There is such a profession - to defend the homeland: the story of the film "Officers". Military profession and its history

There is such a profession - to defend the homeland: the story of the film

There is such a profession - to protect the homeland. Who are these words about?

Every man should protect his homeland in the military and in peacetime. Such a profession becomes a sacred duty. Unfortunately, at present, military conflicts continue to flash in different parts of the world. Civil residents have to survive in difficult conditions, pass many tests. At such moments, people are reassessing values.

There is such a profession - to protect the homeland: the story of the film "Officers"

A significant contribution to the history of Russian culture was made by the film "Officers." The film is shot according to the story of Boris Vasiliev. The picture covers the events of the beginning of the Civil War and until the 70s of the XX century. In this film, a phrase was uttered, which has become a slogan of military personnel to date: "There is such a profession - to protect the homeland". These words were uttered by the commander of the border post, which had great importance for him.

It was very important for the director that the younger generation felt the depth of what was said and the patriotic plan of the picture. When making a movie, the Minister of Defense put forward a condition about the mandatory pronunciation of this expression, which forever remained in the subconscious of the Soviet man.

The main characters of the film are two Russian officers - Ivan Varavva and Alexei Trofimov, the relationship between whom they grow into real male friendship. For each of them, the business of life has become a worthy profession - to protect the homeland. They go from ordinary soldiers to generals.

main characters
main characters

The director reveals not only military skills in them, but also the priceless qualities of a real person. Two military professionals are ready to protect their homeland from the Nazis at all costs. The courage and courage, pride and relevance, stamina and unshakability - these qualities have carried the officers with them through their lives. In addition to friendship and war, they are united by love for one woman.

The main plot of the film It is concentrated around the Trofimov family, in which every man is devoted to his homeland. Three generations are intertwined. In the days of complex historical events, wives and mothers share with the military all the difficulties of military service. Officer wives are also worthy of awards. After all, it is their support, love and wisdom gives men an endless power.

The heroine of the film Lyuba endowed with all the qualities of a real woman. She is worthy of the title of officer wife. Her life was in constant experiences and fears. Having no right to weakness, she was able to survive the heavy blows of fate.

Love and service
Love and service
  • Lyuba was always a support for her husband Alexei, followed him, adapting to difficult life circumstances.
  • The change of place of residence, 2 wars, imprisonment, the loss of his son - all this did not break Trofimov.
  • She was able to survive and become a real fighting girlfriend not only to her husband, but also to her son, grandson, friend.
  • Tailing her grandson’s wife, she returns the girl with a cold mind to brutal reality: “Get used to being the second wife. The officer’s first wife is an army. ”

Through the whole film, the director carries two feelings - friendship and love. The main characters of the picture live for the good of other people, for the good of their homeland, in the name of duty. Ivan Varavva is no less than her friend Alexei in love with Lyuba, but she marries Trofimov. This does not affect the friendship of officers, they are ready to give their lives for each other. A woman plays an important role in the life of each of them.

Being a gray -haired old man, Ivan’s thoughts and heart are still directed to his friend's wife. Hurries in a hurry to see her and give her a bouquet of flowers. Such selfless and strong love is worthy of respect. His attitude to Lyuba can be called knightly.

After all, when the peaceful sky is above the head, we do not notice the simple delights of life. During the war, man rejoices at every new day. Material things go into the background. Above all your life and the well -being of your loved ones. But it is precisely on people that are taking place. The war flares up by the hands of man.

The Great Patriotic War was a great event of Soviet times. A huge number of people died at the front. In the heart of every veteran who survived, the events of past years are forever captured. At that difficult time, both women and children made considerable efforts to win the enemy. It was the love for the homeland that helped the Soviet man to survive.


The nature of the Soviet man always fought for justice. The war fierce the soldiers, but they always remained generous to women, old people and children. In Germany, a monument was built to a Russian warrior who saved a child. The soldier took out a German girl from the enemy shelling. There is such a monument in Russia. Such a feat is worthy of respect and eternal memory. In many cities, mass burials of unknown soldiers have been held. Each of them committed a feat, giving life for his homeland. A large number of monuments, memorials, museums are located in Belarus, Russia, Ukraine.

Protecting their homeland, the soldiers stood to death. No one was afraid to die in battle. The patriotism of soldiers is a worthy example for the younger generation. The heroism manifested in battles near Leningrad, Stalingrad, during the forcing of the Dnieper, on the Kursk arc and many other battles, became proof of the courage of Soviet soldiers and their devotion. In Soviet times, every man was brought up with a sense of patriotism and love for the motherland.

Military profession and its history

The military profession has deep historical roots. Warriors had various images and protected their native lands.

