What will happen if you eat a lot of ascorbic acid? Why you can’t eat a lot of ascorbic acid: consequences

What will happen if you eat a lot of ascorbic acid? Why you can’t eat a lot of ascorbic acid: consequences

The consequences of taking a large amount of ascorbic acid.

Ascorbic acid is a healthy, vital component that should be present in sufficient quantities and enter the body daily. It is administered both along with food and using drugs. Now in pharmacies a wide range of multivitamin complexes, as well as to all the usual tablets of ascorbic acid. In this article we will talk about the consequences of an overdose and taking a large amount of vitamin C.

What will happen if you eat a lot of ascorbic acid?

The disadvantage of this component adversely affects the work of all organs, the redox reactions slow down, and the rate of metabolism is reduced. A person as a whole feels very bad. Now many pediatricians, as well as therapists during a cold, are prescribed together with drugs and vitamin C. It is believed that when taking a decent amount of absorbed acid, the cold passes faster, the body recovers. This is true because vitamin C contributes to the development of its own immunity.

It is during the treatment of a cold that an overdose of ascorbic acid is often observed. Many people think that an increase in quantity leads to a faster recovery. In fact, this is a mistake, because the overdose is more harmful than the lack of vitamin C. This is especially true for children.

Read the symptoms of an overdose below.

Excessive use of vitamin C prevents the normal absorption of group B vitamins, as well as some minerals and trace elements. Accordingly, if the concentration of vitamin C increases, the digestibility of other vitamins, as well as nutrients, decreases, which can subsequently affect the work of all organs.

Why you can’t eat a lot of ascorbic acid: consequences

Doctors note that a constant overabundance of taking vitamin C helps to form kidney stones, because this vitamin is water -soluble. Accordingly, almost everything passes through a natural filter - kidneys and liver. With constant abuse of ascorbic acid can observe pain in the kidneys, as well as the formation of stones. Therefore, we do not recommend using such vitamins in large quantities.

One of the symptoms of an overdose is not only the nausea of \u200b\u200bvomiting, but also weakness, dizziness. This is due to the poor assimilation of other trace elements, as well as vitamins.

Contraindications to the use of ascorbic acid in large dosages (500 mg or more):

  • Hypovitaminosis and hypervitaminosis
  • Bleeding and recovery after surgical interventions
  • Hemorrhagic diathesis
  • Diabetes
  • Hemochromatosis (violations of metabolic processes associated with the assimilation of iron)
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • Talassemia (disease with impaired hemoglobin production by the body)
  • Nephrolithiasis and other kidney diseases
  • Hyperxaluria (characterized by excessive secretion of oxalic acid by the kidneys)

Signs of an overdose of ascorbic acid

Often vitamins are prescribed to strengthen blood vessels, as well as in order to stimulate collagen production. Often used for stomatitis, gingivitis, because the integrity of the gums depends on the presence of vitamin C in the body. With excessive use, there may be symptoms of an overdose. Usually this occurs if drugs are used in the autumn-winter period, during viral diseases, SARS, as well as influenza. An overdose may occur when taking a large number of products that contain vitamin C. Usually it is citrus. It is often observed in babies when using the drug for therapeutic purposes.

Please note that a lot of this substance is contained in citrus fruits, rosehips, tomatoes, in Bulgarian pepper, melons. There are many symptoms of an overdose, even if you have taken a not very large amount of vitamin C.

Signs of an overdoseascorbic acid :

  • Decrease in performance
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Vomit
  • Kidney stones
  • Disruption of the heart
  • Allergic reactions that often cause rashes on the body, skin itching
  • Hormonal imbalance, amenorrhea in women

The child ate the entire jar of ascorbic acid, what to do?

The deadly dose of vitamin C is 23 g. Because of this, the pancreas refuses to work. An overdose is very dangerous for people who suffer from diabetes, cataracts and pregnant women. With such a dosage that is contained in one package, there should be no consequences. If you are very worried, give the crumbs the absorbent. Suitable:

  • Smecta
  • Enterosgel
  • Coal
  • Polysorb

In order to avoid allergies, you can give antihistamines. Suitable: Eden, Citrin, Diazolin, Loratadin.

If you ate many capsules at a time, then most likely the following consequences can be observed:

  • Stool disorder
  • The formation of a large amount of gases in the stomach
  • Intestinal discomfort

In order to avoid overdose, special complexes are prescribed that contain not only ascorbic acid, but also other components necessary for the body. Please note that it is worth avoiding joint taking vitamin C with aspirin. Because irritation of the mucous membrane, severe thinning of blood can be observed, which can cause bleeding. If you take a lot of vitamin C, the absorption of vitamin B12 is disturbed. Therefore, try to use the drug only as prescribed by a doctor and not exceed the dosage.

Remember: Everything is useful only in moderation.

Video: overdose of vitamin C

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Comments K. article

  1. Nonsense and lies !!! The shock dose of vitamin can cause a small allergic reaction, which is easily eliminated by Suppostin. And in order to get an allergic reaction, you need to eat a lot of vitamin. Doctors do not need you to quickly recover, they need you to buy expensive and preferably useless medicines. I will not list. I’ll say easier, the more expensive the more useless.

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