Kabachki mashed potatoes: Why should the zucchini choose for the first feeding? Puree from zucchini for infants: preparation and storage

Kabachki mashed potatoes: Why should the zucchini choose for the first feeding? Puree from zucchini for infants: preparation and storage

In order for the child to receive all the necessary vitamins at a certain age, it is important to correctly introduce complementary foods. In this article we will talk about zucchini.

For every young mother, the introduction of the first feeding for her baby is a very crucial moment, because the baby’s digestive system is not yet tuned to stable work.

Experts categorically prohibit experimenting as the first feeding with food, which, even in theory, can cause an allergy in the baby. Therefore, the classic for introducing into the power supply system of infants in parallel with mother's milk are hypoallergenic vegetables - zucchini, colored cabbage, pumpkin, broccoli, carrots.

Why should the zucchini choose for the first feeding?

As you must have noticed, the zucchini is located in the first place of the rating for the first complementary foods - and, very deservedly. This vegetable is well absorbed, stimulates the intestines, balances the water-salt environment in the body, contains a lot potassium, copper, carotene and vitamin C.

In addition, it is famous for its useful properties and is used as a general strengthening, choleretic, diuretic, anti -allergic and antenemic agent.

For infants
For infants
  • Usually, to introduce zucchini as a feeding infants are tried from six months of age. At first it is better to cook it in the form of mashed potatoes, exclusively with one component. And if the reusable use of zucchini puree shows that the baby’s body perceives it well, then gradually it can be added to the rest of the vegetables - carrots, broccoli, potatoes.
  • When choosing a zucchini for the first feeding of the baby, be sure to pay attention to its condition: the vegetable should be whole, evenly painted, without visible damage and damage. Before cooking, be sure to soak it for 15 minutes in cold water to remove nitrates.

Advice: If you start complementary foods not when the zucchini ripens on the beds, then prepare frozen vegetables in advance for this purpose.

Puree from zucchini for infants: preparation and storage

Monocomponent mashed potatoes from zucchini is very simple.

  • You need to take one small vegetable, wash it thoroughly, remove the skin, clean the seeds and cut it in small pieces.
  • Prepared pieces of zucchini must either be placed in boiling water, or in a double boiler and cook up to 10 minutes.
  • After cooling, boiled zucchini is best beaten with a blender until a homogeneous substance.
  • To “sweeten” the dish unusual for your baby, you can drop there either a little olive oil or your breast milk.

Of course, immediately the child will not be able to eat all the cooked mashed potatoes. Many experts do not advise storing complementary foods prepared for infants, but theoretical it can be preserved for three days in the refrigerator, sealing hermetically.

Video: zucchini and complementary foods - how to cook for the first time for a child?

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