How the psychologist differs from a psychiatrist, psychotherapist, psychoanalyst: comparison, difference, difference. Who treats depression, OCR, alcoholism, from excess weight: psychologist or psychotherapist? Psychologist or psychotherapist: Who is better to choose?

How the psychologist differs from a psychiatrist, psychotherapist, psychoanalyst: comparison, difference, difference. Who treats depression, OCR, alcoholism, from excess weight: psychologist or psychotherapist? Psychologist or psychotherapist: Who is better to choose?

The difference between a psychologist, psychiatrist and a psychotherapist.

We have a fairly large number of psychotherapists, psychologists, psychoanalysts and psychiatrists in our country. Many of us do not see much difference between these specialists, but this is not so. In fact, the difference is huge and we will try to figure it out.

Who is a psychologist, psychotherapist, psychiatrist and psychoanalyst?

Psychologist He studies a person’s reactions to various situations and incidents. That is, he explains why a person behaves this way in a particular situation and how to correct his emotional state. We can say that this is a doctor of emotions. Most often, such a specialist can be found in schools or gardens. The psychologist talks with the child and determines what drives a person and for what reasons his actions are committed. The psychologist also helps to avoid certain negative reactions, to some incidents. This specialist cannot diagnose. He can recommend contacting a psychoanalyst or a psychotherapist. In our country, there are often a wide profile specialists who are engaged in both psychoanalysis and the treatment of nerve ailments.

Psychotherapist -A person who is engaged in a variety of neurosis and depression caused by a particular incident. That is, the terrible state of the patient associated with a bad event, it can be the death of a loved one or some kind of accident. The psychotherapist is not born in childhood or in the brain of the patient. He simply tries to change the reaction of a person to what is happening and alleviate his condition. Such a specialist can give wise tips and tries to change the patient's eyes.

Psychiatrist - is engaged in the treatment of mental illness, which are caused by damage or damage to brain cells. That is, all measures for the treatment of a serious mental state, mental illness are reduced to the correction and elimination of brain damage. Most often, patients of psychiatrists fall out of ordinary life due to not the possibility of an adequate reaction to what is happening. Such patients are in the clinic for mentally ill. In most cases, psychiatrists can be seen in special institutions, clinics. They are engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of mentally ill.

Psychoanalyst - A doctor who is engaged in psychoanalysis. It helps to eliminate serious problems in behavior with the help of a word.

The difference between a psychologist and a psychiatrist
The difference between a psychologist and a psychiatrist

How the psychologist differs from a psychiatrist, psychotherapist, psychoanalyst: comparison, difference, difference

Psychologist He does not treat diseases, he only tries to help a person to understand himself. He simply explains the actions of a person, given the situation. Often the services are used by parents of young children. The psychologist explains why the child behaves like that and what to do to avoid aggression and nervousness of the baby.

Psychiatrist He is engaged in severe disorders in the psyche due to damage to the brain. Most often, drug treatment is used to calm a person and bring him to a more sane condition. Physiotherapy and a variety of methods are also used.

Psychotherapist It is dealing with neurosis that arose as a result of stressful situations. He does not deepen into human behavior. It is important for him to find the reason for the breakdown and deal with her. The psychologist does not heal any ailments, he in an advisory form helps to deal with a person’s reactions to certain stimuli.

Psychoanalyst He is engaged in psychoanalysis, deep psychology, seeks the cause of a nervous breakdown or mental disorder and, with the help of this knowledge, helps a person gain balance.

At a consultation with a psychologist
At a consultation with a psychologist

Who treats depression, OCR, alcoholism, from excess weight: psychologist or psychotherapist?

All these ailments are treated by a psychotherapist. A psychologist cannot cope with alcoholism and stress. It will only alleviate the condition and justify the cause of your behavior.
The psychotherapist with hypnosis and suggestion will help to work out some reactions. Simply put, he programs your head to control the amount of food. In the same way, squeamishness and non -consumption of alcohol are caused.

Psychologist Does not possess the skills of hypnosis and self -hypnosis.

Psychologist Just help to change the attitude to what is happening and love your body, despite overweight. He does not deal with the treatment of alcoholism and excess weight. Although now there are specialists of a wide profile who are engaged in both behavior correction and the treatment of some diseases.

Children's psychologist with a child
Children's psychologist with a child

Psychologist or psychotherapist: Who is better to choose?

The choice of a specialist depends on the problem that needs to be treated.

If you have depression and neurosis, then it is better to consult psychotherapist. It can prescribe drug treatment and a variety of procedures.

If some life situations are alarming and fear, then you should turn to psychologist. He will show you the problem from a different angle and will help change its perception.

Actually psychologist It will not help you solve the problem, it will only change your attitude to it.

Consultation with a psychologist
Consultation with a psychologist

If you have serious mental health problems, then refer to psychoanalyst.

In the case of mental disorders, sign up for admission to psychiatrist.

Video: The difference between a psychologist and a psychiatrist

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