How and when to drink newborn? When and what water can be given to the newborn? How much water is given to a newborn?

How and when to drink newborn? When and what water can be given to the newborn? How much water is given to a newborn?

As you know, water is the main vital component of our body. Its role is huge: it removes toxins from the body, normalizes body temperature, participates in all metabolic processes and much more. But does a newborn child need her so much? And how to drink it? We find out in the article.

Is it possible to drink newborn with water?

Water for a newborn
Water for a newborn

For nine months, the child is in the womb surrounded by amniotic fluid, which consist of 97% of the water. After birth, the amount of its content is reduced by only 10%. And many mothers have a question, is it possible to drink newborn with water?

Here, opinions diverge even among pediatricians.
Doctors of the World Health Organization categorically against watering with water, if the baby is breastfeeding, up to six months of age.
Our grandmothers say that you need to drink newborn from the first days.

Important: Breast milk is 85% water, the remaining 15% fall on nutrient elements

To drink newborn with water, if it is on breastfeeding, definitely does not follow up to 1.5 -2 months, i.e. Until that period, until he began to try to actively move and his sweating intensified.

It is at this time that it is not possible to quench the thirst for the baby only with breast milk.

Why is it still impossible to drink a child from the first days?

  • Firstly, the volume of the stomach in the newborn is very small, and filling it with water, it will often begin to starve.
  • Secondly, if you drink a child with water from a bottle, he can stop taking his mother’s breast, because Her sucking requires effort.
  • Thirdly, breast milk forms the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract of the newborn, the water will only violate the natural process.

Important: with an exception to drink newborn with water during breastfeeding, there are two cases:
- Before feeding, my mother ate salted, smoked or fatty foods
- the child began hiccups (water relieves spasm from the diaphragm)

If the child is on artificial or mixed nutrition, you need to drink it from the first days, on average from 100 to 200 ml per day. This is due to the high protein content in the mixture.

Important: with breast, artificial and mixed nutrition, drink a baby if necessary. Do not force the child to drink.

When can you start to drink with water of a newborn child?

Is it possible to drink newborn with water?
Is it possible to drink newborn with water?

At the age of 2 to 5 months you can start offer Water to a newborn baby breastfeeding, because Its motor activity increases.

Signs of a lack of fluid in a baby

There are signs by which it can be determined that the baby does not have enough fluid:

  • Dry skin and mucous membrane
  • Rare urination
  • Dark urine with a caustic smell

Up to six months of age necessarily To give a drink to a newborn if it has a diarrhea (water compensates for the loss of fluid) and an increased body temperature is observed. It is located on the street in hot weather or in a room with dry air.

Important: if the child refuses to drink, then he does not need excessive fluid.

After 6 months, it is necessary to steal a child with water - this is due to the start of complementary foods.

How to drink a newborn?

How to drink a newborn?
How to drink a newborn?

It is recommended to drink a newborn from a spoon or with a syringe and a pipette. You can use a bottle with a nipple, but according to some pediatricians, so the child can lose the sucking reflex and abandon the breast in further. How can only parents decide.

The child should be given properly in the breaks between full -fledged feedings, so his hunger will quench, or after, but in no case in front of them.

What water to drink a newborn?

What water to drink?
What water to drink?

It is recommended to drink a newborn with special bottled children's water. It contains all the necessary vitamins, macro- and trace elements, and does not require additional cleaning. Water can be sweetened with fructose so that the baby drinks with pleasure.
From 4 months you can begin to give drink apple juice.

How can you not drink a newborn?

  • Carbonated water (contributes to bloating)
  • Sweetened with sugar (contributes to the development of caries)
  • Raw or boiled water from a tap (can lead to intestinal infections)

Important: the water temperature should be 23-25 \u200b\u200bdegrees, room, or slightly heated

The benefits of dill water: when to give dill water to a newborn?

Dill water
Dill water

Dill water is an excellent remedy for children's colic and constipation. It relieves intestinal cramps caused by abundant gas formation, has a sedative effect, improves motor skills and promotes better bowel emptying.

Dill water recipe: 1 tsp Grinded fennel pour 200 ml of boiling water and cook for 15 minutes over low heat and a water bath. After that, strain the mixture and add boiled water to the original volume.

Important: in order to avoid an allergic reaction, you need to start dill water with 1 tsp. 3 times a day, increasing to 6 tsp.

How much do you need to drink a newborn?

The need for water for each newborn is individual, they depend on its weight, age, weather conditions and general health.
On the advice of pediatricians for a child, 100 ml of fluid per kilogram of its weight is needed, given that this is not only pure water. On average, the child should drink no more than 120 ml. per day.

Important: the child himself will determine how much water he needs

Is it possible to give a newborn raw water?

Can I drink raw water?
Can I drink raw water?

Raw water from the tap should not be given to a newborn, because It contains pathogens and chemical elements (chlorine), which will only harm a small organism. You can drink a newborn only with the raw water that has passed deep cleaning through the filter.

What if the newborn does not drink water?

In the case of breastfeeding, if the child does not manifest the signs of dehydration, an unambiguous answer is not to force him to drink.
With artificial feeding, begin to give water gradually.
The child drinks water poorly because it has no taste and smell.
Some parents use sweeteners, but this can lead to an even greater rejection of water.

The best option to give water between feeding, when the child was slightly hungry.

Cold or too warm water can cause a refusal to drink - change the temperature regime.

How to drink newborn with water: tips and reviews

Tips - how to teach to drink
Tips - how to teach to drink

What are the advice on this issue, let's analyze:

Council No. 1: be an example for the baby, drink water yourself.

Council No. 2: Use the “nursery rhymes” when the child will be interested in drinking water.

Council No. 3: Place from a spoon or a bright drinker

When to drink a newborn and how to solve only parents. Follow the condition of your child and you determine for yourself whether it is possible and whether it is necessary to start drinking it with water.

The most important thing is that the child should drink with desire.

Video. How to drink a child if he does not want to drink?

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  1. My child was on breastfeeding, and when he grew up and switched to a common table, he was old, of course, to give. Of the bottles, it is definitely not worth it-the water is dead, I watched about this program. Here we have a juggle filter, to it the interchangeable Aquaphor A5 took, in general beauty, the water is cleaned beautifully, enriched with magnesium. There are enough of them for three months, they are 350 liters.

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