What you need to keep secret: the advice of the Eastern sages

What you need to keep secret: the advice of the Eastern sages

What you need to keep secret, why is it better to do - about this in our article.

Human communication is the basis of people's life. Through communication with others, we build relationships - personal and professional, exchange information. But there is some private sphere, into which even close people should not be allowed, whether it be friends or relatives. So what should not be discussed with other people, what should you keep secret?

What you need to keep secret: Eastern wisdom

Eastern culture, along with science and art, has a rich spiritual fullness. Each action, thoughts and actions of a person is a certain energy that can be turned both in good and evil. Eastern sages identify 7 things that must be kept secret.

What you need to keep secret:

  • The recipe for a successful business - Your plans for the future or secret of a prosperous business. It seems that such knowledge needs to be shared with people in order to help them also achieve success and prosperity. But it happens that the effect can be directly opposite. What is suitable for one person turns into misfortune for another. If your own strength and mental energy are not invested, the desire to get everything and can immediately lead to failure. Intervention from the outside can interfere with your own ideas. Until the plans are carried out, keep them secret.
  • The good deeds you do. Kindness and mercy become rare qualities in our time. Do not tell anyone about your charity. To maintain the purity of the soul, good deeds must be disinterested. If you are talking about them, then you are proud of your actions, trying to rise above others, you will not compassion for sincerely in need. Such good deeds will not bring joy to you or to whom you hold out a helping hand.
Good deeds go heart
What should you keep secret?
  • Moral - Own pure thoughts, religiosity, restrictions in food, material benefits, sexual relations. You cannot talk about your lifestyle and put it as an example to others. This path of purification of the soul is your own choice. He has true value if you experience emotional harmony with the world. If you are bursting with pride from the “right life”, the desire to shame and teach others, this is just a self -love.
  • Own courage. All people are given tests in life. The external tests were sent to someone-to prove themselves in a battle, in an emergency, to help someone in trouble. Others have to experience internal battles, which no one will notice - overcoming themselves and their own fear, illness, deprivation. For such daily courage, they do not assign awards. Therefore, wise is one who does not boast of his own heroic deeds, because we are not given to know what a heavy struggle another person wages.
The strength of the weak can not be compared with the courage of the hero
What should you keep secret?
  • Personal life. Do not rush to tell anyone about your family, problems, conflicts. The less you will “take out the cables from the hut”, the stronger and confidential your family relationships will be. Do not discuss your family members with anyone. Your children, spouse, parents are the closest and dear people. Even if some misunderstanding arose, discuss it in the family, and not with third parties. Perhaps in a couple of days, you will already forget about the quarrel.
  • Bad words. If you heard unpleasant things about someone, you do not need to share this with others. Do not get your mind, collecting and transmitting gossip. Lean all the negative words that you hear how you leave dirty shoes behind the threshold.
  • Spiritual knowledge. It would seem that you should share with the surrounding the knowledge that we have received. Spiritual knowledge can be comprehended only at a certain level of consciousness. The desire to convey the truth to a person can turn into distrust and misunderstanding. If someone asks, you can only give advice in a particular situation. But you cannot teach someone spiritual purity. This path of achieving inner harmony has its own.
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What you need to keep secret: modern life

Each person receives a huge amount of information daily. Friends, relatives, colleagues, acquaintances - all these people, one way or another, can affect our lives. To protect yourself from unnecessary conversations and negativity, you should understand that there are certain things that cannot be discussed with anyone.

What you need to keep secret:

  • Salary. No matter how much you earn, the exact amount can never be voiced when talking. Someone will feel annoyed from their own inferiority, someone will consider that you are working for a penny. Still others will begin to plan a budget for you. The best way out is not to give a reason for such thoughts.
  • Debts. Furious debt obligations are always inhibited, but you should not talk about your debts and other financial problems. Most likely, such a conversation will not help you, but it can create a reputation as an unreliable person.
  • Spending. Our life is full of stress, restrictions and unrealizable desires. Sometimes the desire to buy something that may not afford at all, overpowers all the arguments of the mind. Remember that you are free to dispose of your finances at your discretion. And so that there is no conversation and condemnations, keep your expenses secret.
Do not discuss your financial affairs with anyone
Do not discuss your financial affairs with anyone
  • Future plans. Whether it is a long -awaited trip, a large purchase, promotion in a career - do not devote to your plans to others. Better make all efforts to achieve the plan. If successful, you yourself will receive satisfaction and please the people really loving you. If something prevents your plans, draw conclusions and choose another goal.
  • A secret entrusted to you by someone. There are situations when it is necessary to speak out, tell about your pain, hear advice or words of comfort. If you were chosen as a person who has been poured out of the soul, under no circumstances, do not deceive this trust. Do not talk to anyone about what you heard in secret. You can destroy a person’s reputation and your own with one careless word.

Video: 7 secrets that you can’t tell anyone

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