What to do if a child’s snake, a dog, an adult bit? First aid for a bite of a poisonous snake

What to do if a child’s snake, a dog, an adult bit? First aid for a bite of a poisonous snake

First aid for a snake bit.

The summer season is associated with a large number of picnics, sorties to nature, as well as a vacation outside the city. However, along with pleasant moments, a person can also wait for the dangers, such as snakes. From May to September there are a huge number of them, especially in places of swampy, with a large number of stones, and last year's foliage. In this article we will tell you what to do with the bit of the snake. 

What to do if the snake bites?

Usually they are found in landings, forests and ruins of old buildings, where there are practically no people. In the regions of Russia, there are a sufficient number of poisonous snakes, and often their bites lead to death, if first medical care is incorrectly provided. Ideally, the victim must be delivered to the hospital for about an hour and a half. Therefore, you should not delay, you must immediately call a taxi, go to the hospital. A person will be introduced an antidote, as well as provide medical care. 

What to do if the snake bites:

  • Provide the rest of the victim, and if possible raise the limb up. That is, if it is a leg, lay the victim on the back, and tie your leg to the branch with a rope or belt.
  • If possible, it is necessary to attach ice, Pre -wrapping it in the fabric. Excellent if there is a first -aid kit in the arsenal, in this case it is necessary to give antihistamines, which reduce an allergic reaction.
  • Remember that in this area, edema with hemorrhages in the bite area is developing very quickly. Therefore, in no case should you put on transmitting things, and even more so to use the tourniquet.It in no way prevents the spread of poison, only exacerbates the situation. Next, it is necessary to solder the victim with a large amount of water. Refuse the use of coffee.
Poisonous snake
Poisonous snake

What to do if a person bites a snake - first aid

It is best to drink a patient with water, broth, or compote. In no case should you give the victim alcohol. It does not remove the poison from the body, but poisons it even more. In tandem with poison, alcoholic drinks can significantly aggravate the situation, cause the development of cardiovascular ailments. 

What to do if a person bites a snake - first aid:

  • If there is a first aid kit, in addition to antihistamines, give the victim aspirin or Ibufen. These are non -steroidal anti -inflammatory drugs that will help improve the condition and reduce the development of edema.
  • Remember that first of all, with a bit of a snake, the heart suffers. Therefore, it is necessary to give drugs that improve its work. Suitable Validol or Valocordin. 
  • The main danger from the bite of the snakes is suffocation, Quincke's edema, respiratory arrest, heart impairment. However, according to modern data, the death from the snake’s bite occurs extremely rarely, and happens only with weakened elderly people, as well as young children, up to two years old.
  • When conducting proper medical first aid, it is possible to completely neutralize the bite, and to make it not dangerous. 

What to do if the child was bitten by the snake?

Children are the most susceptible category, it is among children that deaths are most found. This is due to a small body weight and not formed immunity.

What to do if the child was bitten by the snake:

  • Therefore, it is necessary to act very quickly and instantly deliver the child to the hospital. Before the arrival of an ambulance arrives, it is necessary to suck poison. To do this, hold the place of the bite in the fold, as a result of which the wound will open, a drop of liquid will come from it.
  • It must be sucked with the mouth of the mouth and spit out. So it is necessary to repeat several times, as a result of which the mouth must be thoroughly rinsed. The manipulation is relatively safe, even if in the mouth of a person providing first aid, there are wounds and caries.
  • In addition, it is necessary to try to immobilize the limb or place of the bite. The fact is that during muscle work, the poison spreads very quickly throughout the body and reaches lymph nodes the fastest.
  • So that this does not happen,immobilize hand or leg, attach cold. Be sure to give the child antihistamines if you have them. The poison is neutralized using a special serum, which is available in hospitals.

What to do so as not to bit the snake?

The best way to protect yourself from snakes is caution. Therefore, if you live in a private house, snakes are found on your site, you need to deal with the old buildings, a pile of stones, as well as mow the grass and remove weeds.

