Felinosis is a disease of cat scratches in adults and children: causes, pathogen, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Felinosis is a disease of cat scratches in adults and children: causes, pathogen, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Felinosis is one of the infectious diseases, the source of which is cats. In the article, we consider the causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of this disease.

Felinosis is a disease of cat scratches in adults and children: causes, pathogen, symptoms

Sometimes beloved pets can become a source of the disease. You should know what diseases you can get infected from cats to prevent unpleasant consequences in yourself and your loved ones. By the way, not only pets can infect their owners, stray or street cats can also be dangerous if you are in contact with them.

One of the diseases transmitted from cat to person is felinosis. The name is from the Latin word felinusWhat is a cat's translated. The disease has several names. One of the names - cat scratches diseaseThis is in a simple way.

Actually, the very name "cats' disease" indicates the nature of this disease.

Important: Felinosis can occur if the animal bites or scratches a person. The infection does not spread between people.

A cat's bite can cause felinosis

On the claws of the cat there is an infection that penetrates the dermis and causes the development of the infectious process in the human body. The saliva of the animal is also infected. It is especially dangerous when saliva enters the mucous membrane of the eye.

The causative agent of infection is a bacterium Bartonella Henselae. Some scientists believe that this small gram -negative bacterium is part of the microflora of the oral cavity of cats. This bacterium is also in dogs, monkeys, rodents. However, a person is infected precisely from cats.

Important: studies were conducted, during which it was revealed that most cats, among which were both home and street, were infected Bartonella Henselae.

It was established that carriers Bartonella Henselae Among the cats are fleas. It is in the season of the Bloch development cycle (autumn-year-old period) that the greatest activity of the disease of felinosis is recorded.

Foom infection scheme

Symptoms of Felinosiswho should alert the alleged patient, are:

  • The formation of a nodular rash (papules) in places of bites, scratches
  • Inflammation of the lymph nodes

Disease of cat scratches - benign lymphoresis: how does it manifest, how to treat?

Lymphoreticulosis is benign - This is another name for the disease. You can get infected at any age, after transferring the disease, persistent immunity is produced.

Important: studies have shown that 25% of cat owners have antibodies to Bartonella Henselae bacteria. This suggests that the disease was unnoticed.

If a person has strong immunity, the disease can pass by itself, and the symptoms will not be pronounced. Complications as a result of infection are observed in people with immunodeficiency.

Felinosis does not appear immediately. The incubation period is an average of 1-2 weeks. However, in some cases, the disease begins to appear 3 days after infection.

Cat scratches disease has three cycles:

  • Elementary
  • The height of the disease
  • The recovery period

Consider each cycle alternately.

For initial period Diseases are characterized by the appearance of papules at the site of a scratch or bite. Papules can appear even when a scratch or bite already heals. Papules in most cases do not itch and do not hurt, in other words, do not bring discomfort to the patient.

The initial stage of felinosis

A couple of days after the initial period begins the height of the disease. Papules begin to fester, then open, crusts form in their place, which eventually go. There is no scars after drying the papules. After a couple of weeks, inflammation of the lymph nodes begins, most often they are observed in the axillary hollows, as well as on the neck. One lymph node can become inflamed. Sometimes the lymph nodes are enlarged quite strongly, with palpation they are painful. During this period, a person may increase body temperature. Felinosis is also dangerous in that during the time the body is intoxicated, which can last up to 3 weeks.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes with felinosis

You can understand that the recovery period occurs when the lymph nodes begin to return to normal, weakness and temperature disappear.

Important: recovery most often occurs spontaneously. However, in rare cases, felinosis is atypical, in other words, it has a number of complications and proceeds painfully. In this case, you can not do without the help of doctors.

Complications of a cat's disease

Cat Cautral's disease - Bartonella: diagnosis, treatment

A preliminary diagnosis is made on the basis of a set of symptoms listed above. To begin with, the doctor must exclude other diseases in which the lymph nodes are inflamed:

  • infectious mononucleosis
  • tularemia
  • lymphomas

An accurate diagnosis is established after laboratory tests. In total, there are several methods that help to accurately determine the presence of infection.

Treatment of cats' diseases

Diagnostic methodswhich help to identify the causative agent of felinosis:

  • Histology of the lymph nodes
  • Serological diagnosis
  • Skin allergic tests
  • PCR method

In most cases, the disease proceeds almost asymptomatic, and recovery occurs by itself. However, if the doctor diagnosed your felinosis and prescribed drug treatment, you should not neglect it.

Such an infection helps drugs:

  1. Anti -inflammatory (Indomethacin, diclofenac)
  2. Antihistamines (Claritin, Zirtek, Erius)
  3. Antibiotics (doxycycline, erythromycin, bacteric).

Important: antibacterial therapy is appropriate with severe disease. Antibacterial therapy is also prescribed HIV-infected. If abscesses have formed in the field of lymph nodes, surgical intervention is necessary.

Diagnosis of felinosis

Illness, feline scratches: treatment with folk remedies

Important: folk remedies can be used in the treatment of felinosis only if the disease occurs in a mild form. A highly qualified doctor should deal with the treatment of the disease with complications.

Folk remedies help relieve inflammation, alleviate the general condition of the body, and heal the wounds.

The juice of fresh plants has disinfectants and regenerating properties:

  • Celandine
  • Calendula flowers
  • Yarrow
  • Nettle

Please note that for a good effect you need only fresh juice. If you have the opportunity to find the juice of these plants, good. It is not easy to get fresh plant juice for known reasons.

If there is no juice, you will have to look for other methods of treating cats of cat scratches. The first emergency care for a bite or scratch that you can provide:

  1. Rinse the wound ordinary household soap.
  2. Rinse the wound with alcohol or ordinary cologne, pour the green.
First aid for scratches

The injured places can be wiped ramp of dry colors of chamomilethat are sold in pharmacies.

Along with this, with felinosis, it is desirable to increase immunity. For this, such a folk remedy as tincture of echinacea.

As you can see, fun with our smaller brothers can turn into a completely unpleasant situation. There is no specific prevention of this disease. The only thing that can be advised is not to touch unfamiliar street cats, as well as warn children from playing with them. If you have bitten or scratched your pet, treat the wound with an antiseptic and observe the condition of the body during the next month. If the symptoms of felinosis appear, seek help in the hospital.

Video: Feline Casarapine disease - Felinosis

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  1. The cat was scratched. Rinse this skin area with 9% vinegar. Take dark raisins, rinse, make an incision on one side and put a cut on one side, bandage, do it in the morning, in the evening, remove everything again with vinegar and put the wound with raisins again, so three days- everything will pass. Tibetan medicine.

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