Chlamydia during pregnancy: signs, symptoms and causes. Treatment of chlamydia of pregnant women

Chlamydia during pregnancy: signs, symptoms and causes. Treatment of chlamydia of pregnant women

The future mother is important to know whether chlamydia is terrible during pregnancy, how to identify and cure it.

Sexual diseases, not only are they considered shameful, manifested by unpleasant symptoms, are often treated quite difficult. One of these is chlamydia. It affects the genitals, the urethra, the rectum, the eyes of men and women. In pregnant women, the infection creates a threat to the fetus, negatively affects the course of pregnancy and birth activity.

The causes of chlamydia of pregnant women

  • The causative agents of urogenital chlamydia are bacteria from the Chlamydia family. Most often this is a type of Chlamydia trachomatis (chlamydia trachomatis), which is found only in humans
  • The disease is highly contagious, it belongs to sexually transmitted and affects the genitourinary system of both sexes
  • There is a special strain of infection that affects the respiratory organs of a person. Fortunately, respiratory chlamydia is an extremely rare phenomenon
Chlamydia trachomatis

Chlamydia trachomatis is a very tenacious intracellular parasite, bacterium. It is not always easy to get it out of the human body.

Important: chlamydia is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases. According to the statistics of the World Health Organization, Chlamydia Trachomatis are infected with 8 out of 100 residents of the Earth

Frequent satellites of chlamydia are:

  • trichomoniasis
  • bacterial vaginosis
  • ureaplasma

It is transmitted by Chlamydia trachomatis in the following ways:

  • often - with vaginal sex
  • often - with anal sex
  • rarely - with oral sex
  • rarely - when newborn passes through the sexual paths of an infected mother
  • very rarely-contact-household

    CHLAMYDIA trachomatis cycle
    CHLAMYDIA trachomatis cycle

Important: Chlamydia trachomatis are not persistent in the external environment, outside the human body they die extremely quickly. Therefore, the contact-household infection with chlamydia occurs in rare cases. If one partner has infections, the second should be examined for its presence.

For infection to occur, Chlamydia trachomatis must enter the body in sufficient quantities. A small amount of infection is a human immune system is capable of suppressing.

Chlamydia Trachomatis in women during pregnancy. Signs and symptoms of chlamydia in pregnant women

The incubation period of the disease is 1-3 weeks.

Important: if a pregnant woman revealed chlamydia, this does not mean that she became infected with him in the recent past. Often the disease proceeds hidden, its symptoms do not appear. A person lives and does not know that he is a bearer of Chlamydia trachomatis until he takes tests and gets a positive result.

The pain in the lower abdomen is a symptom of chronic chlamydia.
The pain in the lower abdomen is a symptom of chronic chlamydia.

Symptoms of chlamydia depends on the form of the course of the disease, which can be:

  • acute
  • chronic

The expectant mother can suspect an infection in an acute form if she finds such symptoms:

  1. Vaginal discharge. They are usually plentiful, mucous or purulent, with an unpleasant odor. A pregnant woman should alert yellowish discharge
  2. Itching in the perineum. Itching can itch vagina (inside or at the entrance), urethra, vulva, rectum
  3. Pain during urination. This symptom is present with many diseases of the urinary system, so to make a diagnosis of "urogenital chlamydia" it is not enough

Chronic chlamydia manifests itself:

  1. Pain in the lower abdomen. It occurs if the infection applies to the bladder or uterus. This happens in every fourth carrier Chlamydia trachomatis
  2. Uterine bleeding
  3. Fever

The effect of chlamydia on pregnancy: consequences

Khallamidois is a danger to both the pregnant woman herself, and for the fetus.

Important: the development of infection in a non -acquired woman negatively affects the very possibility of conception. If the inflammation in the uterus spreads to the fallopian tubes, spikes may form in them. The risk of infertility or the development of ectopic pregnancy will increase significantly

A child in the womb can suffer from chlamydia.
A child in the womb can suffer from chlamydia.

