Characterization and varieties of aloe for growing at home. Aloe: reproduction with a sheet, cuttings, tops, seeds, children. Aloe care after propagation

Characterization and varieties of aloe for growing at home. Aloe: reproduction with a sheet, cuttings, tops, seeds, children. Aloe care after propagation

Many flower growers know that aloe can be propagated. But do you know all the methods?

Aloe is the most popular and common indoor flower. This plant accumulates moisture inside itself in large quantities, which penetrates both the leaves and into the trunks. The natural area where the culture grows - the arid zones, the desert area is even more suitable for it. You need to remember this if you are going to grow and propagate the plant at home.

Characteristic and varieties of aloe for growing at home

Fans of home flowers grow aloe, since the plant is considered only indoor. In the wild, it is difficult to find a flower. It is usually found on Canaries.

This plant in natural conditions grows up to 4 m in height. In suitable conditions, culture grows like a decorative plant, decorating gardens with its appearance. In total, you can find approximately 300 varieties of this culture in nature.

However, at home, people grow only 4:

  • Tree. Also, this culture is called the "hundred -year -old". The culture received this name due to the fact that it has a very developed barrel. The tree -like aloe is considered the most common view that people grow at home. If the culture is created by optimal conditions, it can grow up to 1 m high. The homeland of Aloe is South Africa. It is there that the flower grows in the desert. It can be propagated with cuttings, children. Since aloe is well branched, it is used as a maternal plant several times.
  • Colorful. It has a bright coloring of foliage, therefore it received such an interesting name. In height, the plant grows only to 30 cm, but if it is created good conditions, after 4 years the culture begins to bloom. To propagate aloe, you can use the germination of tops or lateral shoots.
  • Faith. The homeland of this species is the Canary Islands. Culture is considered quite popular, as it has healing qualities. The juice of the plant resembles in its own composition the juice of aloe tree. If desired, you can propagate a flower with cuttings, children, seeds.
  • Ostistoy. The plant has large fleshy sockets. Propagate culture with a method with layering. It is advisable to track the appearance of young seedlings early, since there is usually little air in a large outlet, as a result of which it dies.
With fleshy outlets
With fleshy outlets

Aloe: Propagation with a sheet

This method of reproduction is used if it is necessary to rejuvenate the culture by giving it a new life. It is the most common among fans of home flowers. But how to plant a sheet correctly, because it has no roots? To begin with, choose a strong aloe so that he has large leaves. At a small distance from the stem, cut the leaf. Make sure that the resulting cut is well dried for several days.


In general, the propagation process with this method consists of the following stages:

  • At the base of the stem, carefully using a sharp knife, cut the desired leaf. It should be healthy, fleshy enough.
  • Then place the leaf on gauze. You can also use a bandage or cotton wool. Place the material with a leaf in a protected place from sunlight. This is necessary in order to increase the germination of the seedling.
  • When the cut dries a little, treat it with wood coal, chopping first.
  • After this process, prepare a wet substrate. Prepare it using sand, vermiculite, garden soil.
  • Plant the leaves in the ground, the depth of planting should be approximately 3 cm.
  • The main rule for caring for a leaf with sprouted roots is abundant watering that needs to be done every day. Without normal watering, the plant will simply dry out.
The leaves are propagated
The leaves are propagated

When you notice the developed roots on the leaf, put aloe in a separate pot, where the plant will constantly “live”.

Aloe: Grounding with a cuttings

In nature, the plant propagates independently only by 2 methods:

  • Samoye.
  • With the help of barbecue.

Want to propagate aloe at home? Use the following simple way.

  • Conduct a cuttings regardless of the time of the year. But the plant is best rooted in the summer. For planting material, use only side branches, where the shoots are placed tightly on the stem.
  • Carefully cut the stalk using a disinfected tool. We advise you to take garden scissors for work or use a small knife.
  • Choose the escape that is completely healthy. Cut it at the base of the escape. After 4 or 5 days, move the shoot to a place where the sun's rays do not fall, where humidity is at least 50%.
  • When the drawing cut dries, treat it with wood ash, chopping it. Prepare a convenient pot, cassette, a small container for planting. For the substrate, take the soil by preparing it from clean river sand, perlite, peat. Before planting itself, evenly moisturize the earth. To obtain a substrate, you can also use a composition made from sheet ground, sod soil, sand. The plant reacts perfectly to brick crumbs, and wood ash is also suitable for it.
  • Try to observe the distance with the interference with seedlings (if you decide to besiege several seedlings). Approximately it should be at least 5 cm. Do not immerse the flower too deep into the ground. Just stick the stalk a little in the ground, about 1 cm.
  • Follow the level of land humidity regularly. When the first signs of rooting occur, increase the number of irrigation. When the root system is formed, plant the plant in a separate bowl.
  • Please note that this plant develops quickly enough. Therefore, you will have to change containers often. During the planting of the cuttings, focus on what size the roots will have. The active growth of the flower depends on the volume of the container and compliance with the root system. Transplant Aloe, if necessary. In a close container, culture may stop growing.
  • Make drainage holes in the container in the bottom. The value of one opening for draining should correspond to 1 cm.

