to correctly draw a bird or little animal they like. The result of sketching will delight the child and adult equally.

Owl: drawing for sketching
Owl: drawing for sketching
Owl: drawing for sketching
Owl: drawing for sketching
Owl: drawing for sketching
Owl: drawing for sketching


Video: How to draw an owl? Drawing lesson for children from 3 years old


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