How and how to wash blinds? How to wash horizontal blinds, made of metal, plastic, wood and fabric: an overview of devices, brushes and means for cleaning blinds

How and how to wash blinds? How to wash horizontal blinds, made of metal, plastic, wood and fabric: an overview of devices, brushes and means for cleaning blinds

Ways to wash blinds made of metal, wood and plastic.

With the onset of spring, housewives seek to make general cleaning at home, put their housing in order. It is in the spring that the audit of pillows, washing carpets, blankets, as well as cleaning the blinds are carried out. In this article we will tell you how to wash the blinds.

How to wash blinds made of plastic and metal: methods

There are many ways, both laborious and not very. The cleaning method depends on what material the blinds are made of. Products made of plastic and metal are the simplest in care, as they do not rust, do not break and are resistant to water. Therefore, they can be easily washed. Accordingly, cleaning them is much easier than everyone else. Of course, you can use special rags and sponge, which are designed to wash the blinds, they are made of microfiber, do not leave divorces. There are special mittens made of microfibers that are used in dry form.

There is no need to wet them, it is enough to go from the middle to the edges, and wipe each of the lamellas. But this method is laborious, because it is necessary to clean each strip of blinds, and there can be a lot of them. Especially if the blinds are made of thin lamellas. Therefore, if you do not want to fool your head for a long time, we recommend using another way.

The most optimal option is the use of a vacuum cleaner. For this, a nozzle with soft bristles is put on a telescopic tube. The blinds are closed and carried out by a vacuum cleaner brush from the middle to the edges. Thus, it is necessary to clean the entire canvas, and in the same way clean the back side. Accordingly, this is dry cleaning. If the blinds are visited in the kitchen, then they may have fat accumulations that are not removed in this way. It is necessary to resort to cleaning using detergents.

Wash the blinds with a toe
Wash the blinds with a toe

How to wash the horizontal blinds in the bathroom?

This is the best option.


  • It is necessary to remove the blinds from the window for its implementation, dissolve in the water in the bathroom a small amount of ordinary washing powder, and soak the blinds for 20 minutes.
  • After that, a soft brush is taken, the lamelons are cleaned of dirt. Next, water with powder descends from the bathroom and washing the detergent with a shower or a bucket of water.
  • It is necessary to wash until the water is absolutely clean, without impurities of foam and powder. Next, you need to hang blinds above the bathroom, wait for them to glass.
  • After that, you can hang them in place. This method is also not the best, because water with high rigidity on the glossy surface of the blinds can leave stains. Therefore, you will have to use a special tool for cleaning blinds to remove stains.
Caring for blinds
Caring for blinds

Another simple option for cleaning the blinds is washing in your yard. This method is suitable for those who live in their own house and have some old wooden boards or wooden fence.


  • You need to remove the blinds, fill two cloves on the fence, and hang the blinds
  • Further, in a 10 liter bucket of water, half a glass of dishes was dissolved, whipped into foam and dials in a spray
  • Blinds are abundantly moistened with this tool, several times with a break of 20 minutes
  • In the same way, blinds turn over to the other side and the same manipulations are carried out
  • After that, it is necessary to thoroughly wash off the remnants of the detergent with the help of the hose
  • It is necessary to leave the blinds to sink on the fence until they dry out
Pure blinds
Pure blinds

How to wash the blinds made of wood?

This material is quite capricious, so bamboo blinds and wood products are cleaned with special products for cleaning furniture. In this case, oddly enough, an ordinary old sock is the best option.


  • You need to take a couple of socks and put them on your hands
  • Further, one toe is impregnated with a tool for cleaning furniture, and the second remains dry
  • It is necessary to carry out one toe with a cleaning tool using a lamella
  • For this, it is necessary to squeeze the lamella between the thumb and forefinger and go from the center to the edges
  • When you clean, it is necessary to wipe all the lamellas with a second clean toe in order to remove the remaining dust and possibly some remnants of the cleaner
Cleaning blinds
Cleaning blinds

Fabric blind

Many experts recommend cleaning the blinds using a vacuum cleaner, because the surface of such products is covered with a special solution, which is dusting. Accordingly, they should be easily cleaned using dry cleaning with a vacuum cleaner.

But sometimes the blinds from soot or indoor, which is located near manufacturing enterprises, very quickly become gray or brown. Dust from their surface is not removed using a vacuum cleaner. In this case, we recommend washing them. There is a great method.


  • To do this, remove each lamella, turn into a roll and place in a special bag for washing
  • Next, it is necessary to dissolve a small amount of powder and soak the blinds in this solution for 30 minutes
  • Wipe the bag with lamelons in water with powder, remove it from soapy water and rinse it under a strong stream of water
  • To do this, you can use a shower nozzle
  • When the water ceases to be soap and without bubbles, you can hang a bag above the bathroom and let the water drain
  • Only after this, the lamellas are extracted from the bag, unfolded and still in a humid state are hung in place
  • Blinds must dry in a hanging position, so that they do not bent and their shape does not change
Fabric blinds
Fabric blinds

Devices, brushes and means for cleaning blinds, list cleaning funds, a photo

On the market you can find special and unusual solutions that will help to wash the blinds qualitatively.

List of brushes:

Brush for cleaning blinds 7 rollers

Pictures on the request of the blinds cleaning devices

Triple brush for cleaning Unic blinds with nozzles

Pictures on request Brush for blinds

Microfiber gloves for blinds

Pictures on request gloves from microfiber for blinds

Microfiber nozzle for cleaning blinds Black+Decker FsmHDW

Pictures on request nozzle with microfiber for cleaning the blinds Black+Decker fsmhdw

Review of cleaners:

  • Acrylic, ceramics, plastic cleaning agent
  • A universal remedy for cleaning plastic and garden furniture Reinex Kunststoff
  • Acrylic bath cleaning tool, sama plastic
  • HG tool for cleaning plastic, curtains and stained walls,
  • Vinil and plastic vehicle cleaning
  • Plastic cleaning tool K2
Wash the blinds quickly
Wash the blinds quickly

To clean the blinds simply if you have good brushes and a powerful vacuum cleaner. But even without them you can cope, showing imagination.

Video: How to wash the blinds quickly?

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