Aloe cuttings are considered very fragile planting materials. Those shoots that did not have time to get stronger can damage pests and illnesses. Therefore, if you decide to use old containers, rinse them in advance using laundry soap, then dry.

Disrind ceramic pots in the oven. Process the new flowerpot from clay with superphosphate. Rinse containers made of plastic with soapy water. Many Aloe representatives can form an air root system. Consequently, purchase in advance a bockery.

Aloe: propagation with tops

Propagation of the plant using tops is the fastest, simple method. Both newcomers and professionals can use it. It is necessary to root in simple water, so it will be immediately noticeable how this process is carried out. The method has several important advantages.

Among them we will highlight the following:

  • This method is considered fast for propagation.
  • It is available to all colors of flowers.
  • During propagation, you can monitor how rooting occurs.

Perform work, adhering to such rules:

  • Cut the top of the plant so that it has at least 7 healthy leaves.
  • The bottom of the cut off for 30 minutes. Soak in the water, diluting in it in advance the growth of growth.
  • When the top is completely ready, place it in a dishes with a warm water.
  • When you notice the first roots, plant a seedling in a prepared container.
  • You can use your own preparation for transplanting. For him, mix clean sand, leafy soil. When you prepare the substrate, moisten it well.

Aloe: Seed reproduction

This method of propagation of aloe is considered quite rare. Growing a culture of seeds is a complex process, takes a lot of time. Since aloe, which sits down by this method, acquires its own decorative, beautiful view only after 2 years.

But, if you decide to engage in the propagation of aloe at home, be sure to choose this method. He already has his own fans. And this is not strange, since watching all stages of culture growth is an exciting activity.

The propagation process with the help of seeds perform as follows:

  • Planting in March. Buy seeds in advance.
  • For planting, use shallow containers. The plant requires special land. Make it yourself, just mix turf ground, leaf soil, river sand in equal portions.
  • In the room support the right temperature regime. It should be at least + 20 ° C and maximum + 22 ° C. In addition, provide the plant with normal light. For this, flower growers often use a special lamp. Remember also that aloe is considered a photophilous culture. Also do not forget about regular watering. Do this with a spray gun.
  • Having noticed the first sprouts, dive the flower. Plant aloe by choosing a small container for the plant.
  • For 12 months, a small container must be stored in a greenhouse. When spring comes, you can transplant the plant into a large pot. Take care of this flower with the usual method.

Now consider the process of sowing seeds itself:

  • Prepare the soil that corresponds to this particular plant.
  • Pour the soil into a small dish.
  • Moisten the Earth
  • Place the seeds over the soil, sprinkle with sand so that its layer is no more than 1 cm.
  • When you notice 4 leaflets, transplant the seedlings in the container so that their height is no more than 5 cm.


Children (shoots) are those cuttings that have already been able to take root. Therefore, this propagation method is considered the most effective. Since children are part of the mother’s root system with an process, treat them extremely carefully so as not to harm an adult plant.

Separate the shoots when it will have a size that is 1 \\ 5 of the height of all aloe. The viability of each process determine by the presence of 3 leaves and a well -developed root system on it.

In order to finish the whole process, go through the following important stages:

  • With special caution, dig young children, do not damage their roots.
  • Put the kids in the soil to a depth of not more than 1 cm. Moisten the earth in advance.
  • Put gravel on the bottom of the containers, thus protect the root system from an excess of water.
  • Water plants moderately every 2 days. Do not fill the plants.
  • When you notice the first young leaves, start feeding aloe, using simple fertilizers that are designed for succulents. This process spend 2 times in 30 days.
  • Moisten the children every day. Do this for 7 days. Then start watering aloe as adult cultures.
  • Place the containers in those places that are protected from the rays of the sun. This, of course, does not mean that plants do not tolerate light. Lighting can be used bright, but not so destructive for culture.

You must prepare the soil for planting yourself.


For it, use the following composite:

  • Pure sand - 1 part
  • Turf land - 0.5 parts
  • Sheet soil - 1 part

Mix these components. So that the plants grow faster and develop, add crushed brick or charcoal to the finished soil.

Aloe care after propagation

  • Immediately, when you land, place the plant in cool. Take care of the culture from the hit of direct rays of the sun. Then place the container with a plant on a sunny windowsill.
  • Water the plant 1 or 2 times in 7 days when the upper soil layer dries. For watering, use defended, warm water.
  • In order to eliminate the collected dust on the leaves, wipe them with a wet piece of fabric. No need to spray.
  • Support in the room a temperature of at least +20 ° C in spring and summer. But in winter the temperature should not drop below +14 ° C.
  • Constantly ventilate the room in which the plant is located.
  • If you use special soil during planting, then do not feed for 8 or 9 months.
  • Inspect a young plant so that there are no pests, diseases. If one appear, for example, a thyroid or aphid on the leaflets, then wipe them with a cotton piece, moistening it before the procedure in alcohol. You can also spray the plant with a composition made of garlic.

If you adhere to the rules that we described above, then the reproduction of this amazing flower will be successful. This culture is perfectly rooted, and therefore even novice flower growers can get young seedlings.

Video: All about the propagation of aloe

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