How often can you make face masks? How to make and apply a mask on the face? Types of face masks

How often can you make face masks? How to make and apply a mask on the face? Types of face masks

How often you can make face masks. Varieties of masks and features of their use.

Today, perhaps, it is impossible to find a woman who at least once in her life would not make face masks. This skin care product became incredibly popular among modern women due to its instantly noticeable effect, lightness and ease of application, as well as a pleasant procedure.

It would seem for any of the ladies it is quite obvious how the mask is made, how much time it needs to be kept and how often to do it. However, there are some nuances that should be considered more closely.

How often to make face masks: practical recommendations

The composition of each mask is individual. In many ways, it will depend on the type of skin and the goals that are pursued by its use. The time of exposure to masks will differ from each other. Almost unchanged for all types of masks will only be the preparation procedure and the rules for applying them to the face:

  1. If the mask is prepared independently, then it must be kneaded immediately before applying
  2. Before covering the skin of the face with the composition of the mask, it must be thoroughly cleaned with water and cosmetic gel, soap or lotion
  3. It is desirable that the woman for the entire period of the mask on her face is in a lying, relaxed position. You need to try not to show any emotions with the help of facial expressions and do not grimace
  4. The effect of the mask is enhanced if the skin has previously been steamed in a cold or hot way
  5. In order to achieve a long result, all skin products should be applied strictly according to the instructions, and it is advisable to repeat the treatment and prevention courses regularly.
  6. There is a special technique for applying a mask or cream on the face along the massage lines: facial products are applied from the wing of the nose to the ear, from the center of the forehead to the temples, along the line of the chin up and from the upper lip to the ear
  7. Remove the remains or excess masks must be a cotton pad moistened in cool water or special cosmetic wipes

How to apply a face mask correctly?

As for the frequency of using a particular mask, the usual rule "the more often, the better" is not relevant here. After all, some components of masks can have a tightening or drying effect with frequent use. Or, on the contrary, excessively moisturize the already oily skin of the face. Therefore, applying the mask should be strictly based on the recommendations and type of skin.

How often to use masks for different types of skin?

Everyone knows that each type of skin needs its own, individual care. With this departure, the intensity of the use of masks should also meet certain rules:

  1. Since oily skin is characterized by extended pores and a large number of sebaceous discharge, it should be cleared more often and less often moisturized. Therefore, nutrient masks in this case are applied no more than a couple of times a week, but cleansing and pilling can be used at least two to three times a week
  2. It will be enough owners of normal skin to carry out cleansing procedures once a week and once a week nutritional and moisturizing manipulations
  3. Dry skin is the most susceptible peeling and drying out. Therefore, the whole range of measures for the care of this type of skin should be aimed at nutrition and moisturizing the epidermis (at least three times a week). At the same time, any cleansing or scrubbing masks is better reduced to a minimum (no more than once a week)
  4. The situation with combined skin is considered more complicated. This type requires thorough observation and identification of the dominant skin qualities. If the latter is prone to abundant secretions of sebum, then moisturizing masks must be applied no more than once a week. If, on the contrary, it is too overdry, it is desirable to soften it more often with nutrient masks
  5. With skin sensitivity, moisturizing masks (from two to four times a week) can be regularly used. However, it is worth ensuring that there are no components capable of causing allergic reactions in their composition. It is also strictly forbidden to contact sensitive skin with abrasive substances
  6. Problem skin (rich in acne, acne and black dots) requires a whole complex for care. Firstly, it must be regularly cleaned. Secondly, she needs nutrition and hydration. And finally, it is advisable for problem skin to use soothing and drying agents. Each of the listed manipulations is recommended to be done at least twice a week

Determination of skin type

How often can I make nutritious masks?

Nutritional face masks are designed to improve the skin and return it to an excellent look. They saturate the epidermis with missing minerals, give it elasticity and elasticity, and help to smooth out surface wrinkles.

Nourishing masks are universal and suitable for all skin types. As mentioned above, it is necessary to use masks based on the type and condition of the skin. The frequency of use will also depend on this factor.

Nutritional masks of industrial production are recommended to be used about three to four times a week. Masks cooked yourself at home from natural ingredients can be used at least every day, if it requires the condition of the skin.

How often can you make moisturizing masks?

As a rule, moisturizing and nutrient masks are usually used in the complex. They perfectly complement each other and enhance the effect of their mutual exposure. The moisturizing mask helps to restore the water balance of the skin and fill the missing level of moisture in it.

The frequency of use of moisturizing masks absolutely coincides with the frequency of use of nutritional.


How often can you make anti -aging masks? How often can you make masks from wrinkles?

Closer to thirty years on the face of women may begin to appear treacherous wrinkles. They are not yet very noticeable and do not quite aging their “happy owner”, but it is desirable to start the fight against them at their first signs.

Then you can delay the appearance of the following, deeper goose legs, as well as visually reduce and smooth out existing ones. For these purposes, it is necessary to use anti -aging masks of either industrial or home cooking.

However, first you need to find out how often you can make masks from wrinkles. Regardless of the production of the mask, there are several unchanged and generalizing rules regarding their application:

  1. The composition of the mask must meet the type of skin. It should not include components that can provoke an allergic rash or irritation
  2. You can use anti -aging masks from twenty -five years
  3. When preparing and applying a mask, it is necessary to strictly comply with the recipe and instructions for use
  4. Contact masks, as a rule, are used about two to three times a week
  5. Do not miss the procedures, otherwise the effect can be lost and you will have to start all over the beginning

You can watch and buy a rejuvenating cream COLLAMASK face cream here.

How often can you make whitening masks?

  • Women who have any pigment spots on their faces, freckles or just wanting to improve their complexion and get rid of unwanted dark circles under the eyes, it is recommended to use bleaching masks at home. However, the frequency of use of such masks will directly depend on the type of skin
  • Owners of dry, sensitive skin should not repeat the procedures with bleaching masks more than once every two weeks. The same applies to women aged more than forty years. This period is characterized by the appearance of age -related wrinkles and excessive dry skin
  • Women with a normal skin type can use bleaching masks once a week. What frequency is recommended for combined skin
  • Well, oily skin allows you to use such cosmetics about two times a week

That's all the recommendations regarding the frequency of using various types of masks. The conclusion of this article is this: be sure to select the mask according to your skin type, use it regularly, but do not overdo it!

Video: Facial masks - how to choose?

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Comments K. article

  1. The mask from kefir really likes! And really shine and fat content are not so noticeable after it on her face. Additionally I accept the triple omega-3 from Evalar, and a complex of female vitamins, because they are also very important, especially those who have skin problems

  2. I use my cascaded moisturizing libertist 3 times a week, because My skin is terribly dry. I notice that the mask has a cumulative effect and the skin becomes better

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