What to do so that the snake does not bite:

  • Snakes usually live in areas in which you can hide. Usually it is somewhere in the bushes, in the old foliage, as well as between the stones. If there are no such sites near the house, then the probability of encountering the snake is very low.
  • If you are going to a picnic or in the forest, be sure to take a first -aid kit with you. In tourist stores, special antidotes from the snake’s bite are now being implemented. They are sold in disposable syringes, one dose is enough to neutralize the bite.
  • In addition, it is advisable to wear tall, rubber boots, dense pants, which the viper cannot bite, while walking in the forest. Basically, the snakes are not aggressive, and they themselves will not attack a person.
  • They bite only if they stepped on them, lay down or sat down. That is why take a stick with you for a walk, and in the place where tall grass or bush grows, move with a stick. This is done in order to drive snakes and vipers with the help of noise. In most cases, the snake bites if you are stepping on it. That is why shoes should be closed, because the first thing for which the snake bites- this is lower limbs. 

What to do if the dog bites the snake?

Often in nature, snakes bite dogs. Basically, the bite falls into the area of \u200b\u200bthe nasolabial triangle, since the dogs have the habit of sniffing. What harm has a snake bite for a dog? If everything is done correctly, deliver the dog to the veterinarian, then there will be no consequences.

What to do if the dog was bitten by the snake:

  • However, you should not worry particularly, since the likelihood that the dog will die is small. It is mainly necessary to provide the dog with peace, drink some antihistamine, and let it lie down. Set the dog with water, it is to accelerate the excretion of the poison.
  • You can give diuretics and constantly solder with water. If the dog does not want to drink, enter it every 5 minutes in 5 ml of water, using a syringe. Usually the dog stands after a bite of snakes after about 5-6 hours.
  • However, this may not have very good consequences, since after a bite, the heart, kidneys, as well as the liver can suffer. It is these organs that fight the consequences of the poison, the condition of the dog worsens. 

What should not be done if the snake is bitten?

A snake bite is fatal only in 2% of cases. In other situations, it is possible to save a person, while without complications or with minimal. However, first medical care must be provided correctly. There are a number of prohibitions that should be followed when providing first aid.

What should not be done if the snake is bitten:

  • Water the place of the snake's bite with alcohol. The fact is that alcohol enhances blood circulation, thereby contributes to the penetration of poison into deeper layers and organs. 
  • Cauterize the place of the bite. Many people think that if you burn this place, it will be possible to border the movement of poison. However, in fact, an increase in temperature provokes the further spread of poisonous substances. 
  • Put on the area of \u200b\u200bdefeat a tourniquet. The fact is that edema often occurs in this area, so excess transit can cause necrosis and death of tissues, but will not stop the spread of poison throughout the body. 
Poisonous snake
Poisonous snake

The snake of viper bites: First aid

If there are some wounds in the mouth, then you can suck the poison with a can. Usually they use a small jar, mayonnaise, or those that manipulate with colds are suitable.

To do this, you need to take a wick, immerse a can, and then draw a neck around the circumference. Next, it is necessary to attach this jar to the place of the bite, so that it is in the center. Under the influence of heat, the fabric will draw into the jar, thereby the poison will go out. A kind of vacuum is created. 

The snake of viper, first aid bit:

  • Experts say that the best way to fully suck the venom from the wound is to use vacuum suction cups or special pumps. Now on sale you can find first aid sets with a snake bit.
  • They are piston pumps, with nozzles, which are very similar to banks with holes. The most suitable bank is selected, which completely covers the edema and with the help of the pump the fabric is absorbed inward.
  • Thus, the poison completely leaves the wound. The most interesting thing is that if a person bites a snake once, then with a repeated collision the consequences of the bite will be barely noticeable. The appropriate immunity, that is, antibodies, with the help of which a person fights the consequences, forms in the body.

What to do if a poisonous snake bites?

How to understand the poisonous snake bit or not? In most cases, the poisonous snakes have two large sharp teeth in which there are tubules that serve poison.

What to do if the poisonous snake bites:

  • Accordingly, after the attack of a poisonous individual, you will find two small punctures, but deep enough. If a non -nuclear snake, for example, a copper woman, is bitten, is very similar to a terrible, then several traces will remain on the leg.
  • Since they have many teeth, they are not poisonous. The consequences from the bite of an unhappy snake are such as after a regular cut or scratch. That is, anaphylactic shock, edema, dizziness, loss of consciousness will not.
  • Only slight tingling are felt, and painful sensations in the places of damage. After a few days, such a wound is delayed.

Unfortunately, now in Russia not all hospitals have an antidote from the bite of the vipers. If it comes to rural areas, then, most likely, there will be no antidote in the hospital. Therefore, a person will be taken to the regional or district hospital. 

Video: First aid for a snake bite

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