How to flirt with a girl? How to flirt with a guy, with a man? The art of flirting

How to flirt with a girl? How to flirt with a guy, with a man? The art of flirting

High -quality and proven tips how and with whom to flirt.

Flirt is an elegant play of words of deep personalities of male and feminine, supported by bright emotions and always unpredictable. If there were no flirting, our life would be black and white with boredom.

At the same time, flirting is laid not only for free girls and guys, helping them establish a new comfort zone and feel intellect compatibility for the further development of relations. It can be appropriate in some couples, helping to give the novelty to relations without the use of treason. But at the same time, it is also important to observe the boundaries of the permitted, because having played, you can delve into a person and begin to experience dependent feelings for him, which will not affect family well -being.

Why need to flirt? Flirt for dating, communication

flirting and why flirt

There are a lot of reasons for flirting. But the main ones according to psychologists can be distinguished in a number of categories:

  • He increases self -esteem, helping to understand that a person is interesting, in demand and enjoys the attention of the opposite sex. This especially helps women. After all, it is so important for them every day to feel their attractiveness not only of external, but also in internal qualities
  • Flirt in an incredible way raises the level of hormones of happiness in the blood. And thanks to the correct number of endorphins, a person begins to shine with an inner light of a good mood. Thanks to which it becomes an even more attractive personality
  • Flirt is the game of intellectuals and also allows us to hone our best qualities - a sense of humor, literacy and social communication skills

How to flirt with a girl?

flirt with a girl
  • The ability to flirting needs to be learned to bring this to a really high -quality and beautiful game between a man and a woman. Many men do it too openly and obsessively, thereby scaring the girl at the very first stages
  • Let your dialogue begin with an unobtrusive question only without shades of banality - "Hello, how are you!" Here you already need to connect your wit and think through in what place and the situation you are now in order to tie the first few proposals to the situation
  • And a very important point is to observe a certain distance. Even if the flirting has succeeded and your communication continues, do not stop holding the girl in a slight tension, not showing too much that you really like her, allowing thin hints to constantly soar in the air

Important: it is the intrigue that is an important component of flirting. The girl will feel unobtrusive interest to her personality and at the same time be perplexed why you do not take more sharp steps to rapprochement, challenging her.

  • For the correct atmosphere of flirting with a girl, your mood is very important - a light timbre of voice, a special penetrating look “right into the soul” and willingness to always answer a sparkling joke or knee
  • Thanks to your wit, a sense of humor and a friendly facial expression, you can easily discharge the situation and relieve stress and unnecessary seriousness
  • Do not forget to compliment the girl in between. However, they should not be like all those banality to which she is used to. Say: "You are very beautiful!" - Bannoye. And the phrase: “Your eyes incredibly reflect your deep essence and make them just drown ..” - awaken in the girl a greater interest in your extraordinary personality
  • Never let your look wander around the hall on other objects. Eye contact for flirting allows you to start feeling the interlocutor at the level of feelings
  • And of course, always be internally calm and confident, let yourself enjoy the game

Video: How to flirt with a girl?

How to flirt with a guy?

Almost every guy is ready to join an interesting dialogue with a girl. Which can smoothly and imperceptibly bake into a light and interesting flirting. And even if the girl herself starts a conversation with a greeting, it should be so sophisticated that the man later does not even remember who was the initiator of the acquaintance.

flirt with a guy

There are several important nuances thanks to which your flirt will be very successful:

  • Of course, the appearance should be just on top. This is an integral part of self -confidence and communication. Your hairstyle should be neat, makeup fresh and clothes in accordance with the situation
  • If you are not very good, do not even start flirting. This will create excessive stress and at the right time you cannot answer with dignity. And the guy will be able to feel your mood and communication unpleasantly will come to naught
  • Before taking a step to the conversation, consider your Flirt object, whether he came alone or with the companion, as he communicates, gestures and facial expressions, where he looks and what he is interested. This will help you correctly assess the situation and calculate your capabilities

Video: How to flirt with a guy?

How to flirt with a man?

flirt with a man

The difference between flirting with a man from flirting with a guy is that here you have an experienced interlocutor who has repeatedly tried his strength and will very carefully monitor your every gesture.