  • In primitive tribes, the leaders defended their tribes and territories. In the V century. In Asian and African countries, early feudal states were formed. They were defended by a people's militia, in the center of which the feudal squad was located.
  • In the Middle Ages, knights acted as defenders. During the reign of kings, every man of the noble family was supposed to undergo military training. Those who were moving away from service in the army were ridiculed.
  • During the reign of Peter I in Russia, the first Streletsky regiments were organized. In the same period, the squads of the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks were created in Ukraine. The appearance of the first officers is not tied in history to a specific date. In centralized states, the army was organized, and its filling took place by hiring people for the period of hostilities.
  • In the 17th century In Russia, there were up to 2 thousand officers.
  • At the beginning of the 19th century Their number reached 12 thousand. Before the outbreak of World War I, the officers reached more than 40 thousand at the time of the collapse of the USSR due to low financing, military service reckoning significantly decreased. With the advent of the state with the legislative system, a military profession was formed.
  • The first military museums reflecting military-historical events appeared in the 18th century. By order of Peter I. At present, there are a huge number of museums displaying the events of World War II.
Honorary Service
Honorary Service

Each state defends its borders even in peacetime. The more lands and natural resources, the more military personnel. For a competent defensive strategy, it is necessary to prepare professional military units. Thus, the demand and necessity in the profession of the military is increasing. The armed forces are a guarantor of the integrity and sovereignty of the country.

Each country needs devoted soldiers, but not every person is ready to knit his future with a military affair. Choosing a military profession, a person should be ready for a high physical and psychological stress. The service will need high endurance and endurance, the ability to work in a team. Each soldier should have highly developed self -organization and discipline.

A military man must be ready for immediate fulfillment of the tasks. Unworthy behavior is absolutely unacceptable. In the service, a hierarchy of military titles is built. Soldiers are divided into guidelines and subordinates. Submission is a very important component of each warrior.

There are many advantages in military service
There are many advantages in military service

The military profession has a number of advantages:

  • The state provides soldiers with benefits and material goods. Preferential use of state transport, long leave and early exit on a well -deserved rest.
  • Some titles allow you to accrue a high pension.
  • Families of military personnel, subject to certain conditions, can count on their own housing. A military specialty can be obtained in secondary and higher educational institutions.
  • The training is provided for training. The military family will have to face some difficulties. The service can take place in different cities, so relatives will have repeatedly changed residence.
  • When performing, you should be patient, as you will have to face an irregular working day and urgent business trips.
  • The job responsibilities are prescribed in the Charter of the Armed Forces and Constitution of the country.
  • The exercises can take place not only on land, but also in the aquatic or air environment.
  • Military personnel are forbidden to organize private business. At any time, peaceful service can develop into real fighting that threaten life.
  • The desire to become a military must first of all be your vocation. Becoming a military man, you take responsibility for the peace and safety of your homeland.
  • People in form always cause respect and pride. Even with a possible increased danger, the profession of a military is considered prestigious. Civilians have endless gratitude to soldiers and the military. In the modern world, a large number of people consider this profession ungrateful and therefore evade military service.
  • The demand for the profession among young people is low. Despite the high financial income, strict order and all kinds of restrictions from the benefits of the world, they repel the desire from the younger generation. Nevertheless, military service brings strong qualities in a person and provides an opportunity to work in military units, garrisons, organizations.
  • Military title allows you to realize in the field of education. A purposeful soldier has enough opportunities for career growth.
Defenders of the Motherland
Defenders of the Motherland

Many follow in the footsteps of the previous generation. Most often, men choose such a profession, since heavy and rough work is implied. However, women's training is also allowed. Young girls choose the profession of telephoners, translator, economist, paramedic, etc. In addition to physical training for the military, mental abilities are very important. In order to provide for a possible danger and carefully plan further events, analytical abilities are important in the service.

Military professions can be divided into several categories:

  • Professions requiring high physical training. Among them, the service in special forces, landing and ground forces, in the navy, in the service of federal security, etc.
  • Technical professions. Ensuring the uninterrupted functioning of military equipment in communications, aviation, etc.
  • Management of military vehicles. Drivers undergoes special training in managing military vehicles, air and sea vehicles, combat vehicles, etc.
  • Professions related to activities in the scientific and research fields.The military create various technologies and development.

By passing training, you can choose such professions as a military doctor, engineer, pilot, pilot, signalman, etc. All of them evoke honor and respect, besides well -paid.

There are a lot of military in Russia
There are a lot of military in Russia

Military personnel for the whole people are a model of courage and courage. The younger generation should respect their past and appreciate the peaceful sky above his head. In order to honor the memory of the events of past days, solemn events are held in Russia on the day of the defender of the Fatherland. From school time, it is necessary to form a sense of patriotism and love for the homeland. "There is such a profession - to protect the homeland" - He who once said this to his heart will forever remain devoted to his state and will not turn off the intended path.

Video: How to become a defender of the homeland?

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