For the future mother, the infection of Chlamydia trachomatis is fraught with:

  • spontaneous termination of pregnancy in the early stages
  • infection of the fetal bladder, the threat of its rupture or premature births in later

Important: chlamydia is one of the reasons for the birth of premature children

The infection has an extremely negative effect on the fetus:

  • intrauterine infection occurs in 40-70 % of cases, due to which a child can be born with inflammation of the lungs, malformations of the nervous system, the gastrointestinal tract, other organs and systems
  • chlamydia has a negative effect on the placenta, as a result of which the child will not receive oxygen and nutrients, therefore it is born small and lagging behind the development
  • during childbirth, infection of a newborn is also possible, which is why he may have vision problems (conjunctivitis) and light (pneumonia)

How to take an analysis on chlamydia during pregnancy? Is it dangerous if there are antibodies of chlamydia during pregnancy? Chlamydia in blood during pregnancy

Fortunately, today the expectant mother is undergoing detailed examinations, including sexual infections that pose a danger to her and for the child. Several times for pregnancy, she passes a smear from the vagina, and immediately after registering in the LCD - a detailed analysis for contagious diseases

Important: in the analyzes of the Torch-complex, chlamydia is encrypted under the letter "o"-Others. If the identification of chlamydia in a particular laboratory is not included in this complex, the pregnant woman will be offered to take a separate analysis.

In a pregnant woman, they will definitely take a smear on chlamydia.
In a pregnant woman, they will definitely take a smear on chlamydia.

The bacteriological analysis of the vaginal discharge allows you to identify the Chlamydia trachomatis itself.
A blood test shows the presence or absence of class G antibodies to this bacterium.
If the antichlamic IgG in the blood is detected, this means that the pregnant woman either suffered chlamydia in the past, or is sick with them now.

IMPORTANT: Antichlamia IgG is produced by the body 2-3 weeks after infection by a bacterium, rises to the highest limit at the peak of the disease, gradually falls as it recovers, but months, years or even all his life, can remain.

The titer of antibodies Result Meaning
‹1:50 negative The woman is healthy, or the infection of Chlamydia trachomatis occurred less than 3 weeks ago, or the woman successfully cured from the infection in the distant past.
50 — 60 doubtful Perhaps the woman was sick with chlamydia and cured him more than a year ago.
›60 positive Chlamydia trachomatis infection occurred at least 3 to 4 weeks ago, or the infection was cured no more than a year ago.
A blood test will show the presence or absence of a pregnant antibody to chlamydia.
A blood test will show the presence or absence of a pregnant antibody to chlamydia.

VIDEO: Tuck - chlamydia

Chlamydia and ureaplasma during pregnancy

  • Often during pregnancy, a woman finds both Chlamydia Trachomatis and Ureaplasma simultaneously
  • Ureaplasma, a specific bacterium - the causative agent of the disease ureapaplasmosis, can exist in a woman’s body for many years, without making itself felt

But with the onset of pregnancy, the immune system of the future mother weakens, the bacterium can be activated, which will result in the appearance:

  • specific discharge from the vagina
  • itching and pain in the genitals

Important: due to the fact that ureapaplasmosis in the vast majority of cases proceeds asymptomatic and does not harm the human body, scientists begin to say that ureaplasma is not absolutely pathogenic, but conditionally pathogenic microorganism

In case of detection in the pregnant woman, these two infections are treated in parallel.

Chlamydia during pregnancy: treatment

  • Chlamydia detected during pregnancy is treated relatively simply. If a woman gets rid of the disease to childbirth, the risk of infection of the child will decrease significantly
  • As a rule, Chlamydia trachomatis antibiotics are prescribed after 19-20 weeks of pregnancy, when a fully formed placenta can protect the child from them
Chlamydia in pregnant women is treated with antibiotics.
Chlamydia in pregnant women is treated with antibiotics.
  • Depending on the form of the course of the disease, the degree of its severity, the course of antibioicotherapy in a pregnant woman will be 2-3 weeks
  • At the same time with a woman, her partner should also be treated so that there is no re -infection
  • Simultaneously with the use of antibiotics, a pregnant woman will need to reorganize the sexual routes to cure pulpitis provoked by chlamydia, endocervicitis, other inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs

IMPORTANT: Chlamydia’s satellite can be thrush. Then it is necessary to treat both bacterial and fungal sexual infection

The prognosis of timely detected and adequately treated chlamydia is prosperous, pregnancy proceeds normally, and the child is born healthy.

VIDEO: Live healthy! Chlamydia

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