To prevent reckless mistakes, let's look at important aspects of the male seduction:

  • Always watch gently and friendly. Even the lack of a smile, a playful look can compensate for and the man will understand everything. Do not look at point blank for a long time, this causes a subconscious sense of danger in a man. Return your eyes periodically and return to it again
  • The position of the head and posture let them be royal. Keep the chin at the level and do not allow yourself to stoop. Find a position comfortable for you in a chair or another place where you can continue an interesting conversation without a hint of fatigue. A light tilt of the head to the left and a look from under the eyelashes can fascinate even a “burned” flirtomaniac
  • Slightly stroking your hair with your fingertips and stroking your hand, you give the man non -verbal signals about your feminine and delicate essence, thereby disarm it and bringing the conversation to a new level. Slowly get a strand of hair behind your ear at the same time gently looking into the eyes of a man - and it will be amazed at your elegance
flirting with a man in a cafe
  • During the conversation, the second one will constantly look at the man is the lips. Therefore, think through the makeup of the lips in advance and select a red lipstick or at least a refreshing lip gloss, thanks to which they will look attractive and sexy
  • By preferring shoes on stilettos, not all women know how to sit correctly. Cross your legs and slightly push them to the side - this pose is very seductive and emphasize all the bends of your figure
  • Wiring the movements of a man is a long -known psychological move, which allows you to get down to the interlocutor. If he straightened his hair and you correct, if he smiled and you answer the same
  • Show only sincere interest in everything that he is talking about. Men are very fond of when they are listened to and understand. No falsehood even in thoughts. This will immediately ruin the whole game
mimic with flirting with a man
  • Laughter should not be too loud. This will give the frivolity to your image. While the man does not know you well enough, let your laughter be restrained too
  • Maximum humor on your part will overshadow any prejudice about women. The ability to go out to go laughing and support the conversation will bring your person into a zone of importance for him
  • Do not forget that men also love compliments, like women. Only they should be a little different. Never praise the man by the appearance and do not say: "You are very beautiful." Men value compliments that emphasize their masculinity and actions. And if you really like the image of a man, tell him: "You have an incredible taste and you look very elegant"
  • And finally, an important point is tactile contact. Touch a man as if by chance between words. He will like it very much and will reduce the intimacy zone between you

Flirt: How to learn?

learning to flirt

To learn to flirt beautifully, it is necessary to study the psychology of the opposite sex. We are different and that is why we can behave unpredictably in the same situation. Understanding at least a little the essence of the opposite person, you can become a much more interesting interlocutor.

Always read a lot, look for information everywhere and everywhere, be an interesting conversationalist and then any flirting will be related and easy and will deliver the maximum benefit and pleasure.

Always follow your appearance and be prepared for flirting anywhere. Accuracy in clothes, clean hair and aromatic perfume are an integral quality of self -confidence and respect for the interlocutor.

How to flirt by correspondence?

correspondence flirting
  • The correspondence flirting differs from the usual lack of tactile and visual contact. But at the same time it can be no less exciting and diverse
  • You can send an empty message and wait for the partner's reaction. Perhaps he was waiting for the first move from you and the conversation will begin. To the question “an empty SMS came from you. Something happened? ”, You can answer:“ My phone misses you very much and therefore sends SMS ”
  • Send your photo to MMS is also an occasion to start a relaxed game. You can exchange your photos so during the day and discuss what you do
  • An important aspect and error of many is spelling in SMS. Many omit the importance of a comma or sign of the question, thereby showing negligence and disrespect for the interlocutor
  • Let your messages be stylized by you. Special words, a special mood in the message - all this is an adversary of your interlocutor on you and he will compare your style with others. Even smiles and punctuation marks can express the whole range of feelings for your interlocutor
  • Always come up with something new and original-a postcard with a wish of a wonderful day, a new melody that can also be shared, attention during the day in SMS and of course a beautiful romantic wish for good night

Be original, unique, witty and do not be afraid to be funny - then success awaits you not only in flirting, but also in its continuation!

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